Why Do People Support Trump?

I know more than you...infinitely more. You are one of those types that likes to place people in neat little categories as you wave the rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if what you say or think carries any importance....it doesn't. You are just one of the useful idiots...nothing more, nothing less.

Says the guy who thinks the Lizard Men are out to get him.
If you drive 60 MPH in a 55MPH zone you are breaking our laws
If you have an overdue library book you are stealing.
Yes your statements are those of bigotry. And Ignorance.

Rabbid, it's so cute to watch you pretend to have a conscience.

Okay, guy, hate to break it to you, but Trump is the logical end result of the GOP leadership getting the working class to vote away all the rights gained from the Progressive Era to the Great Society by playing them off against each other.

The GOP has for years been playing on the racial and sexual resentments of White Working Class males for decades. Trump has just figured out how to do it better by pointing out the Elephant (no pun intended) in the middle of the room.

That the very same Conservative Leaders who have whined about "Feminism" and "Affirmative Action" are the same ones who signed awful trade treaties and right to work laws that have created REAL misery for working class white folks. So Trump plays the race and gender cards, but he also calls bullshit on Free Trade and corporations bringing in workers on H1B visas.

It will probably get him the GOP nomination. We can only hope it won't win him the general election.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

Ignorant huh? I'm offended. And I also can't help it if I take it personally.

I voted for the man and I'm FAR from ignorant. Most of the so called "solutions" taken by our legislators have been too complex. Trying to apply complex solutions to simple problems. That is bound to fail.

And so we're ignorant because we want a more direct approach to policy? This is quite infuriating to be looked down on as ignorant for supporting someone like Trump.

Not all of us are blind fools or mindless automatons. Yes, we're angry, for far more complicated reasons. Perhaps that's why so many of us support him, because other people take such elitist attitudes towards who we support. It may not even matter why we support the man, there will always be people looking down their noses at us calling us ignorant.

Saw a stat the other day; of 130 members of Congress who have been through elections thus far the “angry” electorate voted out 0.00 of them.

A few months ago, Trump’s policy was simple. In the words of Sarah Palin, he was going to “Kick ISIS’s ass.” He was quoted as saying he was going to “Take their oil.” About terrorists he said that he was going to target their families. Last week during his foreign policy speech/stand up comedy set, he didn’t mention doing any of that.

You’re thought of as being ignorant because you are.

The man will tell you anything you want to hear which I’m prepared to forgive because on domestic policies (you may not know this—Drumpf doesn’t seem to), you have to deal with Congress and no President gets everything he wants. One can recall the Congress (Dems included) rejecting Obama’s budget 414 to 0. On use of the military, the President has much less input from Congress. If your messiah hasn’t got a clue on what to do with the military, that is a problem. At some point, you have to hold his supporters accountable for supporting an ass clown.
Find the laws in the US Code regarding the punishments and penalties for those entering illegally. Those laws.

No, I'm asking you (and bripat) to do it, since you're the ones claiming that it's as simple as "enforcing the law". If it's so simple, it shouldn't be hard.
Why is it our job to prove a negative?

Providing me with the law that you are claiming should be enforced, but is not is not asking you to "proving a negative", it's asking you to back up your claim. Stating that there is a "simple" solution to immigration, and that is enforcing the "law" is not a negative claim, it's a positive one.

You are the one who has said this is "simple", but now it appears that you can't even tell me which laws should be enforced?
Let's make this easy to comprehend. Any law regulating immigration into the US, including the punishments for breaching that process.

You're not getting it.

It's not "easy to comprehend". There are countless laws, each saying different things, many of them contradictory.

That's my point - and the fact that you still can't actually provide the laws that you think should be enforced is kind of proving it.

At some point, what you’re doing to TK is getting into the area of abuse of the mentally ill.
For immigration: Which laws should we be enforcing that we're ? Be specific, cite the legal codes.

I just addressed that.

For terrorism: Who should we kill? Again, be specific - and tell me how killing those people will "eliminate" terrorism.

First, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban and all other affiliated elements whose sole purpose is to threaten America and the western world. Second, terrorism can't be completely eliminated, but the threat it poses can.

Where are all these people that you think should be killed? How should we kill them? Will there be collateral damage? How much will it cost, in terms of money and troops? Will the collateral damage inspire more terrorists? How will mass killings eliminate the threat posed by terrorism?

Are republicans going to raise taxes to hire more jack booted thugs errr I mean ICE agents to kick in doors, apprehend dangerous au pairs, maids, and gardeners? Watch out…he’s reaching for a watering can!!!
Who needs a mint?
Sunday polls show Trump 15 points over Cruz in Indiana.
All the people in all the states who are Trump supporters must be pretty stupid right?
And 100% of these Primary voters are going to vote for Trump in November.
Hillary's negro 'fire-wall'?
DEM primary turnout is down over four million from 2012 so far.
REP primary turnout is up over eight million from 2012 so far.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.
---------------------------------- only problem with that is that instead of a million legals a year like it is now they just say that they'll build the wall and let in 10 million LEGALS a year . Gotta stop the immigration of ALL types IMO , no one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . And the powers that be purposely import third worlders to further fracture the USA with their Diversity .
Yeah because what do immigrants contribute here anyway, right?
Your views aer those of the lazy racist uninformed. No wonder you support Trump.
------------------------------------------ Go Trump and it looks like he will probably get it in Indiana . Not counting my chickens as i said that Trump will PROBABLY win Rabbi .
For immigration: Which laws should we be enforcing that we're ? Be specific, cite the legal codes.

I just addressed that.

For terrorism: Who should we kill? Again, be specific - and tell me how killing those people will "eliminate" terrorism.

First, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban and all other affiliated elements whose sole purpose is to threaten America and the western world. Second, terrorism can't be completely eliminated, but the threat it poses can.

Where are all these people that you think should be killed? How should we kill them? Will there be collateral damage? How much will it cost, in terms of money and troops? Will the collateral damage inspire more terrorists? How will mass killings eliminate the threat posed by terrorism?

Are republicans going to raise taxes to hire more jack booted thugs errr I mean ICE agents to kick in doors, apprehend dangerous au pairs, maids, and gardeners? Watch out…he’s reaching for a watering can!!!
-------------------------------------- hope so , if they are illegal i sure hope so Candy !!
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.
---------------------------------- only problem with that is that instead of a million legals a year like it is now they just say that they'll build the wall and let in 10 million LEGALS a year . Gotta stop the immigration of ALL types IMO , no one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . And the powers that be purposely import third worlders to further fracture the USA with their Diversity .
Yeah because what do immigrants contribute here anyway, right?
Your views aer those of the lazy racist uninformed. No wonder you support Trump.
------------------------------------------ Go Trump and it looks like he will probably get it in Indiana . Not counting my chickens as i said that Trump will PROBABLY win Rabbi .
Yay our team! Our team wins! Never mind our team sucks but they suck less than the other team.
Yup, Trump supporters are simply Obama supporters turned inside out.
The appeal of populism is that it gives "easy" answers to the problems that anger the ignorant masses.

What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.
---------------------------------- only problem with that is that instead of a million legals a year like it is now they just say that they'll build the wall and let in 10 million LEGALS a year . Gotta stop the immigration of ALL types IMO , no one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . And the powers that be purposely import third worlders to further fracture the USA with their Diversity .
Yeah because what do immigrants contribute here anyway, right?
Your views aer those of the lazy racist uninformed. No wonder you support Trump.
------------------------------------------ Go Trump and it looks like he will probably get it in Indiana . Not counting my chickens as i said that Trump will PROBABLY win Rabbi .
Yay our team! Our team wins! Never mind our team sucks but they suck less than the other team.
Yup, Trump supporters are simply Obama supporters turned inside out.
------------------------------------- thank you , happy to see that you are annoyed Rabbi , i love how TRUMP annoys his enemies .
What's complicated about illegal immigration? Simply enforce the law. That's the only thing you need to know.
---------------------------------- only problem with that is that instead of a million legals a year like it is now they just say that they'll build the wall and let in 10 million LEGALS a year . Gotta stop the immigration of ALL types IMO , no one has a RIGHT to immigrate to the USA . And the powers that be purposely import third worlders to further fracture the USA with their Diversity .
Yeah because what do immigrants contribute here anyway, right?
Your views aer those of the lazy racist uninformed. No wonder you support Trump.
------------------------------------------ Go Trump and it looks like he will probably get it in Indiana . Not counting my chickens as i said that Trump will PROBABLY win Rabbi .
Yay our team! Our team wins! Never mind our team sucks but they suck less than the other team.
Yup, Trump supporters are simply Obama supporters turned inside out.
------------------------------------- thank you , happy to see that you are annoyed Rabbi , i love how TRUMP annoys his enemies .
Spoken like a true drone.

For the record, this is what "Presidential" looks like, in case you forgot.
How to explain this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not to mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
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How to explain this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
It's simple. Trump is riding the wave of discontent Republican voters have with the Republican establishment. They're sick and tired of having bland, featureless, gentlemanly candidates who run away when the NYT threatens to call them a racist, bigot, homophobe who wears white after Labor Day.

The bottom line is this. A Trump presidency would be a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would just be crap.
. The dems are experts at accusing their opponents of immoral and reprehensible behaviors in consideration of the job, and they see themselves as being insulated because they have done the things they like to accuse the conservatives of, but it's not the same when they are accused as conservatives are, because they (the libs) have made it a point to legitimize somehow all the weird and indecent unacceptable activities in life, just so they can breeze through anything without so much of a twitch in their eye. I must say it is genius, but will totally destroy them after they get what they want in life. The sell out of their morals for power is the most idiotic thing ever, and it has destroyed them and their families over time.
How to explain this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
I see here and elsewhere people who otherwise identify and conservative or Republican or both. Yet if you asked them even 9 months ago, would you support a life long Democrat who favors single payer healthcare, favors use of eminent domain for private gain, favors abortion, and has never held office they would answer a resounding NO.
And yet here they are supporting Trump, who is all those things and more. A man with professed intentions to commit war crimes, an idiot on foreign policy, a serial adulterer, a man who plays footsie with racists.
How to explain this?
It's simple. Trump is riding the wave of discontent Republican voters have with the Republican establishment. They're sick and tired of having bland, featureless, gentlemanly candidates who run away when the NYT threatens to call them a racist, bigot, homophobe who wears white after Labor Day.

The bottom line is this. A Trump presidency would be a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would just be crap.
I agree with this statement. I see Hillary as likely continuing things as they are. Now, if you don't watch radical right wing news sources...you would realize that we are still one of the most powerful countries in the world. We are doing great. We have one of the strongest economies, we have THE strongest military, we have strong global influence...by most measures we would probably be in the top 5 strongest nations in the world. So, continuing the status quo, while concerning (with our debt, our recent lack of military modernization, a growing income inequality divide between the normal citizen and the hyper wealthy, etc.) is at least palatable.

On the other hand, Trump is a crap shoot. We really don't know what he is going to do in office. He could be okay for the country (there is almost no way he would do great as he has ostracized himself from both political parties and would have no legislative cooperation) or he could be so inane as to actually cause a civil war (this isn't outside the bounds of reality when you consider how divisive he is...people are both radically opposed to him and radically support him...he could likely be assassinated which would fuel, at the very least, many riots and protests and, at the very worst, outright civil conflict). Maybe it is just me, but I'd take an assured concerning status quo over the potential for having to literally barricade my own home and kill my neighbors.
How to explain this?
One of the most interesting political questions of our time, seriously.

He has somehow tapped into a vein that makes people forget/forgive all the things you mention, not mention his (pick a few adjectives here) behavior, and focus on what appears to be three things: The border, America First and his obnoxious personality.

And a year ago, many of these same people would have told you that they firmly and unequivocally support "conservative values", period.

Personally, I think it's pretty clear that about half the party has been whipped into a hysterical frenzy - first by talk radio and then, on top of that, by conservative online media.

Many books will be written about this time.
Trump understands the media better than any other candidate, and has used that to his advantage. He has also listened to BT Barnum who wrote that no one ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people.
This is one of the key components to why he is so successful. His information control and propaganda machine are something we haven't seen in this country since the 1950's most likely. You literally see him and his supporters disregard highly legitimate, reputable sources that disagree with his stances or opinions because...they disagree with his stances and opinions. That is radical.

Oddly enough, a lot of people also seem to support him because he claims that he can't be bought by big business like other politicians are. The odd thing is...Trump IS BIG BUSINESS. He's highly successful, has a lot of links to people in the business world, and has shown repeatedly, in the past, to try and use people in a political position to get policies pushed that favor him and his business allies. Why would he change now?

In short, most Trump supporters are idiots.
. Ok so he's big business, but what kind of big business is he ? Is he the ki d who would make deals that undermine and destroy's the strength of the nation, or is he a business man who knows how to make deals while preserving the culture, unity, strength, and character of a nation that has been blessed with resources unabound and plentiful ? Will he make America proud and strong again or will we elect a Hillary Clinton who is a proven liar on issues that were critical and so important to the nation, but then she fumbled the football everytime she was put in the position to get a job done ?

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