Why do liberals want to be forced to close their businesses?.

Why do liberals want to be forced to close their businesses?.
Why do conservatives always ask retarded questions?
Why does Nancy only want $10 billion for small businesses out of $3 trillion?

Didn't Republicans make sure most of that money went to corporations?
Ah, the benefits of no oversight.

Most small businesses are incorporated. Republicans made sure that most of the money went to small business. You Marxist traitor fucks made sure money went to public employee unions and leftist groups like Planned Parenthood.

She's trying to get the criminal republicans to guarantee at least that much actually goes to small.business instead of big companies.

It was a better straw man than you kids usually build though, so kudos.

Fuck you commie traitor.

Incorporated businesses are not big companies. 93% of all businesses in America of all sizes are incorporated in some form, LLC is particularly popular. PPP funds went to small businesses, and when cheating was found - such as by the lousy Marxist fucks over at Harvard, the president forced them to give the money back.

What Pelosi and you want is to fund illegal aliens. Hey, someone has to do the jobs you displaced American workers from, amirite? She wants to fund public employee union pension funds, have to make sure that retired school janitors get $1 million a year in pensions from the public. And we have to bail out failed blue states...

In the Piloshiti pork:

– $300M for foreign refugees
– $800M for Endowment for the Humanities and Arts
– $100M for NASA
– $25M for cleaning supplies for the Capital Building.
– $25M for additional House of Reps salary.
–A nationwide mandate for ballot harvesting
–An automatic visa extension for all foreign workers
–An expansion of foreign-language ballots
–Same-day voter registration for the 2020 presidential election
–An amnesty for nearly 800,000 DACA illegal aliens

So again, FUCK YOU commie traitor.
Why are you mad?

You have freedom. Why do liberals want government to shut them down?

If you have a restaurant why are you happy that the federal government shut you down?
So they can sit on their dead asses and collect welfare? Just a guess.
Why do liberals want to be forced to close their businesses?.
Why do conservatives always ask retarded questions?
Why does Nancy only want $10 billion for small businesses out of $3 trillion?
Because they already proved that republicans are enriching themselves due to lack of over sight.
Oh really? Care to prove it?
As soon as you prove Nancy only wants $10 billion for small businesses.
It's all about emotion. Hatred, anger and political ideology is stronger among socialist democrats than the instinct to survive.
Why do liberals want to be forced to close their businesses?.
Why do conservatives always ask retarded questions?
Why does Nancy only want $10 billion for small businesses out of $3 trillion?

Didn't Republicans make sure most of that money went to corporations?
Ah, the benefits of no oversight.

Most small businesses are incorporated. Republicans made sure that most of the money went to small business. You Marxist traitor fucks made sure money went to public employee unions and leftist groups like Planned Parenthood.
Well that's a lie.
Well that's a lie.

Don't you ever tire of being humiliated, creep?

{What’s the most common type of legal structure for a small business? Nearly half (47.3%) of small employer businesses (businesses with 1-100 employers) are S-corporations, which is the most common type of organization for this type of business. A whopping 86.4% of non-employer businesses are sole proprietorships, while just 14.4% of small employer businesses are sole proprietorships. (Source: Small Business Statistics | Chamber of Commerce) }

Most single proprietor small business is incorporated as an Limited Liability Corporation.

Well that's a lie.

Don't you ever tire of being humiliated, creep?

{What’s the most common type of legal structure for a small business? Nearly half (47.3%) of small employer businesses (businesses with 1-100 employers) are S-corporations, which is the most common type of organization for this type of business. A whopping 86.4% of non-employer businesses are sole proprietorships, while just 14.4% of small employer businesses are sole proprietorships. (Source: Small Business Statistics | Chamber of Commerce) }

Most single proprietor small business is incorporated as an Limited Liability Corporation.

Republican did not make sure more of the money went to small businesses.
This is not what liberals want:

"Capitalism required three key institutions to be created — and still does. It needed the nation-state — to create all the legal obligations and protections it enjoys, from profit-maximization, to the idea of a “company”. It needed the modern financial system of markets — to allow it to issue and hold “debt” and “equity”, or “shares”, of these “companies”, which were “capitalized” publicly — sold to all, not just casually, informally shared with friends and buddies and uncles and so on. And capitalism needed public investment for these new “companies” to operate, finally — because not a single company in the world has laid down its whole own public infrastructure, from roads to laws to courts and armies to protect property rights and so forth. "

"We believe capitalism is the only way to organize business, trade, commerce, and industry reveals we don’t really know what it is at all. It has become a kind of absolutism, a totalism, to us — we cannot think clearly, historically, or in a nuanced way about it at all, because it has come to represent everything to us. It’s exactly the same mistake the Soviets made, ironically. They imagined that their system of communism was the only true socialism — one party, “soviets” (which were councils that fed upwards to the “Supreme Soviet”, or grand council, Politburos, Five Year Plans). Soviet communism only true socialism, comrade! Meanwhile, Europe was happily building social democracies, which pioneered gentler, wiser, kinder, and truer forms of “socialism” (which is exactly what public healthcare or education or childcare is.) "


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