Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

I have yet to find anything of substance or reality in any of your posts to respond to.
I have yet to find anything of substance or reality in any of your posts to respond to.

Im just wondering if you think that those two cats are related in any way. Why is that such a hard question to answer? I cant ask you if you think two animals are related in a thread about evolution? Lol right....
So? Why do they attack the bible if their beef is with humankind in general?

I guess you didn't understand my post. The Bible has been used to justify or even glorify, murder, torture, beatings, hatred, slavery, wife-abuse and wars.
I don't think the people to which you refer hate say, the Bloods for example. The Bloods do many of those things but they don't use religion to make claims that their actions are somehow justified or even righteous.
Additionally, the Bloods don't try to use the Bible as a means to influence politics or affect national policy.
There is no "Holy Book of the Bloods" that they use to tell everything they do or believe is "right" and everyone else is "wrong".
Thus, their anger is not toward The Bible. It is not towards "humankind". It is toward those that do exactly what Jesus criticized the Pharisees and Saduccees for, back in his day: Ignore the loving message of God and use religion to gain power, influence and justify hatred, judgmentalism and wrongdoings.

Guess ya didn't want to address this post? I don't blame you. Tricky stuff.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Stay away from this one YouWereCreated...
So every person of faith was raised a person of faith?

Dr. Collins' parents were agnostics.

My own were atheists.

So much for that theory, retard.

So what went wrong, they drop you on your head from several stories up? or you just think your parents are retards.
Why that is my question exactly! Why do non-believers insist on pretending science in any way disproves the existence of God? Why do they insist on bringing evolution into every conversation about creation? Why do they care whether or not Christians believe in the Bible, and why do they think their feeble attacks can stand against faith?

Why does it matter to you what another believes? Think about atheists and agnostics for a second....

Imagine yourself living in Iran as a Christian. The whole country revolves around Sharia Law and you see laws being passed that totally go against Christianity.

Now imagine being an agnostic or atheist and seeing people openly hate gays, call a scared teen mom a murderer because she ended a pregnancy and other things like that. the hypocrisy of the religious right is utterly astounding. Capitalism and it's inherent greed goes 180 degrees opposite of what Christ taught, but they aren't concerned about that being against Christ's teachings... only what people do with their private parts.

That's why they dedicate their time trying to disprove our beliefs. It comes DIRECTLY from us not being good Christians. It's our own fault.
If you're basing that on the belief that science rules out the existence of God, then you're the dumbfuck, I'm afraid.

Never said that, I'm an agnostic, so the presence or absence of a god hasn't been proven nor disproved. But until proof is given, there is no god. If you ever find real tangible proof, I'm open to changing my mind.

And I understand that.

What I don't understand is the compulsion many have to actively bash the bible and Christians.

For example, why do non-believers think it matters who they think is a *good* Christian or a *bad* Christian? Why is it any of their business? They don't believe it anyway, why are they driven to constantly judge Christians on their Christianity?

Not only is it annoying, it's dishonest. The one thing all Christians believe is that all of us are sinners. Nobody is a perfect Christian. And yet non believers seem to expect that, and get angry and antagonistic because we aren't. What's up with that? I've been a Baptist for decades...I've NEVER heard a Baptist hold himself up as an example of a perfect person or a perfect Christian. I've never heard a Christian do that. I've never seen a Christian get into somebody's face and tell them what they should believe. Yet I hear all the time from non-believers that this happens all the time. I call bullshit. I think they misinterpret what they hear and see, or they are just lying out of hate for those of faith.

The only thing I hate is brussel sprouts, boy are they nasty! I originally wanted to find out if there was a real reason why people believe in god, it turns out it's all based on irrational concepts. I've still never heard a proper explanation for how Noah got a pair of millions of animals onto a boat he made with enough food for 40 days, and that NO animals died in those 40 days. Among other absurd stories.
Religious people are the ones who came up with the good christian and the bad christian who goes to hell, maybe that's why non-believers like to poke fun at christians warning them that if they're not good enough they'll go to hell. It's all about mind control. And btw, it didn't stop christians Bush and Obama from waging war on several fronts for no discernable reason.
I don't think it's anything so coherent as that. At least not from what I've heard.

Lol it was very coherent actually. The problem is that you dont understand what "dominate", "recessive", "homozygous", or "heterozygous" mean. Just because you dont understand simple biology doesnt mean im being incoherent, it means your uneducated.

Hey genius, anyone can look up the definitions of the words it doesn't mean a person is educated in the field because they can cite the definition of a few words.
I have yet to find anything of substance or reality in any of your posts to respond to.

Im just wondering if you think that those two cats are related in any way. Why is that such a hard question to answer? I cant ask you if you think two animals are related in a thread about evolution? Lol right....

I believe we're all related. I think God made us all.

But if they're different species, then no, I don't think they have a common ancestor so they aren't related in that way.

And I have answered this same question before.
What does that have to do with anything? All that means is the genotype of the horse is homozygous dominant and that the gene that causes the gray trait is dominant not recessive. How in any way does that disprove evolution? This is simple Mendelian genetics here. Come on.

The evolution of family canidae is a perfect example of evolution. Dogs, wild dogs, coyotes, foxes, all of these things are different species. Theyre all clearly related.

Are you trying to say that since all dogs are of the same species evolution is somehow false? Idk about that....Thats just an example of diversification.

This is my last response to you until you address the mutation argument by Dr. Spetner and explain how a fellow evolutionist is wrong. Are you missing the point genetics are reliable in determining the offspring. Unless they mutate which is caused by the loss or rearranging of the information,not new information. I studied fruit flies that were that were introduced to radiation,do you know what happened to the flies ? This won't be my last response but once we cover this issue that's it until to tell me how the good Dr. Is wrong.

Lol are you serious. I've just read spetners argument and its ridiculous.

Although i dont think your fully understand it, ill explain. His whole idea hinges upon the idea that not enough information can be added to a genome to create a new species; or at least that not enough time has passed to allow that much information to be added to allow creation of complex life from a simpler kind. But that idea is proven false with simple math. Information in DNA is stored as nucleotides. The human genome contains 3 billion base pairs of nucleotides. A single prokaryote (the simplest type of cell), has anywhere from 1 - 10 million base pairs. Even if one single base pair mutation spread throughout a population once every year that change of information (from bacteria to human) still takes less time than the estimated age of the earth. And one base pair mutating in an entire population is a ridiculously low estimate, considering millions of bacteria would make trillions of new bacteria every year each with hundreds of single base pair genetic mutations. Thats a number of mutations so high i dont even have a number to describe, and i used an estimate of one. And that only takes into the simplest kind of mutation, single base pair insertion or deletion. No translation, no mutations of entire chromosomes, no chromosomes fusing during meiosis or mitosis, just the simplest kind of mutation.

I just proved the entire basis of that theory wrong with simple math

you really are a moron,and from now on give credit to your sources. If you add math your theory has less of a chance of happening then there being a creator. The Dr that was going back and forth could not give a viable explanation to the dilemma that Spetner presented.
So? Why do they attack the bible if their beef is with humankind in general?

I guess you didn't understand my post. The Bible has been used to justify or even glorify, murder, torture, beatings, hatred, slavery, wife-abuse and wars.
I don't think the people to which you refer hate say, the Bloods for example. The Bloods do many of those things but they don't use religion to make claims that their actions are somehow justified or even righteous.
Additionally, the Bloods don't try to use the Bible as a means to influence politics or affect national policy.
There is no "Holy Book of the Bloods" that they use to tell everything they do or believe is "right" and everyone else is "wrong".
Thus, their anger is not toward The Bible. It is not towards "humankind". It is toward those that do exactly what Jesus criticized the Pharisees and Saduccees for, back in his day: Ignore the loving message of God and use religion to gain power, influence and justify hatred, judgmentalism and wrongdoings.

Guess ya didn't want to address this post? I don't blame you. Tricky stuff.

Yup. Stay away from this one YouWereCreated...[/QUOTE]

Would I be able to show anything that would change your mind ? It's like the dummy that keeps citing things he has read it copy and paste someone else's writings not giving credit to the one that wrote it. There is nothing I can show that will change his mind. But if he really knew as much as he pretends to know, he would know that I already disproved absurd theory. But sometimes you can't help the brainwashed.
Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Because that book of fiction was written 300 years after the facts by simpletons who probably couldn't count past 20, who wore PJs and sandals and who lived in mud huts and rode around on donkeys.
Like seriously, how can ANYONE believe that Noah rounded up 2 of each of the millions of species on earth, from South America, Asia... It's just too stupid to comprehend.
Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Because that book of fiction was written 300 years after the facts by simpletons who probably couldn't count past 20, who wore PJs and sandals and who lived in mud huts and rode around on donkeys.
Like seriously, how can ANYONE believe that Noah rounded up 2 of each of the millions of species on earth, from South America, Asia... It's just too stupid to comprehend.

Wrong, book of acts was written 40 years after the death of Christ. That was around 30 years before prophecies of Jesus began being fulfilled.

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