Why do people support Trump?

This misguided, paranoid rage had been building for decades, since the day Limbaugh went national.

Trump was the perfect pressure relief valve: Shameless, flamboyant, pugilistic and willing to say anything for approval.

He's the living, breathing expression of their manipulated rage.

Its so bizarre to see what they fixate on. The rage and hate at Trans folks for example. They're just folks. But the right wingers can't stop obsessing about them.

I would have thought their doomsday predictions of what would have happened if we legalized gay marriage (followed by jack shit) would have convinced them to dial down the chicken little.

But oddly, no.
Sure is, RED WAVE...


More, please. The tiny high-pitched squeal, like that of a small animal being tortured, that comes out of you when you're scared is gratifying.

Its so bizarre to see what they fixate on. The rage and hate at Trans folks for example. They're just folks. But the right wingers can't stop obsessing about them.

I would have thought their doomsday predictions of what would have happened if we legalized gay marriage (followed by jack shit) would have convinced them to dial down the chicken little.

But oddly, no.
They're a raw, open, emotional wound. This is about far more than politics for them.

Maybe some of them were tired of waiting for Jesus to return.
More, please. The tiny high-pitched squeal, like that of a small animal being tortured, that comes out of you when you're scared is gratifying.


Speaking of entertainment, tell me more about being scared, RED WAVE...

Translation: Shit! I'm scared!

7 days


But I do have to give you some credit... you finally wisened up enough to dump your moronic RED WAVE avatar. :clap:
He had claimed the election was rigged when Cruz beat him in a primary.

He claimed the election was rigged by THE EMMYS when he didn't win.

This is who he is, who has always been. His flock just ignores it, always.

He claimed that Obama's re-election in 2012 against Romney was rigged.

Being a victim of some conspiracy or another is baked into the MAGA identity. Its part of their bones.
He had claimed the election was rigged when Cruz beat him in a primary.

He claimed the election was rigged by THE EMMYS when he didn't win.

This is who he is, who has always been. His flock just ignores it, always.

It's his M.O.. Cry fraud when he loses and free & fair when he wins. Now he's spawned a gaggle of MAGAts to do the same. Like Kari Lake.
It's his M.O.. Cry fraud when he loses and free & fair when he wins. Now he's spawned a gaggle of MAGAts to do the same. Like Kari Lake.
I was just thinking about that. Unlike De Santis, Lake is taking the direct Trumpian victimhood route. So she's directly following the template. It's working great within the party so far.
A certain percentage of people will swoon and worship a leader of their affiliation. This happens for the Democrats as well. Me? I've never bought into a POTUS candidate in my lifetime. Some of us are able to see right thru the rhetoric.
I was just thinking about that. Unlike De Santis, Lake is taking the direct Trumpian victimhood route. So she's directly following the template. It's working great within the party so far.

I see DeSantis more as an adherent to the MAGA sports lens. In the real world, we all live together so we've got to find away to get along. But in sports, you cheer the failures of another team. For someone to win, someone else has to lose.

DeSantis consistently serves that idea, doing is best to make the 'other' lose. Which is so goddamn sad. He's actively rooting for and working toward the diminishment of a solid proportion of the citizens of his own state.

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