Why do people bitch & whine about the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty so much?

No it wasn't, traitor.

Thank you,

It was in International Waters flying a huge American flag on a perfectly clear day so it doesn't matter what it was.

The lie that the USS Liberty attack was an "accident" is about as lame as JFK was "accidentally" shot while Oswald was cleaning his rifle.

What next....?
The USS Liberty took up Station where an Egyptian Ship with the same profile & tonnage has been after the Egyptian Ship egressed . It was a Mistake Attack .

The outrageous lies told at this thread by traitorous Zionist shills about dead American G.I.s should embarrass their authors but....

If Israel's deliberate attack on America's USS Liberty was an "accident", why did an ethical Israeli pilot go to jail rather than murder American G.I.s?

"Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED
people actually involved in an incident are the most inaccurate form of evidence,

Feel free to voice that opinion at any one of America's glut of Holocaust museums and see what happens to you.

By the way, do you have a credible source for your opinion?

Methinks I've heard enough from Liberty survivors to paint Israel as the backstabbers they are

I have interacted with HUNDREDS of "survivors" I was advocate for the "survivor" for the many years of my professional life and to testified in court---,whether in the military or the civilian court----the SURVIVOR plays the BLAME GAME. I do not impugn the survivor----it is a natural response to injury
people actually involved in an incident are the most inaccurate form of evidence,
BIG TIME IMPORTANT STATEMENT OF THE DAY---unless you have been involved in the litigation of INJURIES----you cannot know how true is this
^^^^^^ statement
Feel free to voice that opinion at any one of America's glut of Holocaust museums and see what happens to you.

By the way, do you have a credible source for your opinion?

I am the credible source. I have been involved in THOUSANDS of personal injury cases, and have worked as an expert witness in courts. There are objective ways of determining the facts----fret not---the holocaust issue is confirmed----your credibility is questionable
people actually involved in an incident are the most inaccurate form of evidence,
That's the position the government took in the Warren Commission hearings, the 911 hearings, the Church Committee hearings, and lately the Jan 5 fiasco,
That's the position the government took in the Warren Commission hearings, the 911 hearings, the Church Committee hearings, and lately the Jan 5 fiasco,
I don't remember that ^^^ who were the injured parties? What happened
Jan 5 ?
Methinks I've heard enough from Liberty survivors to paint Israel as the backstabbers they are


Israel's decision to sink the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew is an extremely significant event because it clearly illustrates the influence of Israeli lobbies and high ranking "dual citizens" in US Government have over life-and-death foreign policy decisions.

The idea that an American president would side with a hostile foreign government in the mass murder of American G.I.s under his command is as reprehensible as it is treasonous.

LBJ and America's infestation of unregistered, "Israel First" lobbyists should be hung and / or deported for their role in the deliberate massacre and unparalleled cover-up.

I have yet to hear a single treasonous Israel Firster who could explain how the attack was an "accident" when unmarked French Mirage fighters deployed by IDF carried out the initial attacks.
Did the Israelis also "accidentally" forget to mark their planes sent to kill Americans?

I am the credible source. I have been involved in THOUSANDS of personal injury cases, and have worked as an expert witness in courts. There are objective ways of determining the facts----fret not---the holocaust issue is confirmed----your credibility is questionable

How can you be a "credible source" if you know nothing about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty.

The topic is about that additional Israeli betrayal, not about grocery store "slip-and-fall" scams.

Of course there are objective ways of determining the facts.

Proof that IDF machine gunned the Liberty's lowered life rafts, a war crime, is hanging in
Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. (1), (2)

your credibility is questionable

Ah, of course; the usual Hasbara slur.

Let's see you display some of your unrivaled "credibility" by trying to refute just one thing I have written and supported.

(1). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED

(2). "Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry
EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED
Israel's decision to sink the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew is an extremely significant event because it clearly illustrates the influence of Israeli lobbies and high ranking "dual citizens" in US Government have over life-and-death foreign policy decisions.

The idea that an American president would side with a hostile foreign government in the mass murder of American G.I.s under his command is as reprehensible as it is treasonous.

LBJ and America's infestation of unregistered, "Israel First" lobbyists should be hung and / or deported for their role in the deliberate massacre and unparalleled cover-up.

I have yet to hear a single treasonous Israel Firster who could explain how the attack was an "accident" when unmarked French Mirage fighters deployed by IDF carried out the initial attacks.
Did the Israelis also "accidentally" forget to mark their planes sent to kill Americans?


How can you be a "credible source" if you know nothing about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty.

The topic is about that additional Israeli betrayal, not about grocery store "slip-and-fall" scams.

Of course there are objective ways of determining the facts.

Proof that IDF machine gunned the Liberty's lowered life rafts, a war crime, is hanging in
Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. (1), (2)


Ah, of course; the usual Hasbara slur.

Let's see you display some of your unrivaled "credibility" by trying to refute just one thing I have written and supported.

(1). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED

(2). "Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry
EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED
How can you be a "credible source" if you know nothing about the deliberate attack on the USS Liberty.

The topic is about that additional Israeli betrayal, not about grocery store "slip-and-fall" scams.

Of course there are objective ways of determining the facts.

Proof that IDF machine gunned the Liberty's lowered life rafts, a war crime, is hanging in
Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. (1), (2)


Ah, of course; the usual Hasbara slur.

Let's see you display some of your unrivaled "credibility" by trying to refute just one thing I have written and supported.

(1). "The Forgotten Sneak Attack"

EXCERPT "The life raft taken by the Israeli torpedo boat and the wheel of the torpedo boat that succeeded in hitting Liberty are on display at Israel’s National Maritime Museum in Haifa. In Israel, those who participated in the attack are celebrated as national heroes."CONTINUED

(2). "Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry
EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED
your statement is inadmissable in court---it is hearsay
Israel's decision to sink the USS Liberty and murder its entire crew is an extremely significant event because it clearly illustrates the influence of Israeli lobbies and high ranking "dual citizens" in US Government have over life-and-death foreign policy decisions.

You ignore the obvious

1) Israel DID NOT Sink the U.S.S. Liberty
2) Israel did not kill the entire crew of the Liberty
)) Israrli warships suspended their attack on Liberty once it became obvious who the ship belonged to.
4) In the aftermath of the attack on Libety, Israel offered assistance in the Vietnam War to the U.S. Assistance that saved the lives of hundreds of US. aircrew.
where do you get a stupid idea like that? :::: “ Failzero says “From The Far Left & Left taking to the Streets and Interstate highway Bridges & Colleges across the Nation waving Iranian Flags “

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