Why do Protestants refer to the roman Catholic church


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?
So, does the Orthodox, Coptic and for that matter Catholic Church. "Holy Mother Church" is attired as the whore of Babylon. Just go to the Bible in Revelations for the description. Use just about any online concordance and any Bible available for free to find the relevant verses. Then call up the images of "Holy Mother Church" and "Whore of Babylon" as a further check.
As used by the Protestants, Evangelicals, Fundamentalists, Pentecostals, Church of Christ, etc., all heretics and some apostates.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

The Catholic Church views the Book of Revelation as Apocalyptic Literature, which was a popular form of literature at the time. That being the case, the Book of Revelation is read as historical events that were occurring during the time it was written, but cloaked in symbolism since speaking out against the government didn't bode well for those who did.

Revelation uses references to Old Testament events, reminding Christians of the day that God and His people do emerge victorious from great troubles and persecutions. A reference to Babylon would have reminded people of that time of historical events not future events. In other words, if someone today cried, "Remember the Alamo!" people do not conclude, "Remember the Alamo is actually a prophecy that someday in the future America will lose a great battle!"

Even before Roman persecution began, there were references that Christians (and Jews) believed they were living in end times. They wrote with that mindset. Two thousand years later, we know those weren't "End Times."

However, some Protestant denominations mistakenly decided that meant Revelation is a prophecy about actual End Times. The same type of manner of jumping to conclusions has them deciding that the Whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Someone once said (and I think Protestant conclusions about Revelation fits this nicely): "A conclusion is the point where someone stops thinking." Protestants need to study the Book of Revelation as intended for an audience of early Christians suffering at the hands of Nero. It may be a much needed eye-opener for them.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

The Catholic Church views the Book of Revelation as Apocalyptic Literature, which was a popular form of literature at the time. That being the case, the Book of Revelation is read as historical events that were occurring during the time it was written, but cloaked in symbolism since speaking out against the government didn't bode well for those who did.

Revelation uses references to Old Testament events, reminding Christians of the day that God and His people do emerge victorious from great troubles and persecutions. A reference to Babylon would have reminded people of that time of historical events not future events. In other words, if someone today cried, "Remember the Alamo!" people do not conclude, "Remember the Alamo is actually a prophecy that someday in the future America will lose a great battle!"

Even before Roman persecution began, there were references that Christians (and Jews) believed they were living in end times. They wrote with that mindset. Two thousand years later, we know those weren't "End Times."

However, some Protestant denominations mistakenly decided that meant Revelation is a prophecy about actual End Times. The same type of manner of jumping to conclusions has them deciding that the Whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Someone once said (and I think Protestant conclusions about Revelation fits this nicely): "A conclusion is the point where someone stops thinking." Protestants need to study the Book of Revelation as intended for an audience of early Christians suffering at the hands of Nero. It may be a much needed eye-opener for them.
Sort of like the Book of Daniel which isn't about "End-Times" or even a prophetic book but describes the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes after the fact.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

RCC used to run whorehouses. I figure that's why. :)
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

RCC used to run whorehouses. I figure that's why. :)

No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. That's like saying, "The NFL abuses women." The NFL has nothing to do with abusing women, it is not in their game or business plan. The fact is women, everywhere, can be abused by people in all walks of life. Therefore, while true that some NFL players have abused women, it not true that the NFL abuses women.

In the same way, if there were some Catholics who decided to run whorehouses, this is clearly outside the teachings of the Catholic Church. Just like the NFL made corrections of its members, so did the Catholic Church of its members.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

RCC used to run whorehouses. I figure that's why. :)

No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. That's like saying, "The NFL abuses women." The NFL has nothing to do with abusing women, it is not in their game or business plan. The fact is women, everywhere, can be abused by people in all walks of life. Therefore, while true that some NFL players have abused women, it not true that the NFL abuses women.

In the same way, if there were some Catholics who decided to run whorehouses, this is clearly outside the teachings of the Catholic Church. Just like the NFL made corrections of its members, so did the Catholic Church of its members.

Google it. It's common knowledge and not anything they deny.
Thank you

One of the reasons Books such as Revelation and Daniel can be useful is because they do present universal truths. Evil does rise, and it must be overcome. When evil spreads, so does despair, and that is when people need encouragement and reminders that evils just have great have been overcome by good people.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

RCC used to run whorehouses. I figure that's why. :)

No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. That's like saying, "The NFL abuses women." The NFL has nothing to do with abusing women, it is not in their game or business plan. The fact is women, everywhere, can be abused by people in all walks of life. Therefore, while true that some NFL players have abused women, it not true that the NFL abuses women.

In the same way, if there were some Catholics who decided to run whorehouses, this is clearly outside the teachings of the Catholic Church. Just like the NFL made corrections of its members, so did the Catholic Church of its members.

Google it. It's common knowledge and not anything they deny.

Do not need to Google it as I did not deny it, either. Not every Catholic, not every parish, not every Bishop ran a whorehouse. Not the worst chapter in Catholicism, even. It was taken care of.
"Augustine of Hippo held that: "If you expel prostitution from society, you will unsettle everything on account of lusts.""
Prostitution - New World Encyclopedia

Catholicsm hasn't always insisted clergy be celibate. In point of fact that practice came about during a time when clergy (and Popes) were having too many illegitimate children. To reduce the number of kids coming round to see their powerful Dads and seek their inheritance, the celibacy policy was implemented.

During the 'fun days of Catholicism,' prostitution was organized by the church. If you can't get rid of something, may as well take control of it, regulate it, and make money off it (much as with cannabis legalization of today.)
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

RCC used to run whorehouses. I figure that's why. :)

No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. That's like saying, "The NFL abuses women." The NFL has nothing to do with abusing women, it is not in their game or business plan. The fact is women, everywhere, can be abused by people in all walks of life. Therefore, while true that some NFL players have abused women, it not true that the NFL abuses women.

In the same way, if there were some Catholics who decided to run whorehouses, this is clearly outside the teachings of the Catholic Church. Just like the NFL made corrections of its members, so did the Catholic Church of its members.

Google it. It's common knowledge and not anything they deny.

Do not need to Google it as I did not deny it, either. Not every Catholic, not every parish, not every Bishop ran a whorehouse. Not the worst chapter in Catholicism, even. It was taken care of.

What are you 5?

"No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. "
And lest we forget,

2010 Vatican employee sex scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Video Library Videos Recommended - Rent Boy Scandal Rocks the Vatican Priest Convicted expos s Vatican Prostitution RingVatican Crimes

"In 2013, La Repubblica published details of a 300-page report by the Pope’s committee to investigate the VatiLeaks scandal. The dossier revealed the existence of a so-called “gay conclave,” a group of senior clergymen “united by sexuality” and said to engage in sexual activities with male prostitutes at organized parties. The report hinted that this may have resulted in top Vatican officials being blackmailed by outsiders. There have even been claims that the issue is linked to Pope Benedict’s resignation."
10 Scandals That Rocked The Vatican - Listverse

The logical conclusion is that as with most people in power, prostitution and sex scandals go hand-in-hand.
As the whore of Babylon?

I understand it has something to do with the christian bible and their book of Revelation

Why would one christian sect say that about another christian sect?

The Catholic Church views the Book of Revelation as Apocalyptic Literature, which was a popular form of literature at the time. That being the case, the Book of Revelation is read as historical events that were occurring during the time it was written, but cloaked in symbolism since speaking out against the government didn't bode well for those who did.

Revelation uses references to Old Testament events, reminding Christians of the day that God and His people do emerge victorious from great troubles and persecutions. A reference to Babylon would have reminded people of that time of historical events not future events. In other words, if someone today cried, "Remember the Alamo!" people do not conclude, "Remember the Alamo is actually a prophecy that someday in the future America will lose a great battle!"

Even before Roman persecution began, there were references that Christians (and Jews) believed they were living in end times. They wrote with that mindset. Two thousand years later, we know those weren't "End Times."

However, some Protestant denominations mistakenly decided that meant Revelation is a prophecy about actual End Times. The same type of manner of jumping to conclusions has them deciding that the Whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Someone once said (and I think Protestant conclusions about Revelation fits this nicely): "A conclusion is the point where someone stops thinking." Protestants need to study the Book of Revelation as intended for an audience of early Christians suffering at the hands of Nero. It may be a much needed eye-opener for them.
blah blah blah lies from the whore

Bible is the Word of God.
What are you 5?

"No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. "

You are not hearing me. Some clergy doesn't make up the Catholic Church or Catholic teaching.

No one is denying that some Catholic clergy did things, are doing things, will doing things that are wrong. In all cases, other Catholics (including Catholic clergy) have worked, are working, will work to rectify the wrongs that emerge.
What are you 5?

"No, the Catholic Church did not run whorehouses. "

You are not hearing me. Some clergy doesn't make up the Catholic Church or Catholic teaching.

No one is denying that some Catholic clergy did things, are doing things, will doing things that are wrong. In all cases, other Catholics (including Catholic clergy) have worked, are working, will work to rectify the wrongs that emerge.

In theory you're correct, but when the Pope is the one saying it's ok then it becomes "The Catholic Chruch says...Is ok."
Bible is the Word of God.

Indeed. It was also written by man, and is now (two thousand years later) being interpreted by men according to their own intent, instead of taking into consideration the intent of the author(s) of the time.

Revelation is a beautiful book, and it makes me sad that some people mangle it so terribly. That's not how we should treat the Word of God.

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