Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

This is my last response to you until you address the mutation argument by Dr. Spetner and explain how a fellow evolutionist is wrong. Are you missing the point genetics are reliable in determining the offspring. Unless they mutate which is caused by the loss or rearranging of the information,not new information. I studied fruit flies that were that were introduced to radiation,do you know what happened to the flies ? This won't be my last response but once we cover this issue that's it until to tell me how the good Dr. Is wrong.

Lol are you serious. I've just read spetners argument and its ridiculous.

Although i dont think your fully understand it, ill explain. His whole idea hinges upon the idea that not enough information can be added to a genome to create a new species; or at least that not enough time has passed to allow that much information to be added to allow creation of complex life from a simpler kind. But that idea is proven false with simple math. Information in DNA is stored as nucleotides. The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs of nucleotides. A single prokaryote (the simplest type of cell), has anywhere from 1 - 10 million base pairs. Even if one single base pair mutation spread throughout a population once every year that change of information (from bacteria to human) still takes less time than the estimated age of the earth. And one base pair mutating in an entire population is a ridiculously low estimate, considering millions of bacteria would make trillions of new bacteria every year each with hundreds of single base pair genetic mutations. Thats a number of mutations so high i dont even have a number to describe, and i used an estimate of one. And that only takes into the simplest kind of mutation, single base pair insertion or deletion. No translation, no mutations of entire chromosomes, no chromosomes fusing during meiosis or mitosis, just the simplest kind of mutation.

I just proved the entire basis of that theory wrong with simple math

you really are a moron,and from now on give credit to your sources. If you add math your theory has less of a chance of happening then there being a creator. The Dr that was going back and forth could not give a viable explanation to the dilemma that Spetner presented.

Lol that was simple math. You didnt follow? I just got the length of DNA in a very complex animal, the length of DNA in a very simple animal, and the estimated age of life on earth. After that its obvious that even with a super slow mutation rate the amount information needed to progress from prokaryote to human could easily have been added to the gene pool.
Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Because that book of fiction was written 300 years after the facts by simpletons who probably couldn't count past 20, who wore PJs and sandals and who lived in mud huts and rode around on donkeys.
Like seriously, how can ANYONE believe that Noah rounded up 2 of each of the millions of species on earth, from South America, Asia... It's just too stupid to comprehend.

Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.

Lol you talk like jesus performing miracles is more certain than wolves being related to coyotes.

Heres a news flash. There were tons of people walking around ancient civilized societies claiming to be prophets and the like. Lol your just following one 2000 years later...its ok though.

Thats not my scientific judgment, just thats my personal belief.
Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.
Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.

Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.
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Lol you think i had to look those up....

Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.
Lol are you serious. I've just read spetners argument and its ridiculous.

Although i dont think your fully understand it, ill explain. His whole idea hinges upon the idea that not enough information can be added to a genome to create a new species; or at least that not enough time has passed to allow that much information to be added to allow creation of complex life from a simpler kind. But that idea is proven false with simple math. Information in DNA is stored as nucleotides. The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs of nucleotides. A single prokaryote (the simplest type of cell), has anywhere from 1 - 10 million base pairs. Even if one single base pair mutation spread throughout a population once every year that change of information (from bacteria to human) still takes less time than the estimated age of the earth. And one base pair mutating in an entire population is a ridiculously low estimate, considering millions of bacteria would make trillions of new bacteria every year each with hundreds of single base pair genetic mutations. Thats a number of mutations so high i dont even have a number to describe, and i used an estimate of one. And that only takes into the simplest kind of mutation, single base pair insertion or deletion. No translation, no mutations of entire chromosomes, no chromosomes fusing during meiosis or mitosis, just the simplest kind of mutation.

I just proved the entire basis of that theory wrong with simple math

you really are a moron,and from now on give credit to your sources. If you add math your theory has less of a chance of happening then there being a creator. The Dr that was going back and forth could not give a viable explanation to the dilemma that Spetner presented.

Lol that was simple math. You didnt follow? I just got the length of DNA in a very complex animal, the length of DNA in a very simple animal, and the estimated age of life on earth. After that its obvious that even with a super slow mutation rate the amount information needed to progress from prokaryote to human could easily have been added to the gene pool.

anyone can stack the deck son.:lol:
Lol you think i had to look those up....

Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.

Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?
Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.

Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.

Of course someone doubted his divinity, that's why he was killed.

Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once.

You can't distinguish between opinion and fact. Like all pseudo scientists. It's what makes you so laughable.
you really are a moron,and from now on give credit to your sources. If you add math your theory has less of a chance of happening then there being a creator. The Dr that was going back and forth could not give a viable explanation to the dilemma that Spetner presented.

Lol that was simple math. You didnt follow? I just got the length of DNA in a very complex animal, the length of DNA in a very simple animal, and the estimated age of life on earth. After that its obvious that even with a super slow mutation rate the amount information needed to progress from prokaryote to human could easily have been added to the gene pool.

anyone can stack the deck son.:lol:

Lol what? How did i stack the deck?
Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.

Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.

Of course someone doubted his divinity, that's why he was killed.

Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once.

You can't distinguish between opinion and fact. Like all pseudo scientists. It's what makes you so laughable.

"Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once."

Again, your opinion is not fact. How do you plan on proving jesus's miracles? Please...im very interested. Prove to me that jesus walked on water.
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Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Because that book of fiction was written 300 years after the facts by simpletons who probably couldn't count past 20, who wore PJs and sandals and who lived in mud huts and rode around on donkeys.
Like seriously, how can ANYONE believe that Noah rounded up 2 of each of the millions of species on earth, from South America, Asia... It's just too stupid to comprehend.

Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.

Lol you talk like jesus performing miracles is more certain than wolves being related to coyotes.

Heres a news flash. There were tons of people walking around ancient civilized societies claiming to be prophets and the like. Lol your just following one 2000 years later...its ok though.

Thats not my scientific judgment, just thats my personal belief.

Yes there were miracles to,but I said prophecy,like the destruction of the temple and Israel.
Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.

Lol you talk like jesus performing miracles is more certain than wolves being related to coyotes.

Heres a news flash. There were tons of people walking around ancient civilized societies claiming to be prophets and the like. Lol your just following one 2000 years later...its ok though.

Thats not my scientific judgment, just thats my personal belief.

Yes there were miracles to,but I said prophecy,like the destruction of the temple and Israel.

O ok so ill worship jesus about as much as i worship Nostradamus.
And why dont you follow my advice and tether your phone to your laptop.

That way you dont have excuses to not post.
Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.

Of course someone doubted his divinity, that's why he was killed.

Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once.

You can't distinguish between opinion and fact. Like all pseudo scientists. It's what makes you so laughable.

"Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once."

Again, your opinion is not fact. How do you plan on proving jesus's miracles? Please...im very interested. Prove to me that jesus walked on water.

I didn't say there was proof that he performed them.

I said nobody questioned them.

Difference. Again, your basic problem is with the language. You don't understand it, or you aren't able to separate what is actually said from the convo in your head.
Of course someone doubted his divinity, that's why he was killed.

Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once.

You can't distinguish between opinion and fact. Like all pseudo scientists. It's what makes you so laughable.

"Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once."

Again, your opinion is not fact. How do you plan on proving jesus's miracles? Please...im very interested. Prove to me that jesus walked on water.

I didn't say there was proof that he performed them.

I said nobody questioned them.

Difference. Again, your basic problem is with the language. You don't understand it, or you aren't able to separate what is actually said from the convo in your head.

Wow. My problem is with semantics then? I think the problem is with your inability to actually use the right terms. Kind of like the difference between a species and a genus.

Either way you have no proof jesus performed those miracles. If your going to start some theological bullshit about how the people in the bible were convinced of jesus's divinity once they saw his miracles, then i can assure you that I'm thoroughly uninterested in that debate.
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