Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?

The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!
Eh, Trump's more than likely wrong on this one, I suspect nothing will change and anchor babies will continue to be a drain on the American taxpayer. Is it ethically right or wrong, taxpayers simply don't have a choice.

I'm not a Trump guy, but... He's not wrong.

There is no principle in nature that provides that one is a citizen of a nation just because one is born in that nation. The premise is absurd on its face.

It inly becomes a problem, when the issue is discussed with the Left... and that is only because, they're idiots.

I appreciate that he promoted the subject, it's worth the discussion. I suppose the disturbing side of it is that Democrats will play their phony racist cards for votes. Basically, their perspective is screw the hardworking American taxpayer in favor of lawbreaking illegal aliens.
This new subject American History Revision seems fascinating.
Can I do it online?
Maybe Liberty University has a course?
Most history is a form of revision. Some revision is done to add new light from new information, some to offer a new slant on an old topic, some to sell a book, some to form political opinions and so on.
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

You're the one that shields the corporate assholes as they outsource our economy to china.

Now isn't that ADORABLE?

It thinks that the 14th amendment provides that anyone PRESENT in the US, is a CITIZEN of the US.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.

Are you a retard?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States

BEING BORN IN THE US DOES NOT MAKE YOU A US CITIZEN. And I don't give a SINGLE FUCK how many idiots 'feel' otherwise... .


The simple fact is that "ALL" persons born in the US are NOT citizens.

And this without regard to what foolish alterations to the US Constitution say about it.
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

You're the one that shields the corporate assholes as they outsource our economy to china.

Nixon sold us to China and George Hw Bush signed Nafta. This like this opened the door for the greedy fucking corporations to outsource. stupid. You deregulated banking and housing sector!!!
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

You're the one that shields the corporate assholes as they outsource our economy to china.

Nixon sold us to China and George Hw Bush signed Nafta. This like this opened the door for the greedy fucking corporations to outsource. stupid. You deregulated banking and housing sector!!!
The fact that you consider this a reasonable response speaks volumes.
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

You're the one that shields the corporate assholes as they outsource our economy to china.
Sorry, that would be the Democratic Socialist Party and the establishment Republicans over regulating and over taxing the job creators. If you set up conditions were American capitalism can't operate and has to move overseas to make a profit, then, Americans looking for a job give up and are forced to suckle at the taxpayers tit, exactly were the Democratic Socialist Party wants them, victims of economic slavery.
Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
HIllary can win because she supports infrastructure, science, r&d, education and the safety net.

Most Americans want those things.

Hillary supports Hillary first, Chelsea second and Bill a distant third. She doesn't give a phlying phuck about anything or anybody. She's a megalomaniac just like Bill. And I'm a liberal.

Chelsea is a clone of both. Her father humiliates her by getting blow jobs in the Oval Office when she's still a bucked-tooth adolescent and she's such a power-hungry sociopath herself that she not only thrives in their toxic environment, she's going to be running the Clinton's foundation by the time she's 40. She needs to channel her inner Patti Davis and stop whoring herself.

Nuts. Add that mix in with the 16 Biggest Losers in the GOP race and you end up with The Donald, a cut-throat New York real estate mogul who probably never traveled south of the Mason-Dixon Line but now has 20,000 adoring fans in Alabama.
Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

True. They voted for Kennedy, LBJ, and Truman.

You guys voted for George Bush, the first convicted president in US History.
Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

True. They voted for Kennedy, LBJ, and Truman.

You guys voted for George Bush, the first convicted president in US History.

Jeb seems like such a woooos. He reminds me of Dennis the Menace's dad in the cartoon strip: well-meaning but wobbly and forever apologizing for the kid he could not control.

Oh, wait! Even the hairstyle is the same!

Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

True. They voted for Kennedy, LBJ, and Truman.

You guys voted for George Bush, the first convicted president in US History.
Convicted by left wing foreign morons doesn't count...:lol:

Left-wing foreign morons....You mean those nice people in The Hague?

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