Why Do Liberal/Progressives Seek To Impose Their Views On Others?

Aah, now I understand.
You made a fool of yourself in the heat of the moment.
Fair enough.
Because you state so, wow, your flames are so mean, I most likely will not be able to sleep, moron!
I'm just a nice person.
Calling people names is too easy and you never win on the internet anyway.
Clearly, you think differently...that's good, whatever works for you.
If you fling an insult and then turn off your computer before you read the reply I suppose that means that you can go to bed happy that you've won the argument.
The usual complaint from libs about conservatives is that they seek to impose their views. Like everything else this is true, but only about libs. Consider gay marriage. Many states voted to amend their constitutions or enact other legislation that defined marriage as one man one woman. Libs werent successful making their case to the public (it was a loser issue at the pols) so they whined to some activist judges, who imposed gay marriage over the will of the people.
Or consider the Oregon bakers, whose business has been destroyed by lesbians offended that they wouldnt bake their wedding cake. And the bakers arent bigots, as often assumed. The lesbians picked the place because they were frequent customers there.
Or look at the demonization of smoking and smokers, who are considered one step above child molester in the media.
Or Common Core, which seeks to impose a national standard on what has traditionally been a local issue.
Or, but you get the point here.
Progs cant help themselves from wanting to make America look like their vision, where everyone practices safe sex and recylces to prevent global warming.
This isnt a free society. This is fascism in action.

Yo, "Socialist" do as I say, not as I do!


Aah, now I understand.
You made a fool of yourself in the heat of the moment.
Fair enough.
Because you state so, wow, your flames are so mean, I most likely will not be able to sleep, moron!
I'm just a nice person.
Calling people names is too easy and you never win on the internet anyway.
Clearly, you think differently...that's good, whatever works for you.
If you fling an insult and then turn off your computer before you read the reply I suppose that means that you can go to bed happy that you've won the argument.
What argument? You posted nothing to counter facts that I posted, at best you trolled, looking for a response to a question that was irrelevant.

You hardly were looking for a debate, a discussion, or anything else, other than an opportunity to attack and flame, which I did not give you.
...there is no harm.
You have identified the core of the disagreement - a great many others hold quite differently, and believe the 3,000 -year-old ban is as necessary as ever.

Everything else is mere semantics.
Well, if we can't even agree that you haven't been harmed by gay marriage I suppose you're right.
You have my sympathies for whatever it is that you suffered.
Aah, now I understand.
You made a fool of yourself in the heat of the moment.
Fair enough.
Because you state so, wow, your flames are so mean, I most likely will not be able to sleep, moron!
I'm just a nice person.
Calling people names is too easy and you never win on the internet anyway.
Clearly, you think differently...that's good, whatever works for you.
If you fling an insult and then turn off your computer before you read the reply I suppose that means that you can go to bed happy that you've won the argument.
What argument? You posted nothing to counter facts that I posted, at best you trolled, looking for a response to a question that was irrelevant.

You hardly were looking for a debate, a discussion, or anything else, other than an opportunity to attack and flame, which I did not give you.
Your 'fact' was what...that liberals are imposing homsexuality on kids as young as five?
It sounds awful - I wanted to know more.
Aah, now I understand.
You made a fool of yourself in the heat of the moment.
Fair enough.
Because you state so, wow, your flames are so mean, I most likely will not be able to sleep, moron!
I'm just a nice person.
Calling people names is too easy and you never win on the internet anyway.
Clearly, you think differently...that's good, whatever works for you.
If you fling an insult and then turn off your computer before you read the reply I suppose that means that you can go to bed happy that you've won the argument.
We all want to go to bed happy.
The evidence is clear that conservatives seek to impose their views on others, including in an official capacity:

'The state of Florida is the region most susceptible to the effects of global warming in this country, according to scientists. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years.

But you would not know that by talking to officials at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the state agency on the front lines of studying and planning for these changes.

DEP officials have been ordered not to use the term “climate change” or “global warming” in any official communications, emails, or reports, according to former DEP employees, consultants, volunteers and records obtained by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.'

In Florida officials ban term climate change Miami Herald Miami Herald
How clueless are you?
ACA mandates insurance companies MUST sell you services you will never need. Mental health counseling, contraceptives, obstetric care for men , etc. The object is to drive up the cost so younger healthier people subsidize older sicker people. The insurance companies were among the most enthusiastic supporters of Obamacare, since it guaranteed them scads of customers.
The rich pay over 100% of the income taxes in this country. The bottom 47% pay no income tax. Who is getting the free ride here?
What kind of a dumbass statement is that to make? I'm not rich and I pay taxes. So much for your "100%" comment. The tax rate on capital gains and dividends is 10% less than what I pay. And that is bullshit!
What? It is simply fact that the bottom 47% of wage earners pay no income tax.
Cap gains should probably not be taxed at all.
Divididends are taxed twice--once as corporate income and once as personal income.
The evidence is clear that conservatives seek to impose their views on others, including in an official capacity:

'The state of Florida is the region most susceptible to the effects of global warming in this country, according to scientists. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years.

But you would not know that by talking to officials at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the state agency on the front lines of studying and planning for these changes.

DEP officials have been ordered not to use the term “climate change” or “global warming” in any official communications, emails, or reports, according to former DEP employees, consultants, volunteers and records obtained by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.'

In Florida officials ban term climate change Miami Herald Miami Herald
How is that seeking to impose views on people? The evidence for climate change is largely manufactured, and its existence is subject to dispute. No one is saying a private person cannot advocate for legislation to "deal with" climate change.
It is nonsense, like most of what you post.
Aah, now I understand.
You made a fool of yourself in the heat of the moment.
Fair enough.
Because you state so, wow, your flames are so mean, I most likely will not be able to sleep, moron!
I'm just a nice person.
Calling people names is too easy and you never win on the internet anyway.
Clearly, you think differently...that's good, whatever works for you.
If you fling an insult and then turn off your computer before you read the reply I suppose that means that you can go to bed happy that you've won the argument.
Yet it was you who began as a troll, and failed to respond to me, another liberal democrat projecting, you turned off your computer and went to bed, declaring you won.
No, you didnt have to go there at all. Or did you miss that part?
As for Texas, what is it your business? You never lived there.

No, but kids in my state might have to end up using a textbook written for the stupids in Texas. That's the point. The Textbook companies might downplay slavery in the history books or evolution in the science books because that might offend the Bubbas in Jesus land to say their ancestors evolved from monkeys or abused slaves.
No, but we (the non-Gay 97% of the country) are fast reaching the point where we will be obliged to recognize at-law the perversion called Gay Marriage; a state of affairs that cannot be allowed to stand, in the long run.

You know what, they said the same thing about interracial marriage 40 years ago. funny thing happened. Yes, you still have a few racists who get upset when they see a black man with a white woman.

But most people just said, "Meh, doesn't really have any effect on my life.'

Yes, you will have a bunch of homophobes who will get upset when they see two dudes kissing.

But most of us will be all like, "Meh, doesn't have any effect on my life."

I look at it this way. If it weren't for exploiting gay marriage, we could have thrown that cocksucker George W. Bush out of office in 2004 before he got a real chance to fuck up the country. But the Homophobes put him over the top, even though he had no intention of stopping gay marriage.

For that, you guys DESERVE to suffer gay marriages.
You have a degree in history? That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. You must have gotten it from the same place 1%er got his masters in business.

Yeah, back when I was in college, and still right wing, I tried pushing the whole 'Communism killed 100 million line", but that was laughed out of serious History study. Because it's bullshit.
Sexual perversity, to an extent deemed objectionable by decent society, is not a Right; rather, it is a shameful and unclean collection of practices and lifestyles.

Everything we cover in that vein is merely a matter of degree - whether it crosses the threshold that society deems objectionable.

At present, courtesy of recent Judicial Activism, the 'normalizing' or 'legitimizing' of sexual perversity is well underway; imposing a minority viewpoint upon society.

Society will find a way of reversing this imposing of the Minority Viewpoint.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

You had no right to impose your viewpoint upon a society deeply bound to a 3,000 -year-old tradition concerning such matters.

Guy, 150 years ago, it was considered "perverse" for a woman to want to have sex for the purpose of pleasure. You had a whole Victorian society based on putting women in clothing that was not only ridiculous, but in some cases actually harmful to them to make them aesthetically pleasing to men.

The reality is, most people today accept that some people are gay and a majority accepts gay marriage. You need to give me better reasons for your homophobia than "My Sky Pixies says it's bad" and "I think it's icky".

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