Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

They voted for a convicted crack-head. In January 1990, Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry was arrested at the Vista Hotel by the FBI and D.C. police for crack cocaine use and possession.
Barry was released from prison in 1992, and two months later filed papers to run for the Ward 8 city council seat in that year's election and won handily.

So when were Bush and Cheney convicted of war crimes?
Bush and Cheney aren't convicted of war crimes because those here in America choose to believe their lies.


Check and see how many countries they've visited since they left office. Also check and see how many want to arrest them for war crimes.
Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

True. They voted for Kennedy, LBJ, and Truman.



Truman ended WWII and saved millions of lives...

The Bomb Saved American Lives

Map of Operation Downfall
The main argument in support of the decision to use the atomic bomb is that it saved American lives which would otherwise have been lost in two D-Day-style land invasions of the main islands of the Japanese homeland. The first, against the Southern island of Kyushu, had been scheduled for November 1 (Operation Torch). The second, against the main island of Honshu would take place in the spring of 1946 (Operation Coronet). The two operations combined were codenamed Operation Downfall. There is no doubt that a land invasion would have incurred extremely high casualties, for a variety of reasons. For one, Field Marshall Hisaichi Terauchi had ordered that all 100,000 Allied prisoners of war be executed if the Americans invaded. Second, it was apparent to the Japanese as much as to the Americans that there were few good landing sites, and that Japanese forces would be concentrated there. Third, there was real concern in Washington that the Japanese had made a determination to fight literally to the death. The Japanese saw suicide as an honorable alternative to surrender. The term they used was gyokusai, or, "shattering of the jewel." It was the same rationale for their use of the so-called banzai charges employed early in the war. In his 1944 “emergency declaration,” Prime Minister Hideki Tojo had called for "100 million gyokusai,” and that the entire Japanese population be prepared to die.

For American military commanders, determining the strength of Japanese forces and anticipating the level of civilian resistance were the keys to preparing casualty projections. Numerous studies were conducted, with widely varying results. Some of the studies estimated American casualties for just the first 30 days of Operation Torch. Such a study done by General MacArthur's staff in June estimated 23,000 US casualties.
U.S. Army Chief of Staff George Marshall thought the Americans would suffer 31,000 casualties in the first 30 days, while Admiral Ernest King, Chief of Naval Operations, put them between 31,000 and 41,000. Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Chester Nimitz, whose staff conducted their own study, estimated 49,000 U.S casualties in the first 30 days, including 5,000 at sea from Kamikaze attacks.

Studies estimating total U.S. casualties were equally varied and no less grim. One by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in April 1945 resulted in an estimate of 1,200,000 casualties, with 267,000 fatalities. Admiral Leahy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief, estimated 268,000 casualties (35%). Former President Herbert Hoover sent a memorandum to President Truman and Secretary of War Stimson, with “conservative” estimates of 500,000 to 1,000,000 fatalities. A study done for Secretary of War Henry Stimson's staff by William Shockley estimated the costs at 1.7 to 4 million American casualties, including 400,000-800,000 fatalities.

General Douglas MacArthur had been chosen to command US invasion forces for Operation Downfall, and his staff conducted their own study. In June their prediction was American casualties of 105,000 after 120 days of combat. Mid-July intelligence estimates placed the number of Japanese soldiers in the main islands at under 2,000,000, but that number increased sharply in the weeks that followed as more units were repatriated from Asia for the final homeland defense. By late July, MacArthur’s Chief of Intelligence, General Charles Willoughby, revised the estimate and predicted American casualties on Kyushu alone (Operation Torch) would be 500,000, or ten times what they had been on Okinawa.


And Kennedy averted a nuclear war in 1962...

John F. Kennedy
Warrior For Peace

Throughout the 13-day Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy was under relentless pressure from LeMay and nearly his entire national-security circle to "fry" Cuba, in the Air Force chief's memorable language. But J.F.K., whose only key support in the increasingly tense Cabinet Room meetings came from his brother Bobby and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, kept searching for a nonmilitary solution. When Kennedy, assiduously working the back channels to the Kremlin, finally succeeded in cutting a deal with Khrushchev, the world survived "the most dangerous moment in human history," in Schlesinger's words.

But no one at the time knew just how dangerous. Years later, attending the 40th anniversary of the crisis at a conference in Havana, Schlesinger, Sorensen and McNamara were stunned to learn that if U.S. forces had attacked Cuba, Russian commanders on the island were authorized to respond with tactical and strategic nuclear missiles. The Joint Chiefs had assured Kennedy during the crisis that "no nuclear warheads were in Cuba at the time," Sorensen grimly noted. "They were wrong." If Kennedy had bowed to his military advisers' pressure, a vast swath of the urban U.S. within missile range of the Soviet installations in Cuba could have been reduced to radioactive rubble.
Hillary voted for the war in Iraq as well as most other Democrats in Congress, if you can't post with intelligence, a knowledge of history or honesty, why post at all?

The failure in Iraq is on Obama and all that voted for him...

Hillary and Democrats didn't vote for Bush and Cheney to commit war crimes. And Iraq is all on Bush.

The war crimes against American soldiers were committed by the Democratic Party. First, they helped commit the American soldiers to war then they turned their backs on them for political reasons. Democrats made the war political and inhibited success instead of supporting the Military to fully kick ass.

Now we have Obama treating them like crap, stealing their benefits, throwing their paperwork for earned medical care in the trash and Democrats standing by and applauding.
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Hillary voted for the war in Iraq as well as most other Democrats in Congress, if you can't post with intelligence, a knowledge of history or honesty, why post at all?

The failure in Iraq is on Obama and all that voted for him...

Hillary and Democrats didn't vote for Bush and Cheney to commit war crimes. And Iraq is all on Bush.

Grow up, they voted for war and shit happens in war, smell the reality and quit being a whinny chickenshit puss.
Seriously guys, you should stop that. Why do you keep support Hillary? Everyone understands that she is not a real candidate but just a clown planted by Republicans. A person can't be that dumb. She doesn't even know how to use her email properly. Stop trying to dump the Trump and dump Hillary instead. Let's make America a better place together. You talk about Trump way too much. Spend more time on promoting Sanders while you still can.

Liberals are all criminals. They are just voting for one of their own kind.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.

She could be a serial killer and turds like you would still vote for her if you thought she could win.
Winning is what matters in an election. You can't do jack if your can't win.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.

She could be a serial killer and turds like you would still vote for her if you thought she could win.
Winning is what matters in an election. You can't do jack if your can't win.
Obama won and it's been crap, consider that the countries sick of failure. Basically, liberals have failed and that includes the Establishment Republicans.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.

She could be a serial killer and turds like you would still vote for her if you thought she could win.
Winning is what matters in an election. You can't do jack if your can't win.

So you would vote for Hitler if you thought he could win?
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
What matters is she can win, what elections are all about.

She could be a serial killer and turds like you would still vote for her if you thought she could win.
Winning is what matters in an election. You can't do jack if your can't win.

So you would vote for Hitler if you thought he could win?
Nope, he couldn't get elected. Ran twice, lost twice.

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