Zone1 Why do Protestants always believe their pastors rather than the 2000 year old CHURCH Christ established?

Define "faith in Jesus alone". Particularly the "alone" part.
Exactly what it says. Nothing else added. All of my faith is in nothing but Jesus to save me from hell. No works, no rituals, nothing. I'm like the thief on the cross. I can do nothing to save myself and put all my faith in Jesus to save me. Is that enough to save me from Hell?
You have quite a list of excuses for why you are not Catholic and for insulting those who are. And, they are really bad excuses at that. Seriously. Why do you hate Catholics? You have already demonstrated ignorance of actual Catholic teaching, so what happened to you, personally?
And that's all you want from stay out of hell. I suppose that is little enough to ask in return for offering "faith.alone."
That's what He died for, so I could have eternal life. He redeemed me. He did it all. There isn't anything else that I or anyone can do to save me. Do you believe that?
That's what He died for, so I could have eternal life. He redeemed me. He did it all. There isn't anything else that I or anyone can do to save me. Do you believe that?
Not even close to what I believe or that it was "all" Christ gave his life for.
On the tithing issue, Jesus taught:

Matthew 23:23
23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Here Jesus calls the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for omitting the weightier matters of the law. He does mention that they pay tithes but they have omitted judgement, mercy and faith. However, in the end, he tells them that the weightier matters of the law they ought to have done, and then he states, "and not to leave the other undone". So Jesus did believe that tithing was a less weightier matter of the law than judgement, mercy, and faith but did recognize that it was still a matter of the law and should still be practiced.
You have quite a list of excuses for why you are not Catholic and for insulting those who are. And, they are really bad excuses at that. Seriously. Why do you hate Catholics? You have already demonstrated ignorance of actual Catholic teaching, so what happened to you, personally?
I like Catholics. The Catholic Church is a 2,000 year old shitstorm.
Jesus promised

"I will build My Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." (Mt 16:18)

I have read the entire Bible and have studied Catholicism and there is nothing contradictory between those 2. But people outside the Catholic Church have been taught to believe (by their human pastors) that there are massive contradictions between those 2 so they unthinkingly believe there are. Why do Protestants choose to believe some non=Catholic over a Catholic? Why is their protestant pastor more believable than the 2000 year old Church?

While not all Catholics understand their Faith, I happen to be one who does. I have knowledge of such things as:

The Ark of the Covenant (OT) ..and how it connects to the present day Tabernacles that house the consecrated Hosts (inside Catholic Churches), so that just as in the old days w/ the Ark of the Covenant and the light perpetually burning in the temple for the Israelites to signify the Presence of God, the tabernacles inside Catholic Churches now house Christ Himself. Transubstantiation is in the Bible.. See where Jesus held the Passover and said that all who ate his flesh, drank his blood (OMG, say the protestants) will have eternal life.. This is the HOST given Catholics at Mass..

There are a TON of things that Catholics do and say that have NO references in the bible:

1. The "our father". Doesn't exist in the bible.
2. The "hail Mary." Nowhere in the bible does it say Mary is holy, but they say she is... "Holy Mary, mother of God..." Mary is NOT holy.
3. They worship the damn pope. NOWHERE is the word POPE in the bible.
4. They have "confessionals" where you so say confess your sins for forgiveness. The bible contradicts this practice specifically stating that GOD and ONLY GOD can forgive your sins and you must ask HIM for forgiveness. Not another sinner.
5. They teach people that saying the rosary some arbitrary number of times will forgive sins. This is directly against the bibles teachings that state that ONLY asking God for forgiveness and repenting will you be forgiven. No Earthly behaviors can get you forgiven OTHER than asking for forgiveness from God.

Catholics are some weird people with some weird ways.
Then we can balance it against the dead from the Thirty Year's War alone.
This reveals you never studied the Thirty Years War and all the political, social, and territorial strife going on at the time.

That you cannot name a few good things the Catholic Church did reveals you spent the same amount of time studying Catholicism.
4. They have "confessionals" where you so say confess your sins for forgiveness. The bible contradicts this practice specifically stating that GOD and ONLY GOD can forgive your sins and you must ask HIM for forgiveness. Not another sinner.
Jesus entire ministry was announcing, "Your sins are forgiven." The Church continues this practice according to his teaching. If someone does not care to actually hear the words, "Your sins are forgiven", or takes offense at them being spoken out loud, then don't enter a confessional.
5. They teach people that saying the rosary some arbitrary number of times will forgive sins. This is directly against the bibles teachings that state that ONLY asking God for forgiveness and repenting will you be forgiven. No Earthly behaviors can get you forgiven OTHER than asking for forgiveness from God.
Again, either a lie or a statement made out of ignorance. The rosary does not forgive sins. Some people use the rosary for additional meditation on the life of Christ.
I am not a Catholic-basher

I am Methodist, my son is Orthodox

“faith alone” is spoken against in James
Luther spoke out of school to put FAITH ALONE in his German Bible

Protestants, Orthodox, Catholic and Coptic are all Christians

“This is the WORK of God - that you BELIEVE in the one He has SENT”
Sure. They aren't Biblical.
Not only are they not biblical; many of them come from pagan tradition.

Like the Catholic Mass, for example, which did not originate in the New Testament. It emerged from ancient Judaism and paganism. Gregory the Great is credited as the father of the medieval Mass, which was a cacophony of Catholic theology and Christian vocabulary incorporated into pagan and Jewish ritual. Gregory came from pagan tradition and was a very superstitious man. From the pagans, the Catholics borrowed the vestments of the pagan priests, the use of incense and holy water in purification rites, the burning of candles in their rituals, architecture from the Roman Basilica, the law of Rome as a basis for canon law, and the title Pontifex Maximus for the head bishop.

Sermonizing was not a hallmark of the primitive Christians, either. It wasn’t a regular occurrence at least once a week delivered by the same person to the same passive audience. And it wasn’t cultivated from the rhetorical structure of the Greek and Roman orators. The apostles preached sporadically addressing specific issues. And they didn’t pattern their sermons on the three-point or five-point rhetoric of the pagans. Their preaching also involved much audience participation.

Then Luther came along. Did he change anything? Not really. All he did was repackage Catholic ritual. Even Protestantism scarcely resembles the church of the first Christians that Christ established.
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