Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Sorry, but you can't spin away from the reality that you posted a bunch of nonsense and called them scandals. :cuckoo:

Like Vince Foster's death. Investigated by local authorities AND by a right-leaning Republican-picked investigator, all of whom reached the same conclusion that his death was a suicide; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Like Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick. Who swore under the penalty of perjury that he didn't; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.


...............and then Kennth Star came along
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?
Why is she a criminal? What crime did she commit?

It's obvious...

Hillary Clinton (D)

When she was Hillary Rodham (R) she had immunity...

5 Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton

ROFL yeah then she joined the communist party in college.

Communists like John F. Kennedy?

Circulated in Dallas Texas November 21, 1963...
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.

What's wrong with enforcing the Constitution?

What you're seeking to do, is to pretend the constitution says things it does not say...

"SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE" No where in the Constitution.

"RIGHT TO MARRY" No where in the Constitution.

"Right For those in the US Illegally to DROP AN ANCHOR BABY AND MOVE THEIR ENTIRE NATION INTO THE US!" No where in the Constitution.

"Right to Force People Into Behavior Contrary to the Practice of their Religion" No where in the Constitution.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Sorry, but you can't spin away from the reality that you posted a bunch of nonsense and called them scandals. :cuckoo:

Like Vince Foster's death. Investigated by local authorities AND by a right-leaning Republican-picked investigator, all of whom reached the same conclusion that his death was a suicide; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Like Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick. Who swore under the penalty of perjury that he didn't; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.


Eh, just going through the laundry list, probably because it bugs Democrats and it's kinda funny hearing their excuses for explaining it all away. The comedy and hypocrisy of Democratic faith in your chosen ones far exceeds any rational line of credulity but .... oh well.
^^^ That's how deranged folks try to make their lunacy palatable.
Why is she a criminal? What crime did she commit?

It's obvious...

Hillary Clinton (D)

When she was Hillary Rodham (R) she had immunity...

5 Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton

ROFL yeah then she joined the communist party in college.

Communists like John F. Kennedy?

Circulated in Dallas Texas November 21, 1963...
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.

What's wrong with enforcing the Constitution?

What you're seeking to do, is to pretend the constitution says things it does not say...

"SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE" No where in the Constitution.

"RIGHT TO MARRY" No where in the Constitution.

"Right For those in the US Illegally to DROP AN ANCHOR BABY AND MOVE THEIR ENTIRE NATION INTO THE US!" No where in the Constitution.

"Right to Force People Into Behavior Contrary to the Practice of their Religion" No where in the Constitution.
Imbeciles like you think our rights come from the government. Even worse, you're eager to empower the government to take rights away from the people for no reason other than you don't like those rights. The right to marry, affirmed by every court challenged with reviewing such cases, being an excellent example.
Eh, Hillary's a criminal but the Democratic Party voters could care less, she's a Democrat that's all that matters.

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
Thanks for that. Some pretty funny stuff in there.
If a Republican candidate had the list of questionable activities that Hillary has, I'm sure .. :uhoh3: .. Democrats and their media controllers would be fully supportive, understanding and accept that Republican candidate with open arms and massive votes..:laugh:
Sorry, but you can't spin away from the reality that you posted a bunch of nonsense and called them scandals. :cuckoo:

Like Vince Foster's death. Investigated by local authorities AND by a right-leaning Republican-picked investigator, all of whom reached the same conclusion that his death was a suicide; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.

Like Clinton raping Juanita Broaddrick. Who swore under the penalty of perjury that he didn't; but the loony faithful still think otherwise.


...............and then Kennth Star came along
Umm... that was the "right-leaning Republican-picked investigator" I pointed out investigated, and concluded, Vince Foster's death was a suicide.
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?

The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?

The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!
Eh, Trump's likely wrong on this one but it's worth discussion and testing, I suspect nothing will change and anchor babies will continue to be a drain on the American taxpayer.
Last edited:
The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!


Now isn't that ADORABLE?

It thinks that the 14th amendment provides that anyone PRESENT in the US, is a CITIZEN of the US.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?

The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!
Eh, Trump's more than likely wrong on this one, I suspect nothing will change and anchor babies will continue to be a drain on the American taxpayer. Is it ethically right or wrong, taxpayers simply don't have a choice.

Sure we do. Vote for Trump.
I'm not a fan of Hillary


That said, I'll vote for her over the stooge that the RNC will eventually nominate.
Uhm ........could it be will enforce the constitution?

Uhm........enforce? You mean like the 14th amendment?

The Constitution the Republicans Can't Stand

If you are running for office as a Republican today, you have to mention your reverence for the Constitution at least as much as you mention your love for Ronald Reagan.

The Second Amendment -- every word should be taken literally because it was literally ordained by God! The First Amendment protects my right to discriminate against gay people! Neither the Constitution nor the Bible contains the word "Obamacare"!

But Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which Republican presidential candidates are now asking us to ignore or change.

The Republican presidential contenders' rush to badmouth a basic constitutional right -- in an apparent attempt to appeal to their supposedly Constitution-loving far-right base -- speaks volumes about what they really mean when they talk about constitutionalism. They use their pocket Constitutions for the parts that come in handy. The rest of it? Not so much.
Uhm.not talking the 14th talking about deporting criminals, hey here is an idea instead of rewarding them with drivers licences how about you deport their ass's?

The 14 Amendment...

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Support it!
Eh, Trump's more than likely wrong on this one, I suspect nothing will change and anchor babies will continue to be a drain on the American taxpayer. Is it ethically right or wrong, taxpayers simply don't have a choice.

I'm not a Trump guy, but... He's not wrong.

There is no principle in nature that provides that one is a citizen of a nation just because one is born in that nation. The premise is absurd on its face.

It inly becomes a problem, when the issue is discussed with the Left... and that is only because, they're idiots.

Now isn't that ADORABLE?

It thinks that the 14th amendment provides that anyone PRESENT in the US, is a CITIZEN of the US.

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up.

Are you a retard?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States

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