Why do illegal alien kids deserve college educations and coal miners kids do not

DACA helps criminals in the USA Illegally and most certainly is aimed at what Oboob calls dreamers attending college.
DACA doesn't help criminals. That's just something you keep repeating, despite its being a lie. I think we have a shitposter here, folks.

Shitposting - Wikipedia

Are they US citizens?


Are they here because they came across the border from another country?


That makes them illegals, and therefore criminals.
The next thing the idiot will say is that we need them to pick tomatoes to keep the price down. How is this? because the illegals can be arrested if they complain, so they remain a slave class to shitfaced farmers who pay them a tomato or pepper a day. Why is the USA allowing slavery
DACA helps criminals in the USA Illegally and most certainly is aimed at what Oboob calls dreamers attending college.
DACA doesn't help criminals. That's just something you keep repeating, despite its being a lie. I think we have a shitposter here, folks. Shitposting - Wikipedia
Are they US citizens? No. Are they here because they came across the border from another country? Yes. That makes them illegals, and therefore criminals.
That's bullshit. Kids do not become criminals because of something their parents did. Apparently shitposting is catching!
DACA helps criminals in the USA Illegally and most certainly is aimed at what Oboob calls dreamers attending college.
DACA doesn't help criminals. That's just something you keep repeating, despite its being a lie. I think we have a shitposter here, folks. Shitposting - Wikipedia
Are they US citizens? No. Are they here because they came across the border from another country? Yes. That makes them illegals, and therefore criminals.
The next thing the idiot will say is that we need them to pick tomatoes to keep the price down. How is this? because the illegals can be arrested if they complain, so they remain a slave class to shitfaced farmers who pay them a tomato or pepper a day. Why is the USA allowing slavery
Don't put words into my mouth, shitposter. If I were to say anything, it would be that you're racist.
DACA helps criminals in the USA Illegally and most certainly is aimed at what Oboob calls dreamers attending college.
DACA doesn't help criminals. That's just something you keep repeating, despite its being a lie. I think we have a shitposter here, folks. Shitposting - Wikipedia
Are they US citizens? No. Are they here because they came across the border from another country? Yes. That makes them illegals, and therefore criminals.
That's bullshit. Kids do not become criminals because of something their parents did. Apparently shitposting is catching!

These are not kids! They were kids when they committed a criminal act and now they are all grown up and are still criminals because they are illegally in this country.

Shitposting is probably how you wipe your ass when you are out of toilet paper.
DACA helps criminals in the USA Illegally and most certainly is aimed at what Oboob calls dreamers attending college.
DACA doesn't help criminals. That's just something you keep repeating, despite its being a lie. I think we have a shitposter here, folks. Shitposting - Wikipedia
Are they US citizens? No. Are they here because they came across the border from another country? Yes. That makes them illegals, and therefore criminals.
The next thing the idiot will say is that we need them to pick tomatoes to keep the price down. How is this? because the illegals can be arrested if they complain, so they remain a slave class to shitfaced farmers who pay them a tomato or pepper a day. Why is the USA allowing slavery
Don't put words into my mouth, shitposter. If I were to say anything, it would be that you're racist.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Would we not better if all kids got as much free education as they could qualify for, we have millions of jobs unfilled we bring in thousands of people from other country's to fill jobs that require higher levels of education.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Well if you haven't said that, then it follows that you believe that illegal aliens should get minimum wage. So why do you not fight to stop the abuses that they face by criminal slave owning farmers
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Well if you haven't said that, then it follows that you believe that illegal aliens should get minimum wage. So why do you not fight to stop the abuses that they face by criminal slave owning farmers
Now the farmers are criminals? No wonder we have the largest per capita prison population in the world with that attitude rampant. Call everyone a criminal and pretty soon you'll find that you're one too.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Well if you haven't said that, then it follows that you believe that illegal aliens should get minimum wage. So why do you not fight to stop the abuses that they face by criminal slave owning farmers
Now the farmers are criminals? No wonder we have the largest per capita prison population in the world with that attitude rampant. Call everyone a criminal and pretty soon you'll find that you're one too.
So you believe that farmers that do not pay their pickers minimum wage are law abiding people. I believe that they are criminals and need to be stopped from abusing the most vulnerable...............

What does that make you
Would we not better if all kids got as much free education as they could qualify for, we have millions of jobs unfilled we bring in thousands of people from other country's to fill jobs that require higher levels of education.
. Your thoughts are noble ones, but the problem is that these thoughts or thinking have all but become perverted over the years, and these so called dreamers became exploited labor and political weapons to be used by politicians playing the sympathy card or the wealthy playing the cheap labor for huge profit card, except for the ones who escaped the cheap labor system by getting their education, and learning the language somehow. Wasn't it not long ago that there was some sort of border crisis where children were coming here without being escorted here by a parent or guardian ? Isn't that where this dreamer executive order came from maybe ? Wasn't it the rejection of these kids coming here by those who feared this thing could get out of control fast if the border wasn't secured ?? Didn't it next cause Obama to chime in on it in order to help these children who came here like that ? I might be mixing the events or issues together wrongfully, so forgive me for putting the puzzle together wrong on the issue, otherwise if that is what this did.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Well if you haven't said that, then it follows that you believe that illegal aliens should get minimum wage. So why do you not fight to stop the abuses that they face by criminal slave owning farmers
Now the farmers are criminals? No wonder we have the largest per capita prison population in the world with that attitude rampant. Call everyone a criminal and pretty soon you'll find that you're one too.
So you believe that farmers that do not pay their pickers minimum wage are law abiding people. I believe that they are criminals and need to be stopped from abusing the most vulnerable. What does that make you
What does calling kids criminals make you? That's the real question here. All your posts are just attempts to deflect from the fact that you're nothing more than a run-of-the-mill shitposter. No amount of lying about what I've said or think is going to change that.
Tell us again that we need illegal aliens to do the jobs that Americans do not want to do, such as pick avocados for 25 cents and three avocados per day. You are a slave enabler if you allow this.
Tell you again? I haven't said it once, shitposter.
Well if you haven't said that, then it follows that you believe that illegal aliens should get minimum wage. So why do you not fight to stop the abuses that they face by criminal slave owning farmers
Now the farmers are criminals? No wonder we have the largest per capita prison population in the world with that attitude rampant. Call everyone a criminal and pretty soon you'll find that you're one too.
So you believe that farmers that do not pay their pickers minimum wage are law abiding people. I believe that they are criminals and need to be stopped from abusing the most vulnerable. What does that make you
What does calling kids criminals make you? That's the real question here. All your posts are just attempts to deflect from the fact that you're nothing more than a run-of-the-mill shitposter. No amount of lying about what I've said or think is going to change that.
And in your schizzo mind exactly what do your post here make you?

Be specific, we need to diagnose how deep your grandiose delusions delve into your subconscious
Who was it that ever said coal miners kids do not deserve college? Or are you just making crap up again?
What government program did Obama create to help coal miners kids attend college?

DACA pertained to squatters only
Still, despite these advantages, American employers have been slow to adopt apprenticeship. President Obama spent $260 million to jumpstart new programs and saw only a modest uptick. Trump hopes to do better by easing regulations and spending more — his proposed annual outlay would more than double Obama’s.

Both ideas make sense. But whether or not Trump succeeds will depend on how he does it. Halfhearted reform is unlikely to work, and the task force must listen to employers — small and medium-sized firms as well as Fortune 500 companies. Streamlining the registration process is a good place to start, but simply cutting red tape will not be enough. The task force must also rethink regulatory requirements.
Trump's Job Training Program Gets The Government Out Of The Way | HuffPost

Are you just too stupid to look up the information on this, or are you just a fucking bigoted hater?

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