Why do gun-enthusiasts OBJECT to registering their weapons?

BINGO!! Just another example of the left wanting to turn us over to "Big Brother".

...and here you are with your avatar flaunting your service to "big brother".....(kind of a love-hate with that brother of yours)

Guess you never had the guts to serve, huh? Oh, and by the way, that Avatar you refer to is of my Father an Air Force Officer.
Nope - you have a license for taxation purposes. Think about it. You get your License and registration from the "Department of Revenue".

What???? I get my license and registration for my car by the Dept. of Revenue???
Guess you never had the guts to serve, huh?

You should only know.......(but not a history to share in this right wing forum.)

Indeed. I'm sure.

I'm positive he was in uniform long before any of the rest of us, and enjoyed his time wearing it.

I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.

Like, for example, a national registry where my name was in during the Vietnam draft???

Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution allows Congress to raise an army.

You really need to stop creating these threads because every time you do you just end up looking like a complete dipshit, which we already know you are, but there's no reason to keep humiliating yourself.
------------------------ yeah , Nat keeps getting his azz handed to him and he is an old guy , you'd think that he'd KNOW a thing or 2 .
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I'm certainly older than you and of Scottish extraction. YOU are the German here dearie. They loved gun control. The Jews, not so much.

So tell me that extensive history of gun confiscation by the US government.....
------------------------ USA is only a couple hundred years old but listen to the gun confiscation noise always coming out of mrobama and his bootLickers . mrobama likes Australia gun confiscation Nat .
Cars are registered if you drive on public roads. If you keep it on private property you are not required to register it, have a license or whatever.

So you keep your guns JUST inside your home enclave/bunker??

I said nothing of the kind. (Although the label you applied, "enclave/bunker", speaks volumes)

I was just shooting down the comparison between cars and guns.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Hey nat, the law is still that an 18 year old male registers with selective service. Just giving a public service reminder.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

The primary reason for the 2nd Amendment was to secure "the people's" right to protect themselves and their States against a tyrannical government should the need to do so ever arise.

Given that context, what sense does it make for "the people" to register their firearms with a government that they may one day have to defend themselves against?
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Registration accomplishes nothing in the interest of the people, only in the interest of the government

It's funny - I just watched (last night) the old movie "Red Dawn" and while it was a corny bit of fun - there was one bit of scariness during the movie. The Cuban Commander (after the initial invasion) tells his second to "go to the sporting good store and get for 4295? for the lists of gun owners and types of guns"

Fiction? to be sure. But just imagine.....

Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners commit crimes. The left can't even come up with a reasonable argument how gun laws help anyone other than the government just wanting to know who has what guns

I've owned guns since I was a child. I own guns (for hunting, target shooting and self-defense) to this day. I have a large cache' of ammo because I purchase it when I can get it cheap. I live 60 miles from the nearest town and it's a small town at that. I have killed humans with guns (and I state that regrettably) when the government of the United States instructed me to - and to save the life of my squad members and myself. Any idiot that believes that killing is "fun" or it in any way whatsoever resembles a video game needs to be examined by a Doctor immediately. I left Viet Nam in 1968 - and to this day I live with what happened there. I don't wish that on anyone.
The other night my grandson was allowed to watch 13 Hours with the rest of the family. He plays those war video games 36 hours a day. He watched the movie until the blood started flying and told his dad he didn't feel good and said he was going to bed. I noticed the past 2 days he has started riding his bicycle more than he normally does.
Think about it....We register our cars...we register to vote....we used to register for the draft, etc. AND, gun enthusiasts on here simply LOVE to flaunt their knowledge of their guns, calibers, magazines, eta l......
YET, mention to them that they should register their weapons to a centralized data base, and they go ballistic (pardon the expression.)

Registration accomplishes nothing in the interest of the people, only in the interest of the government

It's funny - I just watched (last night) the old movie "Red Dawn" and while it was a corny bit of fun - there was one bit of scariness during the movie. The Cuban Commander (after the initial invasion) tells his second to "go to the sporting good store and get for 4295? for the lists of gun owners and types of guns"

Fiction? to be sure. But just imagine.....

Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners commit crimes. The left can't even come up with a reasonable argument how gun laws help anyone other than the government just wanting to know who has what guns

I've owned guns since I was a child. I own guns (for hunting, target shooting and self-defense) to this day. I have a large cache' of ammo because I purchase it when I can get it cheap. I live 60 miles from the nearest town and it's a small town at that. I have killed humans with guns (and I state that regrettably) when the government of the United States instructed me to - and to save the life of my squad members and myself. Any idiot that believes that killing is "fun" or it in any way whatsoever resembles a video game needs to be examined by a Doctor immediately. I left Viet Nam in 1968 - and to this day I live with what happened there. I don't wish that on anyone.
The other night my grandson was allowed to watch 13 Hours with the rest of the family. He plays those war video games 36 hours a day. He watched the movie until the blood started flying and told his dad he didn't feel good and said he was going to bed. I noticed the past 2 days he has started riding his bicycle more than he normally does.

I, too, recently watched 13 hours and, thankfully, they left "politics" out except to point out that the F-16s never left the ground and that "there wasn't any protests" before the attack. Really good movie. But it did serve to point out that these folks were abandoned by this country. Which is a fact that Hillary Clinton simply can NOT hide from, Her, and her State Department are responsible for those deaths.

Personally, for me, the most poignant part of the movie was when they WERE evacuated from Libya, they left on a Libyan plane and a private oil companies executive plane. We couldn't be bothered to even send an America plane to get them home.

She will carry that to her miserable grave.
I'm certainly older than you and of Scottish extraction. YOU are the German here dearie. They loved gun control. The Jews, not so much.

So tell me that extensive history of gun confiscation by the US government.....

Already answered dumbass, (said with my best valley girl accent) we have this thing called the 2nd Amendment, and it you knowww limits what government can doo. Sooo, that when, like the government is finally able to get rid of the you know 2nd Amendment thingy, then the government...can like take the guns away....you know.... Till then, (reverting back to normal voice) there hasn't been gun confiscation because the 2nd Amendment prevents it. Which is why you progressives are trying to destroy it.
Registration accomplishes nothing in the interest of the people, only in the interest of the government

It's funny - I just watched (last night) the old movie "Red Dawn" and while it was a corny bit of fun - there was one bit of scariness during the movie. The Cuban Commander (after the initial invasion) tells his second to "go to the sporting good store and get for 4295? for the lists of gun owners and types of guns"

Fiction? to be sure. But just imagine.....

Only a tiny fraction of legal gun owners commit crimes. The left can't even come up with a reasonable argument how gun laws help anyone other than the government just wanting to know who has what guns

I've owned guns since I was a child. I own guns (for hunting, target shooting and self-defense) to this day. I have a large cache' of ammo because I purchase it when I can get it cheap. I live 60 miles from the nearest town and it's a small town at that. I have killed humans with guns (and I state that regrettably) when the government of the United States instructed me to - and to save the life of my squad members and myself. Any idiot that believes that killing is "fun" or it in any way whatsoever resembles a video game needs to be examined by a Doctor immediately. I left Viet Nam in 1968 - and to this day I live with what happened there. I don't wish that on anyone.
The other night my grandson was allowed to watch 13 Hours with the rest of the family. He plays those war video games 36 hours a day. He watched the movie until the blood started flying and told his dad he didn't feel good and said he was going to bed. I noticed the past 2 days he has started riding his bicycle more than he normally does.

I, too, recently watched 13 hours and, thankfully, they left "politics" out except to point out that the F-16s never left the ground and that "there wasn't any protests" before the attack. Really good movie. But it did serve to point out that these folks were abandoned by this country. Which is a fact that Hillary Clinton simply can NOT hide from, Her, and her State Department are responsible for those deaths.

Personally, for me, the most poignant part of the movie was when they WERE evacuated from Libya, they left on a Libyan plane and a private oil companies executive plane. We couldn't be bothered to even send an America plane to get them home.

She will carry that to her miserable grave.

She's a sociopath so she really doesn't care.
I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.

Like, for example, a national registry where my name was in during the Vietnam draft???

Talk to me about what would have happened to these groups have they tried to register their firearms

1- Jews in NAZI Germany
2- Palestinians in NAZI Israel
3- Afro-Americans deep south 1860's
4- Liberals during Pinochet's regime
5- Cambodians during the PolPot regime
6- Russians during the Stalin regime
7- ad nauseam

Well, let's see. HItler confiscated all guns. PInochet confiscated all guns. Pol Pot confiscated all guns.mStalin confiscated all guns. Israel is NOT Nazi and you are obviously a Palestinian fan. Blacks were not allowed to own weapons until the proclamation. I'm black and have owned weapons since I was a boy 65 years ago.

Did they have registrations ?

We have the 2nd amendment , the courts, the NRA . This confiscation claim is tin foil hat territory .
I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.

Like, for example, a national registry where my name was in during the Vietnam draft???

Talk to me about what would have happened to these groups have they tried to register their firearms

1- Jews in NAZI Germany
2- Palestinians in NAZI Israel
3- Afro-Americans deep south 1860's
4- Liberals during Pinochet's regime
5- Cambodians during the PolPot regime
6- Russians during the Stalin regime
7- ad nauseam

Well, let's see. HItler confiscated all guns. PInochet confiscated all guns. Pol Pot confiscated all guns.mStalin confiscated all guns. Israel is NOT Nazi and you are obviously a Palestinian fan. Blacks were not allowed to own weapons until the proclamation. I'm black and have owned weapons since I was a boy 65 years ago.

Did they have registrations ?

We have the 2nd amendment , the courts, the NRA . This confiscation claim is tin foil hat territory .

And the second amendment does not obligate anyone to register the weapons which they have an absolute right to own
I am comparing national registries of things that aren't any of the government's business.

Like, for example, a national registry where my name was in during the Vietnam draft???

Talk to me about what would have happened to these groups have they tried to register their firearms

1- Jews in NAZI Germany
2- Palestinians in NAZI Israel
3- Afro-Americans deep south 1860's
4- Liberals during Pinochet's regime
5- Cambodians during the PolPot regime
6- Russians during the Stalin regime
7- ad nauseam

Well, let's see. HItler confiscated all guns. PInochet confiscated all guns. Pol Pot confiscated all guns.mStalin confiscated all guns. Israel is NOT Nazi and you are obviously a Palestinian fan. Blacks were not allowed to own weapons until the proclamation. I'm black and have owned weapons since I was a boy 65 years ago.

Did they have registrations ?

We have the 2nd amendment , the courts, the NRA . This confiscation claim is tin foil hat territory .

All of which you progressives are trying to destroy. And when you finally succeed, as you most certainly will, then the country will begin the final fall towards a dictatorship and the guns will be the first thing confiscated.
Hey nat, the law is still that an 18 year old male registers with selective service. Just giving a public service reminder.

I never said OTHERWISE....Do you folks just write dumb posts for sexual gratification?
All of which you progressives are trying to destroy. And when you finally succeed, as you most certainly will, then the country will begin the final fall towards a dictatorship and the guns will be the first thing confiscated.

Hope you took canned goods under your bed with you.

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