Why do liberals vote for a criminal?

Liberals like and protect criminals.

Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.
Anyone who commits crimes against America and Americans, is a hero to liberals

Liberals never voted for war criminals Bush and Cheney...

True. They voted for Kennedy, LBJ, and Truman.

You guys voted for George Bush, the first convicted president in US History.
Convicted by left wing foreign morons doesn't count...:lol:

Left-wing foreign morons....You mean those nice people in The Hague?

Ronny Abraham
France Presidenta 2005 2018
Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf
Somalia Vice-Presidenta 2009 2018
Hisashi Owada
Japan Member 2003 2021
Peter Tomka
Slovakia Member 2003 2021
Mohamed Bennouna
Morocco Member 2006 2024
Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade
Brazil Member 2009 2018
Sir Christopher Greenwood
United Kingdom Member 2009 2018
Xue Hanqin
China Member 2010 2021
Joan E. Donoghue
United States Member 2010 2024
Giorgio Gaja
Italy Member 2012 2021
Julia Sebutinde
Uganda Member 2012 2021
Dalveer Bhandari
India Member 2012 2018
James Crawford
Australia Member 2015 2024
Kirill Gevorgian
Russia Member 2015 2024
Patrick Lipton Robinson
Jamaica Member 2015 2024

Well of course...but now I can add your beloved America haters.
Not me,,, ;) I want to throw the assholes in prison for stealing trillions of bucks that should be used on infrastructure, science, r&d and education.
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
In order to shelter, protect and (mid) manage the criminal class that you have created.

Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.
So how do you turn the idiot who claims "someone" (not her) gotta pay for her 15 kids while they daddy in jail???
Referring to bankers?
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.

Rogue cops are any members of the law enforcement community who act outside the law. There are various examples including but not limited to:

  • Pigs who throw grenades into infants cribs during no-knock raids
  • Pigs who molest women on the side of the highway
  • Pigs who brutalize children leaving pool parties
  • Pigs who violate the rights of those legally carrying concealed weapons
  • Pigs who sick dogs on uncooperative witnesses, and let them bite off chunks of their flesh
  • Pigs who brutalize innocent mentally challenged shoppers and then suffocate them with non-rebreather masks
  • Any other cop who in any way violates the oath he or she swore, to uphold our Constitution
Rogue cops are referred to as pigs because they are no more part of civil society than the beasts of the field or forest. By their actions, they declare the social compact as void, and thus they can't expect us to be the least bit indignant when the Law of Nature is executed on them in place of the laws they have rendered null by their actions.
Referring to criminal thugs who do drugs, loot stores, attack cops...

If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.

Rogue cops are any members of the law enforcement community who act outside the law. There are various examples including but not limited to:

  • Pigs who throw grenades into infants cribs during no-knock raids
  • Pigs who molest women on the side of the highway
  • Pigs who brutalize children leaving pool parties
  • Pigs who violate the rights of those legally carrying concealed weapons
  • Pigs who sick dogs on uncooperative witnesses, and let them bite off chunks of their flesh
  • Pigs who brutalize innocent mentally challenged shoppers and then suffocate them with non-rebreather masks
  • Any other cop who in any way violates the oath he or she swore, to uphold our Constitution
Rogue cops are referred to as pigs because they are no more part of civil society than the beasts of the field or forest. By their actions, they declare the social compact as void, and thus they can't expect us to be the least bit indignant when the Law of Nature is executed on them in place of the laws they have rendered null by their actions.
If their existence justifies looting, cop killing, drug use and assault, then the fact that thugs exist justifies brutal assault on blacks. See how that works? Ah well....criminals aren't known for their ability to figure things out...
If you were criticizing the Democratic Party sheltering and protecting banksters, you could have had a point.

But, as it turns out, you do not. :rolleyes:
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.

Rogue cops are any members of the law enforcement community who act outside the law. There are various examples including but not limited to:

  • Pigs who throw grenades into infants cribs during no-knock raids
  • Pigs who molest women on the side of the highway
  • Pigs who brutalize children leaving pool parties
  • Pigs who violate the rights of those legally carrying concealed weapons
  • Pigs who sick dogs on uncooperative witnesses, and let them bite off chunks of their flesh
  • Pigs who brutalize innocent mentally challenged shoppers and then suffocate them with non-rebreather masks
  • Any other cop who in any way violates the oath he or she swore, to uphold our Constitution
Rogue cops are referred to as pigs because they are no more part of civil society than the beasts of the field or forest. By their actions, they declare the social compact as void, and thus they can't expect us to be the least bit indignant when the Law of Nature is executed on them in place of the laws they have rendered null by their actions.
If their existence justifies looting, cop killing, drug use and assault, then the fact that thugs exist justifies brutal assault on blacks. See how that works? Ah well....criminals aren't known for their ability to figure things out...

Crime doesn't justify crime. But the abandonment of civil law does give free reign to the Law of Nature. Its just logical. You can't expect the citizenry to abide by laws if those charged with maintaining law and order ignore them.
They shelter and encourage all forms of criminal lowlifes.

Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.

Rogue cops are any members of the law enforcement community who act outside the law. There are various examples including but not limited to:

  • Pigs who throw grenades into infants cribs during no-knock raids
  • Pigs who molest women on the side of the highway
  • Pigs who brutalize children leaving pool parties
  • Pigs who violate the rights of those legally carrying concealed weapons
  • Pigs who sick dogs on uncooperative witnesses, and let them bite off chunks of their flesh
  • Pigs who brutalize innocent mentally challenged shoppers and then suffocate them with non-rebreather masks
  • Any other cop who in any way violates the oath he or she swore, to uphold our Constitution
Rogue cops are referred to as pigs because they are no more part of civil society than the beasts of the field or forest. By their actions, they declare the social compact as void, and thus they can't expect us to be the least bit indignant when the Law of Nature is executed on them in place of the laws they have rendered null by their actions.
If their existence justifies looting, cop killing, drug use and assault, then the fact that thugs exist justifies brutal assault on blacks. See how that works? Ah well....criminals aren't known for their ability to figure things out...

Crime doesn't justify crime. But the abandonment of civil law does give free reign to the Law of Nature. Its just logical. You can't expect the citizenry to abide by laws if those charged with maintaining law and order ignore them.
It's not "the citizenry". It's a select group of criminals who have good cause to fear the law...and the law has good cause to fear them.
Like rogue cops, right? :rolleyes:
Ah the ever popular "rogue cop" defense.....the fave of looters who loot in protest when wannabe cop killers get dropped before they can kill.

Rogue cops are any members of the law enforcement community who act outside the law. There are various examples including but not limited to:

  • Pigs who throw grenades into infants cribs during no-knock raids
  • Pigs who molest women on the side of the highway
  • Pigs who brutalize children leaving pool parties
  • Pigs who violate the rights of those legally carrying concealed weapons
  • Pigs who sick dogs on uncooperative witnesses, and let them bite off chunks of their flesh
  • Pigs who brutalize innocent mentally challenged shoppers and then suffocate them with non-rebreather masks
  • Any other cop who in any way violates the oath he or she swore, to uphold our Constitution
Rogue cops are referred to as pigs because they are no more part of civil society than the beasts of the field or forest. By their actions, they declare the social compact as void, and thus they can't expect us to be the least bit indignant when the Law of Nature is executed on them in place of the laws they have rendered null by their actions.
If their existence justifies looting, cop killing, drug use and assault, then the fact that thugs exist justifies brutal assault on blacks. See how that works? Ah well....criminals aren't known for their ability to figure things out...

Crime doesn't justify crime. But the abandonment of civil law does give free reign to the Law of Nature. Its just logical. You can't expect the citizenry to abide by laws if those charged with maintaining law and order ignore them.
It's not "the citizenry". It's a select group of criminals who have good cause to fear the law...and the law has good cause to fear them.

And so the straw man argument goes. It's the same argument that led to the American Revolution. But the founders of this country understood what present day "conservatives" do not. They understood what a social compact was:

"If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."
-- from Federalist #51

And so it is with all social compacts, including those at the local level.
BEING BORN IN THE US DOES NOT MAKE YOU A US CITIZEN. And I don't give a SINGLE FUCK how many idiots 'feel' otherwise... .


The simple fact is that "ALL" persons born in the US are NOT citizens.

And this without regard to what foolish alterations to the US Constitution say about it.

Being born in the United States DOES make you a US citizen. You simply have NO REGARD for the Constitution.
We should never vote for somebody who got rich in politics and is caught in lie after lie, I knew I would never vote for Hillary a long time ago. I didn't know I would bother voting till Bernie Sanders.

Then again, I don't much care for party lines, I looked to both parties genuinely hoping to see a good candidate. I like rand paul, but he's not loud enough to win the Republican primary. The rest of that line up is so bad I cringed most of the debate.

I don't think Hillary should win the primary, her numbers are just getting worse as well. But I can't imagine the Republican candidate winning an election, whoever it is. I don't think Republicans take into account their numbers are at all time lows nationally. And the crap they spewed pandering to the base in primary debates will haunt them every step of the way in the general election.
BEING BORN IN THE US DOES NOT MAKE YOU A US CITIZEN. And I don't give a SINGLE FUCK how many idiots 'feel' otherwise... .


The simple fact is that "ALL" persons born in the US are NOT citizens.

And this without regard to what foolish alterations to the US Constitution say about it.

Being born in the United States DOES make you a US citizen. You simply have NO REGARD for the Constitution.

Uh... No, it doesn't.

And this without regard to the illicit 'interpretations' of foolish alterations to the US Constitution.
Just one small problem, Hil can win and DT can't. Pretty easy to make that call...

Keep the 5.3% unemployment rolling...

US Unemployment is holding at roughly 25% and has for some 7 years now.

The Intellectually Less Fortunate are confused by comparisons to the Leftist Depression of the 1930s with this one... and thats because in the 30s there were LONG Bread and Soup Lines and they foolishly look around and feel that there are no lines for people to get fed today and conclude that we can't be in a depression because of that.

When in truth, 50 million US Citizens and those dropping Anchor Babies in the US Illegally, are on Federal and State SUBSIDIES... and THAT IS WHERE THE MODERN FOOD LINES ARE.

We are in a depression today, which makes the 1930s Depression look like a walk int he park... we simply haven't seen the worst of it YET!

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