Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Sounds like Bush regrets Obama's complete failure, cowardice and political suck-holing over American national pride in leaving Iraq.

Obama had a choice, leave our troops in Iraq without immunity from Iraqi law, or bring them home.

What would you do?
Obama never had a choice, he's a turd. Turds don't have choices they are just turds.
Sounds like Bush regrets Obama's complete failure, cowardice and political suck-holing over American national pride in leaving Iraq.

Obama had a choice, leave our troops in Iraq without immunity from Iraqi law, or bring them home.

What would you do?

Yup, I've heard that one.

Obama wanted out of Iraq at any cost in order to fulfill at least one campaign promise. Your total lack of faith in his and his administrations negotiating abilities is well placed.

Me, I would have negotiated a far better deal, granted, not really my area of expertise.
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Obama wanted out of Iraq at any cost in order to fulfill at least one campaign promise. Your total lack of faith in his and his administrations negotiating abilities is well placed.

Me, I would have negotiated a far better deal, granted, not really my area of expertise.

Well we need your "expertise" Einstein...

We need you to provide Obama the "negotiating abilities" that will convince Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, who controls the largest bloc of parliament AND whose brigades have fought against and killed our troops that a) American troops should remain in Iraq and b) American troops should be immune from Iraqi laws and court.
The kind of people who support Hillary Clinton are dishonest and dishonorable people who lack the same ethical moral compass she does, so it will never matter to them what kind of crook she is. All that matters is that she will promise them other people's money.

Funny stuff! You blathering about someone else's "moral compass" is rich. Me thinks you should put this thread in the Humor forum.
The sad fact is Hillary is not a good candidate and has too much baggage. The sadder fact is that she still has a shot to win because the GOP cant hide their love for the corporate powers that run this country. Its always cut taxes for the wealthy, SS is not good for the country, medicaid and medicare are hurting this nation, the things that working folk depend on to survive once they retire. How about coming out in support of those things. And if obamacare is repealed, then come up with another plan to ensure that all americans have access to affordable health care no matter how much money they earn. But they dont. They say "NO". If the GOP could come out and say we are going to focus on the middle and lower working classes and well sorry millionaires you are not our priority whatsoever then they would win in a landslide. I am liking Trump more and more. He wants people to have health care and SS and medicare unlike the other corporate shills.

If Hilarious gets the nomination, it won't matter what the Republicans promise. The win is almost guaranteed for them. She's not good on her feet, she's old and tired, and she doesn't stand a chance in debates with all her baggage.
Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.
What? The more scandals the candidate participated in, the more chances to be elected he has? I can't see any connection. I don't understand why Trump "can't win" also.
Seriously guys, you should stop that. Why do you keep support Hillary? Everyone understands that she is not a real candidate but just a clown planted by Republicans. A person can't be that dumb. She doesn't even know how to use her email properly. Stop trying to dump the Trump and dump Hillary instead. Let's make America a better place together. You talk about Trump way too much. Spend more time on promoting Sanders while you still can.
Why is she a criminal? What crime did she commit?
Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.
What? The more scandals the candidate participated in, the more chances to be elected he has? I can't see any connection. I don't understand why Trump "can't win" also.
Because he's an asshole, who shoots his mouth off. He can draw headlines, not votes. Only other assholes like the guy, and there aren't enough of them to get him elected.
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Why is she a criminal? What crime did she commit?

It's obvious...

Hillary Clinton (D)

When she was Hillary Rodham (R) she had immunity...

5 Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton

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Seriously guys, you should stop that. Why do you keep support Hillary? Everyone understands that she is not a real candidate but just a clown planted by Republicans. A person can't be that dumb. She doesn't even know how to use her email properly. Stop trying to dump the Trump and dump Hillary instead. Let's make America a better place together. You talk about Trump way too much. Spend more time on promoting Sanders while you still can.
Why is she a criminal? What crime did she commit?
Several all of which you would ignore simply because she has a "D" after her name.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Sorry, but you can't spin away from the reality that you posted a bunch of nonsense and called them scandals. :cuckoo:

Like Vince Foster's death. Investigated by local authorities AND by a right-leaning Republican-picked investigator, all of whom reached the same conclusion that his death was a suicide; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Like Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick. Who swore under the penalty of perjury that he didn't; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Sorry, but you can't spin away from the reality that you posted a bunch of nonsense and called them scandals. :cuckoo:

Like Vince Foster's death. Investigated by local authorities AND by a right-leaning Republican-picked investigator, all of whom reached the same conclusion that his death was a suicide; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Like Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick. Who swore under the penalty of perjury that he didn't; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.


Eh, just going through the laundry list, probably because it bugs Democrats and it's kinda funny hearing their excuses for explaining it all away. The comedy and hypocrisy of Democratic faith in your chosen ones far exceeds any rational line of credulity but .... oh well.
Leftists elect criminals because there is no potential for honor within the Ideological Left.

Meaning that one cannot be honorable and BE a Leftist. And it's truly no more complex than that.

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