Why do people support Trump?

Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
I'm not Republican but I voted for Trump because he was not a typical politician and said what he felt and not what some folks wanted to hear. I'll vote for him again if he is the GOP nominee in 2024.
He markets an America First mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who are not into globalism / internationalism

He markets a Tough-on-China mindset and that appeals to even larger numbers who see China as both a short-term and a long-term threat

He markets a Made-in-America mindset (closely tied to the above) that appeals to anyone with common economic or strategic sense

He markets a Gay-Agenda-Thwarting mindset and that appeals to vast numbers of straight Americans who hesitate to speak up against the Gay Mafia

He markets a Low Taxes mindset and that appeals to darned-near everybody

He markets a Minimal Government mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who prize low taxes and thwarting government interference in our lives

He markets an Anti-Illegal-Aliens / Anti-Illegal-Immigration / Secure Borders mindset and that appeals to vast numbers who prize national / cultural integrity


From a pure policy perspective... what's not-to-like?

His trouble - and the trouble of the GOP in general when contemplating him - is that...

* He talks a good game but doesn't deliver much of substance or lasting value

* He alienates far too many people of all walks of life and all locales and all countries with his coarse, boorish, juvenile behaviors and mannerisms

* He routinely engages in unthinking knee-jerk reactions and opens his mouth or tweets before thinking and others are always batting clean-up for him

* His character flaws and moral and ethical shortcomings render him entirely unfit for high offce and the sacred trust bestowed upon our leaders

* He is willing to set aside our ancient tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power and provisions of the Constitution itself in order to obtain or retain power

* He foolishly believes that he is above The Law
Trump fights back leftists whine ✓
Trump makes America First leftists whine✓
The DNC cult media makes shit up and it's useful stupid tools parrot those lies ✓
Why do you all pretend Trump like sealed the border or some shit? You do know he didn’t right? Illegal immigrants and drugs came over the border like clockwork. You did notice that right?
That's just goofy. You can't be that desperate?

Are these figures true or false?


BECAUSE he’s a con man
The Progs and some corrupted Republicans have conned us all with fiat currency legislation over the last two years. And all of them love private business ways of enjoying living. Government stores will be a reality with quality dropped 90% easily at some point and much of the products not available.
I'm not Republican but I voted for Trump because he was not a typical politician and said what he felt and not what some folks wanted to hear. I'll vote for him again if he is the GOP nominee in 2024.
Huh... the homeless guy down at the corner checks all those boxes. You're an easy mark.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
1. They support his policies.
2. They have no trust or confidence in the voices screaming for his head.
3. They appreciate his status as an outsider.

You don't understand. Hardly anyone wants to either live with him or work for him, but they appreciate what he was able to do as president.
Much of the support for Trump can be explained by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory – the ridiculous, wrongheaded notion that America is being ‘taken away’ from white Americans and that white Americans will soon be a minority relegated to that of ‘second-class citizens.’

Then we have the ‘burn it all down’ bomb-throwers who believe that ‘the system’ no longer works to their benefit and only Trump has the vison and ability to raze the political edifice, defeat the ‘Republican establishment,’ ‘liberal elites,’ ‘globalists,’ and ‘deep state’ conspirators returning government to the people.

You’ve got the libertarian anti-government faction who are lost in a fantasy world of an American frontier past that never actually existed – a mythical realm of ‘self-made men’ who’ve watched far too many episodes of Yellowstone.

Last there’s a motely collection of racists, white supremacists, and Christo-fascist bigots attracted to Trump because of his hateful nativist anti-immigrant policies – and the fact that Trump himself is a racist, bigot, and fascist.
Uh oh Clayton's time of month.....

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