Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Cheney = Actual Criminals!

Hillary Clinton = Convicted by Media Campaign of Imaginary crimes

Left wing media heavily included, that's an interesting twist...it's nice to see them struggling for credibility ...:laugh:
I don't want these criminals in my party
Yes, we know, you prefer the rich white ones...
See you don't even care about minority crime rates, all you care about is their votes.

You racist POS
Yes, that's why the stupid criminal ******* and wetbacks vote for Dems, because that's all they care about. Even so, that would be more than the GOP who would solve the problem using cattle boats and railroad cars...
I don't want these criminals in my party
Yes, we know, you prefer the rich white ones...
See you don't even care about minority crime rates, all you care about is their votes.

You racist POS
Yes, that's why the stupid criminal ******* and wetbacks vote for Dems, because that's all they care about. Even so, that would be more than the GOP who would solve the problem using cattle boats and railroad cars...
Nope, Democrats will offer to drive them for free, they're nice that way.
I don't want these criminals in my party
Yes, we know, you prefer the rich white ones...
See you don't even care about minority crime rates, all you care about is their votes.

You racist POS
Yes, that's why the stupid criminal ******* and wetbacks vote for Dems, because that's all they care about. Even so, that would be more than the GOP who would solve the problem using cattle boats and railroad cars...
Nope, Democrats will offer to drive them for free, they're nice that way.
Drive them where? Oh right, you don't care as long as it's away from your whitey ass...
I don't want these criminals in my party
Yes, we know, you prefer the rich white ones...
See you don't even care about minority crime rates, all you care about is their votes.

You racist POS
Yes, that's why the stupid criminal ******* and wetbacks vote for Dems, because that's all they care about. Even so, that would be more than the GOP who would solve the problem using cattle boats and railroad cars...
Nope, Democrats will offer to drive them for free, they're nice that way.
Drive them where? Oh right, you don't care as long as it's away from your whitey ass...

"whitey ass", .. :lol: ..

Democrats wouldn't want them to suffer so they could sign up to help them move south, sponsor them financially until they could enter legally. Surely, you want to teach them to respect the laws of the land.
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Which of course raises two questions: are you joking or just really, really stupid?

The "convicting court" was something called "The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission," a private enterprise with no legal basis, no UN mandate or recognition, no power to order arrests or impose sentences.

Its verdicts have only symbolic significance.

Even the tribunal's own website admits: "In the event the tribunal convicts any of the accused, the only sanction is that the name of the guilty person will be entered in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals." Big whup.
Classic Kangaroo Court. A loony leftist's dream come true.
The sad fact is Hillary is not a good candidate and has too much baggage. The sadder fact is that she still has a shot to win because the GOP cant hide their love for the corporate powers that run this country. Its always cut taxes for the wealthy, SS is not good for the country, medicaid and medicare are hurting this nation, the things that working folk depend on to survive once they retire. How about coming out in support of those things. And if obamacare is repealed, then come up with another plan to ensure that all americans have access to affordable health care no matter how much money they earn. But they dont. They say "NO". If the GOP could come out and say we are going to focus on the middle and lower working classes and well sorry millionaires you are not our priority whatsoever then they would win in a landslide. I am liking Trump more and more. He wants people to have health care and SS and medicare unlike the other corporate shills.
Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...

If true, which I don't agree, then we're fucked. If a crooked has been who's never done a damn thing in her life except shady deals get elected, then we're screwed. Oh wait, we got Obama and Bush. Never mind.
Seriously guys, you should stop that. Why do you keep support Hillary? Everyone understands that she is not a real candidate but just a clown planted by Republicans. A person can't be that dumb. She doesn't even know how to use her email properly. Stop trying to dump the Trump and dump Hillary instead. Let's make America a better place together. You talk about Trump way too much. Spend more time on promoting Sanders while you still can.
Because politics has become less about issues and more about blue team against red team. It's a sporting event.

You are the ultimate....partisan hack...

George W. Bush has only one regret about invading Iraq: that it paved the way for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Read more: Bush: One regret about Iraq
Sounds like Bush regrets Obama's complete failure, cowardice and political suck-holing over American national pride in leaving Iraq.

It's difficult to take you seriously little lamb, that's not my fault.

This new subject American History Revision seems fascinating.
Can I do it online?
Maybe Liberty University has a course?
Hillary still can't believe how easily duped our public is. This whole scandal is another gigantic POS "scandal", and corporate media keeps it alive for ratings. Period, Foxbots. Bengazi was a tragedy, there's nothing to cover up, and if the FBI finds something criminal, it'll surprise the hell out of everyone not totally misled. Where the hell is journalism?
Sounds like Bush regrets Obama's complete failure, cowardice and political suck-holing over American national pride in leaving Iraq.

Obama had a choice, leave our troops in Iraq without immunity from Iraqi law, or bring them home.

What would you do?

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