Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.

Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.

You need to avoid those anti Jesus sites and start looking at the evidence of Jesus. josephus one historian that confirmed him. Some time put on the history channel they bring up a lot evidence supporting Jesus and the Christian movement.
Lol you think i had to look those up....

Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.

Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

I use dogs because it is simple to understand,the same can be said for kind ,family,and to make you happy,species.
Nobody during Jesus' time or the time the disciples were walking the earth EVER contested the fact that he performed miracles.

Including Josephus, who was a historian and NOT a Christian, and who refers to the miracles of Christ in his records.

Lol o really? Any sources outside of your cool little book that prove this? You can claim that no one doubted, but thats just a claim. Josephus was born a year after Pontius Pilate ceased to be governor of rome. Meaning he could not have lived during the same time jesus did.

Lol and of course people doubted jesus fool. Isnt that why he was crucified in the first place? Someone must have doubted his divinity.

You need to avoid those anti Jesus sites and start looking at the evidence of Jesus. josephus one historian that confirmed him. Some time put on the history channel they bring up a lot evidence supporting Jesus and the Christian movement.

Lol o so someone that never even met jesus is proof that hes the son of god? Right. I never said jesus never existed. I said he wasnt the son of god. He was just another "heretic" crucified by the romans. They loved to do it, your example isnt any more special than the others. They just wrote a book about it. Why didnt you respond to the scientific part of that post? Because you have no idea what your talking about?
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Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.

Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

I use dogs because it is simple to understand,the same can be said for kind ,family,and to make you happy,species.

It doesnt matter what animal you use. Examples of people forcing one homozygous animal to mate with another homozygous animal in order to narrow the gene pool and preserve useful traits have nothing to do with what happens in nature.
I am not ashamed to say I ACT like a Christian, without being one. As apposed to all the Christians I have known that acted like ignorant pricks using Christianity to justify being a prick... Youwerecreated: NONE of the things you mention PROVES the bible. NONE of it. If it DID, we wouldn’t be debating this. Would we? WE aren’t anti-god, either, we are more anti-stupid, anti-superstition and against moralizing pricks. Like, well, I’m too Christian to say WHO. Fill in the blank.
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Lol you think i had to look those up....

Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.

Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.
Seriously you come across hell bent on proving your theory even to the point of posting stuff that has been refuted long ago. Examples , coelacanth fish, you didn't know of micro adaptations , you dint know the terms of macro evolution, you didn't under stand micro evolution. A true biologist would not use the fossil record for proof of macro evolution because it shows no change or a term you might be familiar with stasis. You didn't know gene pools get smaller. The neanderthals probably went extinct do to the gene pool being so small and all the inbreeding taking place. People that raise racing greyhounds in Europe and the united states inferred so much and the gene got so small that they had to cross breed European and united states greyhound to introduce new bloodlines so they didn't become diseased or deformed from breeding family members. Once again showing how new information is produced. This evidence can test studied and observed. That my son is real science. Real science is not making wild assumptions that can't be test studied and observed.

Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.

Once again, your opinion is not fact. Even if the fossil record doesnt support evolution, which it does, it certainly doesnt support creationism. Where in the bible does it talk about how adam and eve walked with dinosaurs? O, mind telling me how fossils got under thousands of feet of rock if they arent millions of years old? The giant flood took sand from....somewhere(?)....and covered....everywhere(?).... and some how hardened to stone in the incredibly short timespan of 5000 years?

Where does oil come from friend? Goddidit?
Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.
Evidence in support?

…other than the bible.

when I'm back online ill respond. The book of acts was historical record of the Christian movement. And I will go further into it when they fix my internet.
How about diamonds? Where did those form? What about plate tectonics? Did god just try to trick us by shaping the continents in the right shape and put them into a line of motion that hints at a certain formation in the past?

Im sure.
"Nobody challenged his miracles, though. Not once."

Again, your opinion is not fact. How do you plan on proving jesus's miracles? Please...im very interested. Prove to me that jesus walked on water.

I didn't say there was proof that he performed them.

I said nobody questioned them.

Difference. Again, your basic problem is with the language. You don't understand it, or you aren't able to separate what is actually said from the convo in your head.

Wow. My problem is with semantics then? I think the problem is with your inability to actually use the right terms. Kind of like the difference between a species and a genus.

Either way you have no proof jesus performed those miracles. If your going to start some theological bullshit about how the people in the bible were convinced of jesus's divinity once they saw his miracles, then i can assure you that I'm thoroughly uninterested in that debate.

what's wrong with kind or family ? Everyone can see the difference in a lion and tiger, and coyote and dog. Do you realize the thing about species is to try and show macro evolution instead of micro evolution ? Which is what it is. One word extrapolate,did you understand macro evolution was an extrapolation of micro evolution . Ask yourself why ? Ok I'll answer it because there was no evidence for macro evolution and it is built on unobserved assumptions and explanations. This where you want to argue it takes thousands or millions of years to happen. You see how reliable your theory is.
Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.

Once again, your opinion is not fact. Even if the fossil record doesnt support evolution, which it does, it certainly doesnt support creationism. Where in the bible does it talk about how adam and eve walked with dinosaurs? O, mind telling me how fossils got under thousands of feet of rock if they arent millions of years old? The giant flood took sand from....somewhere(?)....and covered....everywhere(?).... and some how hardened to stone in the incredibly short timespan of 5000 years?

Where does oil come from friend? Goddidit?

Ah oil,another thing coincidence that modern man needed to become modern. Nope .6,000 years. And 6,000 years may not seem like a long time because what you read in your text book. In 5,000 years the population of man went from 8 people to around 7 billion,that means a lot of people have been on this planet now consider how many more fossils we should be finding and we are not. If you did the math on every species for billions of years we could not dog without finding them
Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.
Evidence in support?

…other than the bible.

when I'm back online ill respond. The book of acts was historical record of the Christian movement. And I will go further into it when they fix my internet.

Im familiar with your book of acts.

Its basically the spread of early Christianity and a supposed account of the acts of the apostles. I'm far from impressed. Peter and john performed miracles? Are you serious? That is really the type of christianity you believe? The idea of the apostles themselves having the ability to "performs many miracles such as healings, the casting out of evil spirits, and the raising of the dead", is beyond ridiculous. That has nothing to do with what jesus taught. Even the idea that jesus had such an ability is ridiculous. When they rose people from the dead, did they regenerate their dead brain cells?

Lol what about the casting out of evil spirits? Yea, heres your modern day apostle right here:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_DocpPrYtU"]‪Mass Deliverance - Demons & Manifestations Expelled‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Not impressed
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Wow. Your basing your entire theory that evolution cant lead to speciation by citing how people breed dog? Seriously? People purposely restrict the gene pool, thats how you breed pure breds. That doesnt happen in nature. A purebred dog just fucks the shit out of what ever dog it wants to. Your entire theory is based on the idea that homozygous organisms will only mate with homozygous organisms. Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

Didnt you use a theory proposed an evolutionist to try to prove your theory. Gould theory?

The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.

Once again, your opinion is not fact. Even if the fossil record doesnt support evolution, which it does, it certainly doesnt support creationism. Where in the bible does it talk about how adam and eve walked with dinosaurs? O, mind telling me how fossils got under thousands of feet of rock if they arent millions of years old? The giant flood took sand from....somewhere(?)....and covered....everywhere(?).... and some how hardened to stone in the incredibly short timespan of 5000 years?

Where does oil come from friend? Goddidit?
how many opinions have you given are not fact ?
The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.

Once again, your opinion is not fact. Even if the fossil record doesnt support evolution, which it does, it certainly doesnt support creationism. Where in the bible does it talk about how adam and eve walked with dinosaurs? O, mind telling me how fossils got under thousands of feet of rock if they arent millions of years old? The giant flood took sand from....somewhere(?)....and covered....everywhere(?).... and some how hardened to stone in the incredibly short timespan of 5000 years?

Where does oil come from friend? Goddidit?

Ah oil,another thing coincidence that modern man needed to become modern. Nope .6,000 years. And 6,000 years may not seem like a long time because what you read in your text book. In 5,000 years the population of man went from 8 people to around 7 billion,that means a lot of people have been on this planet now consider how many more fossils we should be finding and we are not. If you did the math on every species for billions of years we could not dog without finding them

Lol looks like someone doesnt understand what fossils are...ha

O and there were a lot more than 8 people on the earth 5000 years ago.
The only ones that should be referring to the fossil record are creationist,because it supports our theory better the macro evolution. You know no one was around a couple hundred millions years ago. Fact is modern man can only be traced back 6 to 12 thousand years ago depending on who you want to believe. I will trust in the bible considering the oldest known tree is only 4,600 years old right in line with the bible account of the flood.

Once again, your opinion is not fact. Even if the fossil record doesnt support evolution, which it does, it certainly doesnt support creationism. Where in the bible does it talk about how adam and eve walked with dinosaurs? O, mind telling me how fossils got under thousands of feet of rock if they arent millions of years old? The giant flood took sand from....somewhere(?)....and covered....everywhere(?).... and some how hardened to stone in the incredibly short timespan of 5000 years?

Where does oil come from friend? Goddidit?
how many opinions have you given are not fact ?

I source my opinions and back them up with evidence. You just say things like "modern man can only be traced back 6-12 thousand years" that are total lies with no source and no evidence. Modern man can be traced back farther than that. Even if it couldnt you just contradicted yourself by saying people have been here for 6-12 thousand years, but there were only 8 people on earth 5000 years ago.
"Ah oil,another thing coincidence that modern man needed to become modern."

Im sure coal, natural gas, and steam didnt/dont serve the exact same purpose. Oil is a matter of convenience. Only a mind boggling amount of decayed, heated, and compressed organic matter could have made the amount of oil on earth. That fits exactly with evolution. You can say goddidit, but he evidence doesnt support that, it supports evolution.
How about diamonds? Where did those form? What about plate tectonics? Did god just try to trick us by shaping the continents in the right shape and put them into a line of motion that hints at a certain formation in the past?

Im sure.

In my view plate tectonics was the result of the global flood. That much water and movement probably broke it up and at one point there was one big piece of ground before that occurred. I also believe the ice age happened after the flood. It's pretty hard to explain Ll that ice no ?
How about diamonds? Where did those form? What about plate tectonics? Did god just try to trick us by shaping the continents in the right shape and put them into a line of motion that hints at a certain formation in the past?

Im sure.

In my view plate tectonics was the result of the global flood. That much water and movement probably broke it up and at one point there was one big piece of ground before that occurred. I also believe the ice age happened after the flood. It's pretty hard to explain Ll that ice no ?

Why did you entitle the thread about why people attack the Bible if that's not what you wanted to discuss?
How about diamonds? Where did those form? What about plate tectonics? Did god just try to trick us by shaping the continents in the right shape and put them into a line of motion that hints at a certain formation in the past?

Im sure.

In my view plate tectonics was the result of the global flood. That much water and movement probably broke it up and at one point there was one big piece of ground before that occurred. I also believe the ice age happened after the flood. It's pretty hard to explain Ll that ice no ?

Yes im sure any amount of water has the ability to shift entire continents simultaneously. :cuckoo:
Explain what ice age? Its pretty easily explained

If thats the case, that amount of water doesnt exist on earth today. Where did it god? Did god wisk away all the hydrogen and oxygen atoms to merry-merry-go-fuck-yourself-imaginary-sky-land?
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