Why do people support Trump?

Given the information coming out from Twitter, along with the polls and studies done since, President Trump is 100% right, again.

So, um...what was the *actual* vote count then? With evidence please.
A certain percentage of people will swoon and worship a leader of their affiliation. This happens for the Democrats as well. Me? I've never bought into a POTUS candidate in my lifetime. Some of us are able to see right thru the rhetoric.

That was true for me until 2015. All of my acquaintances were leftists and I made the mistake of asking them to have a civil discussion of the relative merits of a run by an outsider, and their vicious meltdowns were so epic that I just had to draw back and look harder at what it was they were so afraid of.

I just had to see what was so fearsome about one man, and realized that it was not the man. And Musk is proving it again right now. It's not the man.

It's the demon driving a mindless cult.

I've always been into fighting cults.

For me the deal breaker is being Uber wealthy. My christian morals prevent me from supporting such a person for a leader.
Dude, there's so much butthurt in your posts.

I've essentially got a summer home in your head, rent free.
Progs keep coming ack with their answers to theories that were on paper. Reality is the physical end game of their agendas. And we are in decline in good part, because of this. Many in the Congress and in D.C. are not that smart.
I was just thinking about that. Unlike De Santis, Lake is taking the direct Trumpian victimhood route. So she's directly following the template. It's working great within the party so far.

I believe that's why she opted to do it. She saw how much support Trump got for doing that. She must've figured she too would get that same level of support.
Because we HATE the Democrats guts that's why. Nothing but lawless LYING rat bastards.
That explains it...

They are brought up and conditioned to hate over half of Americans... They hate not only Democrats but also RINOs, independents,....

They then live in a media bubble to affirm this hate...

This really went up a gear in 2009 with the election of Obama and McConnell saying he would do anything to make Obama a one term president. Fox News was there pumping the propaganda in a belief that they some how controlled the message.
Koch Brothers then started in on the Tea Party... This was an astro turf movement with the desired method to push a low taxes and demonise anyone that stood against that(i.e. Democrats).

This continued and started getting worse with calls like Obama wasn't really an American.. They were starting to delegitimise the opposition, this is a common tactic taken before a coup. Delegitimise then Dehumanise...

Then came along Trump... And Trump saw all this going on and he just started to get rid of the guard rails... He leveraged the 7 years previous Delegitimising and Dehumanising... They discovered that US politics is run a lot by norms and traditions... There are laws but they are weak and people are just not expected to break the law...
Everything you disagree with is Fox to you, isn't it? Well........I guess that's all you have when you don't have a legitimate argument.
Lol. I gave up on arguing with you legitimately. Everything you know is wrong, so legitimate arguments are a waste of time.
Yeah, Biden is just like Trump and Lake.

:auiqs.jpg:o the usual foam at the mouth every time someone you politicaly
You loons foam at the mouth whenever someone you disagree with politically says something you don't like, but ignore your side doing the exact same shit. You are a partisan hack.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
He markets an America First mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who are not into globalism / internationalism

He markets a Tough-on-China mindset and that appeals to even larger numbers who see China as both a short-term and a long-term threat

He markets a Made-in-America mindset (closely tied to the above) that appeals to anyone with common economic or strategic sense

He markets a Gay-Agenda-Thwarting mindset and that appeals to vast numbers of straight Americans who hesitate to speak up against the Gay Mafia

He markets a Low Taxes mindset and that appeals to darned-near everybody

He markets a Minimal Government mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who prize low taxes and thwarting government interference in our lives

He markets an Anti-Illegal-Aliens / Anti-Illegal-Immigration / Secure Borders mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who prize national / cultural integrity


From a pure policy perspective... what's not-to-like?

His trouble - and the trouble of the GOP in general when contemplating him - is that...

* He talks a good game but doesn't deliver much of substance or lasting value

* He alienates far too many people of all walks of life and all locales and all countries with his coarse, boorish, juvenile behaviors and mannerisms

* He routinely engages in unthinking knee-jerk reactions and opens his mouth or tweets before thinking and others are always batting clean-up for him

* His character flaws and moral and ethical shortcomings render him entirely unfit for high offce and the sacred trust bestowed upon our leaders

* He is willing to set aside our ancient tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power and provisions of the Constitution itself in order to obtain or retain power

* He foolishly believes that he is above The Law

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