Why do people support Trump?


Still pushing that lie that 71% of Democrats would have voted differently in the 2020 presidential election if they knew that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were accurate and not Russian disinformation?

How sad.
So is the unemployment rate in your state decreasing? Is there no new job growth? That would be a separate measure from labor participation which is made up of a lot of different types of people.

Yes it is, but the idea that people are not working is very telling of the Democrat strategy.

It's no secret the most favored voter of Democrats are government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. If this is the result of their schemes, it's very disturbing indeed. What happens when more and more people in this country find ways not to work any longer? Well, it gives Democrats the excuse of why we need more immigrants. And what happens when this population of non-Americans flood our country? They change the country.

We are losing our independence, and in the process eventually our liberty. We depend on China for just about everything, and now we're going to have to depend on Southern America people to do the work? If we have to depend on everybody but Americans, we are doomed as a country.
Well good for you, slugger. What you don't know is what caused the inflation, because you're ignorant.

Regardless, your orange god lost because America spoke.

Tough shit.

Sure I do 5.00 gas
Lawless? What trump and his clan did on January 6 was lawless beyond beyond belief. Notice that nothing happened to trump yet but most of the dumb shits that followed his lead got payback in the form of prison time.

Prison time from a political trial worthy of Stalin.
Yes it is, but the idea that people are not working is very telling of the Democrat strategy.

It's no secret the most favored voter of Democrats are government dependents. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. If this is the result of their schemes, it's very disturbing indeed. What happens when more and more people in this country find ways not to work any longer? Well, it gives Democrats the excuse of why we need more immigrants. And what happens when this population of non-Americans flood our country? They change the country.

We are losing our independence, and in the process eventually our liberty. We depend on China for just about everything, and now we're going to have to depend on Southern America people to do the work? If we have to depend on everybody but Americans, we are doomed as a country.
Doesn’t it bother you that you make these connections in your head that SOUND like they make sense but aren’t necessarily true? That’s an important part of thinking critically. You may have a thought process in your head that sounds true but isn’t necessarily.

I’ve told you this before. There is no such thing as an able-bodied person here in the US that is on welfare full time. It’s possible for an unemployed person to get food stamps, but because the amount per month is peanuts, it would be literally impossible to live off of. Able bodied people don’t have a choice. They either get a job or they die. That’s the fact here in America.
Doesn’t it bother you that you make these connections in your head that SOUND like they make sense but aren’t necessarily true? That’s an important part of thinking critically. You may have a thought process in your head that sounds true but isn’t necessarily.

I’ve told you this before. There is no such thing as an able-bodied person here in the US that is on welfare full time. It’s possible for an unemployed person to get food stamps, but because the amount per month is peanuts, it would be literally impossible to live off of. Able bodied people don’t have a choice. They either get a job or they die. That’s the fact here in America.

Then how do you explain over 7 million men of working age not working nor looking for work? How are they surviving? Now....... I can't tell you myself how they are getting by, but apparently they are. So what's not true in what I say?
Lawless? What trump and his clan did on January 6 was lawless beyond beyond belief. Notice that nothing happened to trump yet but most of the dumb shits that followed his lead got payback in the form of prison time.

What lead are you talking about? Trump never led anything but a rally.
Then how do you explain over 7 million men of working age not working nor looking for work? How are they surviving? Now....... I can't tell you myself how they are getting by, but apparently they are. So what's not true in what I say?
Well first of all it’s important to know what kind of people make up the non participation rate. The retired, house spouses, the disabled, college students, and teens at least 16 years old. So factoring all that in, how many men are left? Some lazy men? Yeah definitely. There is some lazy people who would love not to work. This would be a small number however. How do those men get by? I do not know. I just know it can’t be very many of them.
Well first of all it’s important to know what kind of people make up the non participation rate. The retired, house spouses, the disabled, college students, and teens at least 16 years old. So factoring all that in, how many men are left? Some lazy men? Yeah definitely. There is some lazy people who would love not to work. This would be a small number however. How do those men get by? I do not know. I just know it can’t be very many of them.

Well according to Mike Rowe these are not disabled, retired or anything. These are men of working age that can work and simply are not working.

Here is my problem: the Democrat party is working on conditioning people not to work. And if they continue successfully, we are screwed as a country because we need people to do these jobs and provide for the needs of the citizens.
Trump fights back leftists whine ✓
Rump gets OTHER people to fight his battles and take-the-fall ...
Trump makes America First leftists whine✓
It no longer makes the slightest bit of difference... he can no longer win the Presidency... thank Christ.
The DNC cult media makes shit up and it's useful stupid tools parrot those lies ✓
It no longer makes the slightest bit of difference... he can no longer win the Presidency... believe it.
So is the unemployment rate in your state decreasing? Is there no new job growth? That would be a separate measure from labor participation which is made up of a lot of different types of people.
Well according to Mike Rowe these are not disabled, retired or anything. These are men of working age that can work and simply are not working.

Here is my problem: the Democrat party is working on conditioning people not to work. And if they continue successfully, we are screwed as a country because we need people to do these jobs and provide for the needs of the citizens.
Who specifically is doing the conditioning? Describe the conditioning and give an example.
Well first of all it’s important to know what kind of people make up the non participation rate. The retired, house spouses, the disabled, college students, and teens at least 16 years old. So factoring all that in, how many men are left? Some lazy men? Yeah definitely. There is some lazy people who would love not to work. This would be a small number however. How do those men get by? I do not know. I just know it can’t be very many of them.
The criteria are the same as a dozen years ago and more. Today, it is horrid. The government has convinced millions of people that they can live off the government and not be troubled by that four-letter word, WORK.

The criteria are the same as a dozen years ago and more. Today, it is horrid. The government has convinced millions of people that they can live off the government and not be troubled by that four-letter word, WORK.

So, exactly, did the government say about that? More importantly, what is their motive for doing this? Why would it matter to them?
Who specifically is doing the conditioning? Describe the conditioning and give an example.

I just did. Giving unemployed Americans more money to not work than work for most of last year. Increasing food stamps the highest percentage since the program began. When people get used to not working, they find ways to try and make it continue.

I just did. Giving unemployed Americans more money to not work than work for most of last year. Increasing food stamps the highest percentage since the program began. When people get used to not working, they find ways to try and make it continue.

Um well one is temporary and one pays peanuts. What exactly is the incentive for the government doing this? I think you said to attract illegal immigrants but literally the only program illegal qualify for is section 8 housing. Either way, why does the government want more illegals? What is the end game? Who benefits from it?

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