Why do people support Trump?

You mean like when your Messiah made fun of the handicapped.

:thankusmile: Agent candyass as always has shit on his face in embarrassment.:auiqs.jpg:the trolls who always say trump made fun of that handicapped person always get desperate with their Hail Marys that trump made fun of a handicapped person.i debunked that on a thread of mine years ago proving that was not the only time he made that hand gesture thst the media used claiming he made fun of him proving that was not the first time he did it,that he had done it many times in the past as well.:abgg2q.jpg:

Had that been the only time they would be right but sense he did it many times before that,they have zero evidence he made fun of him.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301: The media alomg with agent candyass don’t want to talk about when Obama made fun of a handicapped person.
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Care to have a war on that with me? You tell me something racist Trump ever said, and I'll do the same with Dementia. Gee, now who do you think would win that war?

You people are so stupid. It's one thing to stoop to your race card, but quite another when you voted for a presidential candidate that said the most racist things about blacks and others than any presidential contender of our time. Look up the old adage of people that throw rocks in glass houses.
:thankusmile: The trump haters are embarrassing themselves badly here.lol
I'll put on my flame-suit because this will likely piss off a lot of people, including people I agree with on most other issues. But to answer your question...

I think a big part of it is what Whitney Webb calls "savior politics."

In this quote she's talking about Qanon, but I think the same thing applies to Trump's popularity, so if you just replace the word Qanon, the quote works.

I'll put on my flame-suit because this will likely piss off a lot of people, including people I agree with on most other issues. But to answer your question...

I think a big part of it is what Whitney Webb calls "savior politics."

In this quote she's talking about Qanon, but I think the same thing applies to Trump's popularity, so if you just replace the word Qanon, the quote works.

For many, I see it too, but not all.
I see the process as steering the Titanic.
We are particularly blessed in this country to have a say in our own future.
I simply follow the advice, "vote for the most conservative" individual out there who has a chance of winning."
If President Trump is the nominee, he will get my vote. He earned it.
This country needs a modern day Josiah to root out the deep state. There needs to be mass firings in the federal government. I see no one else at all willing to do it. He's earned my vote , but that is the principle I use to judge the candidate
That's some StormFront level shit right there.

You're openly and fully embracing the great replacement theory, straight from white supremacist website.

For anyone who is curious about why folks support Trump, take a long and hard look at the wasteland that is Ray's worldview. The GOP has carefully fostered this mindset for at least 20 years. The beating heart of MAGA is restoring an era of White Supremacy in America.

And Trump embodies it perfectly.
No. Trump embodies it very IMperfectly. He diddled around the edges and employed dog-whistles and buzzwords but failed to do anything substantial with it.
Seriously, I'd like to know. I really don't get it.
There are a lot of reasons and motivations. But, for me, it comes down to one thing for one reason. It's just plain stupidity, pure and simple. I say that because when supporters back a president who plainly doesn't give a damn about those supporters or their lives, that's just plain foolishness to the Nth degree.

Why do I say that? Many of Trump's supporters are non college educated white males who live in middle America and who have felt economically left behind since the great recession of 2008 which decimated their lives while banks were bailed out. I can totally understand that resentment However, Trump has spent his entire life not caring one whit about people like them at all. What Trump has cared about for decades is a short list. What Trump cares about is the following: people with a lot of money, famous celebrities of any stripe, beautiful women, and media attention when he can bend it to glorify himself in some way, regardless of what is and isn't true To that end, Trump is a person who has wholly embraced the old Nike advertising mantra that "Image is Everything." In other words, for Trump, if the truth is not so complimentary, he creates a fiction and sells it to anyone who's willing to buy it. The recent release of his taxes shows that to be true because it shows that he was a poor businessman who lost millions of dollars over several years. But what was the image he fostered to anyone who was willing to listen? The image was of a hugely successful businessman who made billions of dollars.

The bottom line is that Trump is a con man who cons everyone about each and every aspect of his life.
There are a lot of reasons and motivations. But, for me, it comes down to one thing for one reason. It's just plain stupidity, pure and simple. I say that because when supporters back a president who plainly doesn't give a damn about those supporters or their lives, that's just plain foolishness to the Nth degree.

Why do I say that? Many of Trump's supporters are non college educated white males who live in middle America and who have felt economically left behind since the great recession of 2008 which decimated their lives while banks were bailed out. I can totally understand that resentment However, Trump has spent his entire life not caring one whit about people like them at all. What Trump has cared about for decades is a short list. What Trump cares about is the following: people with a lot of money, famous celebrities of any stripe, beautiful women, and media attention when he can bend it to glorify himself in some way, regardless of what is and isn't true To that end, Trump is a person who has wholly embraced the old Nike advertising mantra that "Image is Everything." In other words, for Trump, if the truth is not so complimentary, he creates a fiction and sells it to anyone who's willing to buy it. The recent release of his taxes shows that to be true because it shows that he was a poor businessman who lost millions of dollars over several years. But what was the image he fostered to anyone who was willing to listen? The image was of a hugely successful businessman who made billions of dollars.

The bottom line is that Trump is a con man who cons everyone about each and every aspect of his life.

Amen! Thank you!
Because the Democrat party is the anti-white party. Their goal is to eliminate the white race; not by genocide mind you, but to eliminate us from power.

You see most all other groups outside of whites support or strongly support the Democrat party according to statistics. That disrupts their plans to turn the US into a single-party country forever. The solution to that problem? Make whites a minority ASAP. Once they do that, they will have a single-party country and the end of the great experiment begins.

The incentive of getting people conditioned to not work is also to create more Democrat voters. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Once people solely depend on the government to live, their votes are easily bought and kept.

If you look at the last election, young people between the ages of 18 to 29 voted Democrat by 62%. They were promised by Dementia they would get college loan relief if they kept Republicans out of power. Money is the easiest way to buy votes.

No you morons misunderstand what made it the worst recession. It was the worst in terms of the amount of jobs lost. That means getting back all those jobs took longer. However that doesn’t mean the RATE was slow. From 2009 on, 100,000’s of jobs were being created monthly. That trend hasn’t stopped to this day. Trump inherited that job growth rate. Either way, a slow recovery doesn’t equate to a recession lol.
If the rate isn't slow, then how could it be worse? Those two claims are contradictions, bonehead.
If the rate isn't slow, then how could it be worse? Those two claims are contradictions, bonehead.
Lol dude this isn’t hard to comprehend. The recession was both longer and many more jobs were lost than previous recessions. Because the rate of the recovery was standard, it inevitably took longer for those jobs to come back. The rate was standard but not slow.

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