Why do people support Trump?

Many convicted rapists and pedos are illegals.
A Biden illegal broke into an American family home one night. The father caught the illegal raping his 6 year old daughter. Biden and Dems looked the other way while they encouraged illegals to continue flooding into our country.

Americans KILLED and RAPED by illegals while Dems celebrate.

Much of the support for Trump can be explained by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – the ridiculous, wrongheaded notion that America is being ‘taken away’ from white Americans and that white Americans will soon be a minority relegated to that of ‘second-class citizens.’

Then we have the ‘burn it all down’ bomb-throwers who believe that ‘the system’ no longer works to their benefit and only Trump has the vison and ability to raze the political edifice, defeat the ‘Republican establishment,’ ‘liberal elites,’ ‘globalists,’ and ‘deep state’ conspirators returning government to the people.

You’ve got the libertarian anti-government faction who are lost in a fantasy world of an American frontier past that never actually existed – a mythical realm of ‘self-made men’ who’ve watched far too many episodes of Yellowstone.

Last there’s a motely collection of racists, white supremacists, and Christo-fascist bigots attracted to Trump because of his hateful nativist anti-immigrant policies – and the fact that Trump himself is a racist, bigot, and fascist.
Wow, that's a steaming load.
Much of the support for Trump can be explained by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – the ridiculous, wrongheaded notion that America is being ‘taken away’ from white Americans and that white Americans will soon be a minority relegated to that of ‘second-class citizens
“Replacement theory”? Dems are on the record advocating for it. They want America to be less white, because they are self-loathing twats, brainwashed by a bunch of Marxists that want to destroy Western civilization.

Multiculturalism is a failure, there can be only one dominant culture. They want to eradicate the white Christian European culture we have been since we were founded as a colony.

Dems are open about making white people second class citizens. They want government assistance programs based off race, to leave white people out. They are already doing this.
The solution to illegals is to fine employers who hire illegals.
Nobody is hiring them. This is a fantasy to think they are here working and filling jobs. There are still open jobs everywhere, they aren’t taking them. They of course can’t take many of them, as they have no skills, speak no English, and have no education. They are just here to collect welfare and use fake SS numbers to steal SS checks.
Nobody is hiring them. This is a fantasy to think they are here working and filling jobs. There are still open jobs everywhere, they aren’t taking them. They of course can’t take many of them, as they have no skills, speak no English, and have no education. They are just here to collect welfare and use fake SS numbers to steal SS checks.

Trump hired them for decades.
The solution to illegals is to fine employers who hire illegals.

No that's not the solution because illegals come here for all kinds of reasons. Do you really believe that all 30 million illegals in this country are working jobs illegally?

You want to fine American employers but support a dementia patient that's allowing them in by the millions per year.
You want to fine American employers but don't do a damn thing to leftist Mayors and Governors that issue them drivers licenses so they can get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.
You want to fine American employers while the moron in the White House stopped ICE from doing workplace raids.

Why do you all pretend Trump like sealed the border or some shit? You do know he didn’t right? Illegal immigrants and drugs came over the border like clockwork. You did notice that right?
Traffic slowed greatly during the worst of the pandemic.
No that's not the solution because illegals come here for all kinds of reasons. Do you really believe that all 30 million illegals in this country are working jobs illegally?

You want to fine American employers but support a dementia patient that's allowing them in by the millions per year.
You want to fine American employers but don't do a damn thing to leftist Mayors and Governors that issue them drivers licenses so they can get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.
You want to fine American employers while the moron in the White House stopped ICE from doing workplace raids.

No that's not the solution because illegals come here for all kinds of reasons. Do you really believe that all 30 million illegals in this country are working jobs illegally?

You want to fine American employers but support a dementia patient that's allowing them in by the millions per year.
You want to fine American employers but don't do a damn thing to leftist Mayors and Governors that issue them drivers licenses so they can get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.
You want to fine American employers while the moron in the White House stopped ICE from doing workplace raids.

30 million? :rolleyes:
No that's not the solution because illegals come here for all kinds of reasons. Do you really believe that all 30 million illegals in this country are working jobs illegally?

You want to fine American employers but support a dementia patient that's allowing them in by the millions per year.
You want to fine American employers but don't do a damn thing to leftist Mayors and Governors that issue them drivers licenses so they can get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.
You want to fine American employers while the moron in the White House stopped ICE from doing workplace raids.


Yes. Fine employers. It's worked in other countries. 90% self deport.
Trump is not a negotiater at all. He gives it away and gets nothing in return.

Yeah, especially when he traded who was considered the second most dangerous man in the world for a worthless drug addict basketball player. Oh wait....my bad.......I'm thinking of somebody else.

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