Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

Gun Enthusiast object to Doctors looking into gun deaths

Even as America faces a crisis unrivaled in any other developed country, the Congress prohibits the CDC from conducting the very research that would help us understand the problems associated with gun violence and determine how to reduce the high rate of firearm-related deaths and injuries,” said AMA President Dr. Steven Stack, in a written statement.

“An epidemiological analysis of gun violence is vital so physicians and other health providers, law enforcement and society at large may be able to prevent injury, death and other harms to society resulting from firearms,” he added.


The Most Powerful Medical Association In The U.S. Gears Up To Fight Congress Over Guns
---------------------- only thing that Doctors should do is fix the patients and mind their own business Tyrone .
Learning about prevention of gun shot death is their business....
Actually their business is treating injuries not preventing them
-------------------------------- agreed , treat the patients , do it for money so that the doctor can pay his upkeep and then just mind his own business .

Yeah a doctor should mind his own business just like everyone else
Since you are now resorting to childish name-calling, please tell us what you think gun registration will accomplish?

Since I have some other time commitments....I'll respond later about what registration will accomplish.

Meanwhile just ponder the reverse question: What do gun owners have to hide by NOT registering their guns? Every one of the amendments has had to yield to modifications.....but the 2nd seems to be sacrosanct....mostly due to the NRA lobbying.
------------------------------- nothing to prove , innocent to go about your business buying and selling until found to be doing illegal acts NAT .
in other words , Americans are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty Nat .
Since you are now resorting to childish name-calling, please tell us what you think gun registration will accomplish?

Since I have some other time commitments....I'll respond later about what registration will accomplish.

Meanwhile just ponder the reverse question: What do gun owners have to hide by NOT registering their guns? Every one of the amendments has had to yield to modifications.....but the 2nd seems to be sacrosanct....mostly due to the NRA lobbying.

No, there have been numerous limitations placed on the 2nd. Felons, those declared insane, and others are not allowed to buy firearms. Background checks by dealers and restrictions on the ability to purchase many guns.

Registration of guns will not prevent any crimes.
------------------------------ its not preventive anything , if a guy gets shot he then tries to get it fixed if he can . Your ideas a simply politics Tyrone .
We don't need to prevent gun shot deaths and injuries by all means ? what are you on drugs
------------------------------ its not preventive anything , if a guy gets shot he then tries to get it fixed if he can . Your ideas a simply politics Tyrone .
We don't need to prevent gun shot deaths and injuries by all means ? what are you on drugs
--------------------- some people just need shooting , your doctor study is just politics Tyrone .
--------------------- some people just need shooting , your doctor study is just politics Tyrone .
You Need Brain :badgrin:
and Katrina has been mentioned , here is a blast to the past just for grins . --- old ladies gun confiscated by cops during katrina - Bing video --- she was disarmed simply because the 'kings men' or cops knew that she had a gun Tyrone and Nat .
here is a blast to the present..a nut job killed 50 with easily accessible assault weapons ...
------------------------ Orlando gays shoulda been armed and there is a big push amongst west Hollywood Gay to do that Tyrone . I'll get info for you Tyrone .
and Katrina has been mentioned , here is a blast to the past just for grins . --- old ladies gun confiscated by cops during katrina - Bing video --- she was disarmed simply because the 'kings men' or cops knew that she had a gun Tyrone and Nat .
here is a blast to the present..a nut job killed 50 with easily accessible assault weapons ...
------------------------ Orlando gays shoulda been armed and there is a big push amongst west Hollywood Gay to do that Tyrone . I'll get info for you Tyrone .
and Katrina has been mentioned , here is a blast to the past just for grins . --- old ladies gun confiscated by cops during katrina - Bing video --- she was disarmed simply because the 'kings men' or cops knew that she had a gun Tyrone and Nat .
here is a blast to the present..a nut job killed 50 with easily accessible assault weapons ...
----------------------------- it was a muslim with a muslim religious agenda that killed the Orlando Gays Tyrone . He killed the Gays simply because they were Gay which is what muslim do to Gays whenever they can Tyrone.
----------------------------- it was a muslim with a muslim religious agenda that killed the Orlando Gays Tyrone . He killed the Gays simply because they were Gay which is what muslim do to Gays whenever they can Tyrone.

It was a New York born American using his Second Amendment to resolve personal demons ....those are the facts..we need assault weapons for what ? to feel secure LOL
Since you are now resorting to childish name-calling, please tell us what you think gun registration will accomplish?

Since I have some other time commitments....I'll respond later about what registration will accomplish.

Meanwhile just ponder the reverse question: What do gun owners have to hide by NOT registering their guns? Every one of the amendments has had to yield to modifications.....but the 2nd seems to be sacrosanct....mostly due to the NRA lobbying.
The "what do you have to hide" meme.

I've nothing to hide. The 2nd amendment has yielded to modification. Yet the modifications have produce 0, zero results.

We're I to be pulled over and the officer gave me the "what are you hiding" line I would tell him the same thing. Nothing to hide. Get a fucking search warrant if you want to search my vehicle!

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