Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.

Here's one for the Gipper ...lmao

UM students, football players disrupt play

'bout time the shoe was on the other foot - put those faggots in their place :clap2:

green bean's hobby!

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you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.

Here's one for the Gipper ...lmao

UM students, football players disrupt play

'bout time the shoe was on the other foot - put those faggots in their place :clap2:

Mississippi. Why am I not surprised.
When was the last state-wide vote on gay marriage?

Google it - you Lazy Schmuck- stop expecting other people to do the work 4 U

Mississippi. Why am I not surprised.

Is that a racist innuendo against the Good People of Mississippi ? I certainly hope not !
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Actually Daws, you don't have to pray in private (even though that's the way Jesus himself wants it)...you just can't disrupt class.

Here's one for the Gipper ...lmao

UM students, football players disrupt play

'bout time the shoe was on the other foot - put those faggots in their place :clap2:

green bean's hobby!

Sorry - Christians Like me about as much as they like faggots
My "Pastor" - Achayra Sanning
lmao,, if you are a Christian today you need the 2nd amendment to protect your first amendment
Christian's freedom of speech has not been violated in any way.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

nowhere in that amendment does it state,infer or otherwise indicate that you can say whatever you want and not have someone or a group disagree or challenge your pov.
lot's of "Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences...

try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.

No one, absolutely no one, stops anyone from saying a prayer in school...What IS stopped is government officials (teachers, coaches, administrators) from running organized religious prayers. As for the others, there are still plenty of teams with names that have religious connotations....in your head....and many places celebrate Xmas...but others cut it out not because it's religious but because of time consumed or liability of drunks at Xmas parties.

Be religious as you want....you just aren't going to be allowed to use the government to force your brand of religion on others anymore. Boo Hoo.
try saying a prayer in school. try naming your school team a name with a religious connotation. try celebrating Christmas in the work place. free exercise sure as hell has been impeded. don't want to be religious? don't be. isn't that what the gays say? don't want to be gay? don't be. you are so fucking full of double standards its sickening.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

so how about we say you can only be gay privately. no public displays of affection. ah yes, the queen of the double standards has exposed herself.
And you can be straight privately. No pics of family in workspace. No wedding rings. No talking of boyfriends/girlfriends. No kissing/holding hands in public. No pointing out your children.

Sounds fair to me.
Put those religious people in Jail if they won't shut up! Yeah!
Who cares if you put your pics of your girlfriend up at work?

Not me.

I do care if you and your girlfriend come to host a *group* at the middle school on a weekly basis, to *help* kids cope with being openly gay/transgender/whatthefuck ever.

So does PFLAG districute steroids along with condoms and HIV, do you suppose?
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Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

It's been awhile since states rejected marriage equality, while the polling is increasing for it.

As the young adult and youth generations reach voting age during the next ten years, marriage equality will unanimously win out.

However, considering the Amendment 3 appeal by Utah will most likely be rejected, marriage equality may happen even sooner.

You're probably Right - with all the Homosexual Brainwashing and Media Manipulation. I bet they'll even lower the age of consent to what 5 years old ya think ?
Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

It's been awhile since states rejected marriage equality, while the polling is increasing for it.

As the young adult and youth generations reach voting age during the next ten years, marriage equality will unanimously win out.

However, considering the Amendment 3 appeal by Utah will most likely be rejected, marriage equality may happen even sooner.

You're probably Right - with all the Homosexual Brainwashing and Media Manipulation. I bet they'll even lower the age of consent to what 5 years old ya think ?

That actual question is...what do YOU think? (because no one but you has even broached that point)
I love when the bigots put up the posters of other, like minded bigots pretending to be Christians, in order to make it look like the things they say about Christians are true.
you mean praying in public school....and you can do that if you do it privately.
christian schools can name there team any religious thing they want.
Christmas is still calibrated in the work place....so your talking out your ass. and proving my point ""Christians and others think they should have the right to spew any kind of bullshit and not have to deal with the consequences."

so how about we say you can only be gay privately. no public displays of affection. ah yes, the queen of the double standards has exposed herself.
And you can be straight privately. No pics of family in workspace. No wedding rings. No talking of boyfriends/girlfriends. No kissing/holding hands in public. No pointing out your children.

Sounds fair to me.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic......

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.

Michael Swift - Boston Gay Community News

"In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "

Gay and Lesbian Media influences

Yup -the script is playing out ...uh Huh.
so how about we say you can only be gay privately. no public displays of affection. ah yes, the queen of the double standards has exposed herself.
And you can be straight privately. No pics of family in workspace. No wedding rings. No talking of boyfriends/girlfriends. No kissing/holding hands in public. No pointing out your children.

Sounds fair to me.

The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence--will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic......

Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.

Michael Swift - Boston Gay Community News

"In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere! "

Gay and Lesbian Media influences

Yup -the script is playing out ...uh Huh.
homophobic "literature" at it's paranoid best!

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