Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

T-rex's and velociraptors were already extinct long before humans and cows came along.

Of course, I know that, as do most adults with an IQ that registers.

YWC provided a list of "facts" from the Bible, one of the "facts" being the size of Noah's Ark, then he provided an article to "reinforce" his "fact", the article states dinosaurs were on the Ark with man.

Hence why I asked him that question.

I guess they must of had stun guns back in the day otherwise how would they have gotten not one, but two t-rex's on board?

And where would they have berthed two animals of that size on a vessel as small as the ark?

They all knew they were in the presence of God so they were all temporarily absolved of their animal instincts.

They all most likely started grabbing oars in their mouths to help the Ark move.
15And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

Here's #3, this is essentially saying 2 of every animal can fit on a boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall.

Not only is that scientifically wrong to think that, it's downright crazy.

By the way whatever happened to freshwater fish during the great flood?

Fish didnt have, get this, nostrils.

So freshwater and salt water fish were just swimming around together in the magic pool?

Lot's of magic going on back in those days.
So your view is that the scientific community finds it to be a fact that a juvenile cow, t-rex, man and velociraptor were all on Noah's Ark and no deaths took place onboard?

T-rex's and velociraptors were already extinct long before humans and cows came along.

Of course, I know that, as do most adults with an IQ that registers.

YWC provided a list of "facts" from the Bible, one of the "facts" being the size of Noah's Ark, then he provided an article to "reinforce" his "fact", the article states dinosaurs were on the Ark with man.

Hence why I asked him that question.

Evidence for you to look at.

Physical Evidence That Men Have Seen Dinosaurs

You may be surprised to discover that there is a significant amount of physical evidence which points to the existence of dinosaurs and man together. Many times this type of physical evidence gets overlooked due to the fact that most archaeologists and anthropologists presuppose that there can be no evidence since "the dinosaurs died off millions of years ago." They assume that carvings, drawings, artwork, and other artifacts with dinosaurs on them are either fake or attribute them to the imaginations of such "primitive" people.

When you examine the evidence for yourself, you will find that many of these ancient cultures were far from primitive and that they were advanced in ways that we still cannot understand today. For instance, there are many monolithic structures throughout the world which we still cannot duplicate to this day, and several civilizations seem to have had the capability to perform advanced surgeries.

As discussed on the Dinosaurs in History page, the word dinosaur did not exist until 1841, and these creatures were called other names like Dragon (English), Loong (Chinese), and Ryu (Japanese). The Bible even mentions dinosaurs over 30 times using these five words: Dragon, Behemoth, Leviathan, fiery serpent, fiery flying serpent, and Cockitrice.

Don't you think that if you saw a dinosaur you would want to let people know about them. You would probably write a book and make a blog or website to tell people about the dinosaur that you saw. These people used the tools of communication that they had to let people know what they had seen and experienced.

Artwork and story telling were two of the main methods of conveying information that ancient cultures wanted to pass on, and if you look into the subject with an open mind, you will soon discover that nearly every culture in the world described these terrible lizards and left a fair amount information about these fascinating creatures.

Now for the evidence.

Forbidden History: Dinosaurs and the Bible
T-rex's and velociraptors were already extinct long before humans and cows came along.

Of course, I know that, as do most adults with an IQ that registers.

YWC provided a list of "facts" from the Bible, one of the "facts" being the size of Noah's Ark, then he provided an article to "reinforce" his "fact", the article states dinosaurs were on the Ark with man.

Hence why I asked him that question.

Evidence for you to look at.

Physical Evidence That Men Have Seen Dinosaurs

You may be surprised to discover that there is a significant amount of physical evidence which points to the existence of dinosaurs and man together. Many times this type of physical evidence gets overlooked due to the fact that most archaeologists and anthropologists presuppose that there can be no evidence since "the dinosaurs died off millions of years ago." They assume that carvings, drawings, artwork, and other artifacts with dinosaurs on them are either fake or attribute them to the imaginations of such "primitive" people.

When you examine the evidence for yourself, you will find that many of these ancient cultures were far from primitive and that they were advanced in ways that we still cannot understand today. For instance, there are many monolithic structures throughout the world which we still cannot duplicate to this day, and several civilizations seem to have had the capability to perform advanced surgeries.

As discussed on the Dinosaurs in History page, the word dinosaur did not exist until 1841, and these creatures were called other names like Dragon (English), Loong (Chinese), and Ryu (Japanese). The Bible even mentions dinosaurs over 30 times using these five words: Dragon, Behemoth, Leviathan, fiery serpent, fiery flying serpent, and Cockitrice.

Don't you think that if you saw a dinosaur you would want to let people know about them. You would probably write a book and make a blog or website to tell people about the dinosaur that you saw. These people used the tools of communication that they had to let people know what they had seen and experienced.

Artwork and story telling were two of the main methods of conveying information that ancient cultures wanted to pass on, and if you look into the subject with an open mind, you will soon discover that nearly every culture in the world described these terrible lizards and left a fair amount information about these fascinating creatures.

Now for the evidence.

Forbidden History: Dinosaurs and the Bible

So they saw alligators, lizards and komodo dragons, yay.

It's your position that science backs the idea that T-Rex and moo cows were sitting peacefully on a magic ship together, which of course is nothing short of crazy.

Please don't spread these ideas to children.
Your source says 50,000 animals were on board the Ark, including dinosaurs with men.

All basic elementary level science says that is jibberish. T-Rex wasn't quiety sitting on board next to cows and man.

Anything else? Or must the discussion stay at a pre-school level?


Argentinosaurus is a genus of titanosaur sauropod dinosaur first discovered by Guillermo Heredia in Argentina. The generic name means "silver lizard", in reference to the country in which it was discovered ("Argentina" is derived from the Latin argentum). The dinosaur lived on the then-island continent of South America somewhere between 97 and 94 million years ago, during the mid Cretaceous Period.

An early reconstruction by Gregory S Paul estimated Argentinosaurus at between 30–35 metres (98–115 ft) in length and with a weight of up to 80–100 tonnes (88–110 short tons).
Yet more proof:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M183HcCZiKg]YouTube - ‪One Million B.C. Finale‬‏[/ame]
15And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

Here's #3, this is essentially saying 2 of every animal can fit on a boat 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet tall.

Not only is that scientifically wrong to think that, it's downright crazy.

By the way whatever happened to freshwater fish during the great flood?

Fish didnt have, get this, nostrils.

You're so ignorant it's funny.

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Fish fossil confirms origin of nostrils
18:00 03 November 2004 by Bob Holmes

Land vertebrates can breathe through their noses thanks to an anatomical rearrangement of fish-style nostrils. That same rearrangement may explain why cleft lips and cleft palates are common birth defects in humans.

The nasal passages of land vertebrates differ dramatically from their fish ancestors. In fishes, the nose is independent of the mouth and throat. Water enters the nasal sac through one pair of nostrils and exits through a second pair.

By contrast, land vertebrates - technically known as tetrapods, because of their four limbs - have nasal passages that open to the outside world through a pair of external nostrils, and to the throat through a pair of internal nostrils or choanae.

Many biologists suspect the choanae evolved from one pair of fish nostrils that migrated over millions of years to a new position inside the throat. To do that, however, the nostrils would have had to cross through the line of teeth at some point, a move that sceptics regarded as unlikely.

Perfect intermediate

Their doubts should vanish, thanks to a careful reconstruction of several fossilised skulls of the most primitive known ancestor of tetrapods, a fish known as Kenichthys campbelli, from Yunnan, China. In Kenichthys, the second pair of nostrils opens neither externally nor internally, but directly into a gap in the row of teeth (Nature, vol 432, p 94).

"It's as if we were to have a nostril located on the upper jaw margin between the canine and the adjacent incisor," says Per Ahlberg of Uppsala University in Sweden, who did the study with Min Zhu of the Chinese Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing.

In short, Kenichthys is a perfect intermediate, says John Maisey, a vertebrate palaeontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Developing human embryos have a gap in the same place in the upper jaw, which later fuses. If it fails to fuse, the result is a cleft palate or cleft lip. Most likely, then, these birth defects arise from the same developmental process that gave us the ability to breathe through our noses, says Ahlberg.

Fish fossil confirms origin of nostrils - 03 November 2004 - New Scientist

Evolution is fact and arguing with people that dont fully understand what it even is is fruitless.

Alliebaba still has yet to tell me what he thinks about the three hominid skulls i referred him to.
So your view is that the scientific community finds it to be a fact that a juvenile cow, t-rex, man and velociraptor were all on Noah's Ark and no deaths took place onboard?

Or that you can create and populate a whole species from one male and one female, for all species that were aboard the Ark.
"“Y-Chromosomal Adam” and “Mitochondrial Eve” are the scientifically-proven theories that every man alive today is descended from a single man and every man and woman alive today is descended from a single woman."

What are Y-Chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve?

This is true.
And i still havent found one person that successfully explained how noah got tens of thousands of species on one ship.

Or why totally different forms of radiological dating always overlap.
Or that you can create and populate a whole species from one male and one female, for all species that were aboard the Ark.
"“Y-Chromosomal Adam” and “Mitochondrial Eve” are the scientifically-proven theories that every man alive today is descended from a single man and every man and woman alive today is descended from a single woman."

What are Y-Chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve?

This is true.

NO ITS NOT replace "man and women" with "ancestor". Most mammals have a y chromosome. The Y chromosome goes all the way back to the first mammals, not just the first humans.
And i still havent found one person that successfully explained how noah got tens of thousands of species on one ship.

Or why totally different forms of radiological dating always overlap.

Tens of thousands? Heck, there's somewhere in the neighborhood of a million species of insects alone.

And how does one tell the difference between a male ant and a female ant?

There's just way too many holes in the ark fable for it to be taken seriously.
Don't make it bigger then it is pal.

It's our Christian duty to bring truth to the lost,thank US.

I have carefully studied the word of God for over 40 years.

I try in all honesty not to cherry pick scriptures.

If i have made a mistake and misquoted the bible please show me.I will admit the error. I am not perfect and don't have all the answers.

Ive studied spiritual beliefs for 40 years myself. Ive studied nature for that long as well. Ive found you tend to cherry pick like a mofo and have twisted biblical passages on a regular basis.

I can prove it too.

Really,no link.

And if you're as old as you claim J you use the term mofo.

You're probably hanging out in your underwear in your mommas basement talking on the internet pretending to be something you're not.

Why would I wear underwear? :lol:

What am I trying to be? A molecular biologist? Probably not.

By the way, the word "mofo" dates back to 1965 in a movie called "Hells Angels". However it was a big thing back in the 70s.
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And i still havent found one person that successfully explained how noah got tens of thousands of species on one ship.

Or why totally different forms of radiological dating always overlap.

Tens of thousands? Heck, there's somewhere in the neighborhood of a million species of insects alone.

And how does one tell the difference between a male ant and a female ant?

There's just way too many holes in the ark fable for it to be taken seriously.

Not for some there isnt. I suspect Allie probably believes it.
Your source says 50,000 animals were on board the Ark, including dinosaurs with men.

All basic elementary level science says that is jibberish. T-Rex wasn't quiety sitting on board next to cows and man.

Anything else? Or must the discussion stay at a pre-school level?


Argentinosaurus is a genus of titanosaur sauropod dinosaur first discovered by Guillermo Heredia in Argentina. The generic name means "silver lizard", in reference to the country in which it was discovered ("Argentina" is derived from the Latin argentum). The dinosaur lived on the then-island continent of South America somewhere between 97 and 94 million years ago, during the mid Cretaceous Period.

An early reconstruction by Gregory S Paul estimated Argentinosaurus at between 30–35 metres (98–115 ft) in length and with a weight of up to 80–100 tonnes (88–110 short tons).

Are you saying a 145 foot boat couldn't accomodate two 115 foot dinosaurs weighing a combined 220 tons, and tens of thousands of other animals?

That's heathen talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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