Why do poor communities exist in America?

Why is that? And, having some people "camping out' is not the same as a Problem with homelessness.
did I say that "camping out" is the same as Homelessness? I will answer your question---try
not to embellish with utter stupidity. I have seen lots of "homelessness". There are MANY
people who, simply, CANNOT MANAGE. In fact EVERYONE in the US can benefit, if unable
to work, from some sort of entitlement whether it is Social Security or SSI or welfare. However
there are MANY people who just cannot "make do" whether because of mental illness,
addiction, or just simple "very not smart" SPRINKING money on such people is not an
answer------it does not work. Sorry----there is LOTS to say about this issue----but this is not
the place. Have you ever interacted with "homeless" or "in danger of being homeless"
Simply because you right-wingers have no capital based solutions but only your typical socialism on a national basis does not mean no one else has any solutions. Unemployment compensation is an Income. What can persons do with an Income under Any form of Capitalism?
Are you making more than the unemployment compensation wage? If you make more than that, why would you need unemployment compensation.

That was not what I asked. And you have already eliminated the idea of "need" from the system. It is now about "want".

Answer the question. Should I be able to draw the $31,200 in UC that you think should be available to everyone?
There are MANY
people who, simply, CANNOT MANAGE. In fact EVERYONE in the US can benefit, if unable
to work, from some sort of entitlement whether it is Social Security or SSI or welfare.
Are you claiming they would not be able to seek mental healthcare with an income? And, simply condemning them to poverty is no form of solution.
That was not what I asked. And you have already eliminated the idea of "need" from the system. It is now about "want".

Answer the question. Should I be able to draw the $31,200 in UC that you think should be available to everyone?
That is you begging the question. Income statements are required when collecting unemployment benefits. Your unemployment benefits get reduced by earning more income.
did I say that "camping out" is the same as Homelessness? I will answer your question---try
not to embellish with utter stupidity. I have seen lots of "homelessness". There are MANY
people who, simply, CANNOT MANAGE. In fact EVERYONE in the US can benefit, if unable
to work, from some sort of entitlement whether it is Social Security or SSI or welfare. However
there are MANY people who just cannot "make do" whether because of mental illness,
addiction, or just simple "very not smart" SPRINKING money on such people is not an
answer------it does not work. Sorry----there is LOTS to say about this issue----but this is not
the place. Have you ever interacted with "homeless" or "in danger of being homeless"

Exactly!! I have pointed this out to Daniel on several occasions, but he still uses the "solve homelessness" nonsense to try to promote his new & improved unemployment compensation plan.

In addition to solving nothing, giving money to homeless substance abusers would likely kill them. And money given to the mentally ill living on the streets would make them targets for criminals.
That is you begging the question. Income statements are required when collecting unemployment benefits. Your unemployment benefits get reduced by earning more income.

I have no income. I have substantial monies in the bank. But I have no income.

Should I be able to draw UC?
Exactly!! I have pointed this out to Daniel on several occasions, but he still uses the "solve homelessness" nonsense to try to promote his new & improved unemployment compensation plan.

In addition to solving nothing, giving money to homeless substance abusers would likely kill them. And money given to the mentally ill living on the streets would make them targets for criminals.
Only right-wingers believe capital solves nothing under Capitalism.
Why would you want to? You allege to have substantial monies in the bank.

Because I want more. You obviously have what you need to live without working. Why do you want more?

Now, once more, should I be able to draw Unemployment Compensation? I am not working, so I am unemployed.
Are you claiming they would not be able to seek mental healthcare with an income? And, simply condemning them to poverty is no form of solution.
sheeeeesh I asked you not to throw crap into the pot. In the USA----a person of VERY LOW
income is entitled to MEDICAID-----which means -----FREE MEDICAL CARE and even free medicines. Try not to challenge me-----you are in my field. HOWEVER you have touched on a
central issue-------which is WILL A PERSON who is this "guaranteed income' you envision
and medicaid--------OPT FOR MENTAL HEALTH CARE? and even...... will it help? Even the
"mentally disturbed" in the USA are FREE--------to live in the gutter if they so desire........and lots
so desire
Yes, you know, the ones who claim to be all for Capitalism in socialism threads. Why do they have no capitalism based solutions only their socialism on a national or international basis?
try to uncover your eyes-------WE GOT PLENTY OF SOCIALISM ------as do all HUMAN
SOCIETIES---------I is old------I lived thru the 60s----the era of sandals and communes
and mindless idiots singing ~~~~ la la la IMAGINE THERE'S no borders---or dirty
socks to wash ~~~~~grow up
sheeeeesh I asked you not to throw crap into the pot. In the USA----a person of VERY LOW
income is entitled to MEDICAID-----which means -----FREE MEDICAL CARE and even free medicines. Try not to challenge me-----you are in my field. HOWEVER you have touched on a
central issue-------which is WILL A PERSON who is this "guaranteed income' you envision
and medicaid--------OPT FOR MENTAL HEALTH CARE? and even...... will it help? Even the
"mentally disturbed" in the USA are FREE--------to live in the gutter if they so desire........and lots
so desire
How many homeless are signing up for social services? Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation means that Individual liberty not that reliance on more expensive, Big Government.
try to uncover your eyes-------WE GOT PLENTY OF SOCIALISM ------as do all HUMAN
SOCIETIES---------I is old------I lived thru the 60s----the era of sandals and communes
and mindless idiots singing ~~~~ la la la IMAGINE THERE'S no borders---or dirty
socks to wash ~~~~~grow up
Government is socialism. You grow up first. Any guy can be a better intellectual hypocrite than You.

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