Why do the cops allow these people to pitch tents and sleep in public?

you ooze Bullshit..oh wait you edited out how you can type 160+ a minute....Why, because nobody is going to believe your lies.

I did because I wasn't sure if the poster was sarcastic or not....

At least I can admit that..

160+ IQ is a bunch of bullshit and only a fool would be serious about such a claim or would be joking..

So either the poster is fucking retard or just joking..

Few on this planet have IQ's higher than 160...
umm, you said YOU had a 160+ iq to a few of us posters who subsequently made the fuck fun of that statement, about a week ago, dipshit. Were you drunk and forgot?

I have an IQ that cannot be measured .....

Those tests are not designed to truly test an individuals intelligences but to gauge an individuals intelligence.. 100 is average Some individuals go over and some are under but the point of the test is to not "determine how intelligent you are" but to gauge your intelligence amongst your peers..

Also, I was tested as a child which is a different test all together, I've never taken an official test such as the Wechsler as an adult....

When I was a kid they estimated my IQ to me at minimum 160 and I don't know and really don't care what it is now because IQ's don't measure an individuals knowledge...

I person with an IQ of 110 could easily be more knowledgeable than a person with and IQ of 170.....

It doesn't matter if you're able to learn - it matters what you learn...

If it matters, as an adult I have taken unofficial tests and according to those tests my IQ is around 140 (-5 and +5).....
Maybe because it's once a year...
Maybe because they pitch a tent on the business property.
Maybe because they don't clash with police.
Maybe because they aren't shitting and pissing all over the place.
Maybe because they aren't using drugs on the premise.
Maybe because they aren't nude and having sex while they are there.
Maybe because there's no sexual assault going on while they are there.

This is just my opinion...
And I may be wrong.

Maybe its they are there to buy stuff like good little worker bees.
Maybe because it's once a year...
Maybe because they pitch a tent on the business property.
Maybe because they don't clash with police.
Maybe because they aren't shitting and pissing all over the place.
Maybe because they aren't using drugs on the premise.
Maybe because they aren't nude and having sex while they are there.
Maybe because there's no sexual assault going on while they are there.

This is just my opinion...
And I may be wrong.

I wonder where they go to the bathroom when they camp out all night at Best Buy?

Piss bottles.
What if I have a link to a post of you saying you've never been tested? Would it shame you off the board, or don't you give a fuck about honesty?
Why do the cops allow these people to pitch tents and sleep in public?

Cuz only shit they like is allowed in a fascist world?
you ooze Bullshit..oh wait you edited out how you can type 160+ a minute....Why, because nobody is going to believe your lies.

I did because I wasn't sure if the poster was sarcastic or not....

At least I can admit that..

160+ IQ is a bunch of bullshit and only a fool would be serious about such a claim or would be joking..

So either the poster is fucking retard or just joking..

Few on this planet have IQ's higher than 160...

every 1 and 200000 people have a higher IQ than 160. So no thats quite a alot.

Nah you just didnt want to get called out on your neverending stream of bullshit.

I don't know what the numbers are but it doesn't matter..

We're not born with knowledge we learn it and those with higher IQ's just happen to understand more.....

A person with an IQ of 100 can learn everything Stephen Hawking knows... It may not come as fluid to them as it would an individual with an IQ of 160, but it still can be learned...

Not all theoretical physicists have IQ's over 100..... Those that have lower IQ's may not catch on the quickest but that doesn't mean they cant learn...
What if I have a link to a post of you saying you've never been tested? Would it shame you off the board, or don't you give a fuck about honesty?

I was officially tested as a kid (10-11) - not as an adult...

Not to mention I only know this because I went to my moms to help her back when I was like 25 and she needed some help with some housework one day and I accidentally stumbled upon old school papers that pertained to me...

Before that I had no idea, I actually brought the findings to my mom and I was like "seriously?"
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I'm thinking you're closer to an 85-90 range tbh fwiw iah imo ftw iow
While I agree 100% that the Black Friday crowds disgust me (especially that fat bitch in WalMart hording $2 waffle makers with her fat gut hanging out the shirt)..............as for camping out, its private property. If Walmart or Best Buy allow it, the cops dont have much say. Kinda like if I allowed 30 people to camp in my backyard. If Walmart or Best Buy called the cops and said "We dont want these people on our property any longer, make them leave" guess what? The cops would ask them to leave. What if they didnt leave? Well, they'd get arrested. See how that works?
I'm thinking you're closer to an 85-90 range tbh fwiw iah imo ftw iow

Ironic a person who is too fucking dumb to realize that that a person with an IQ of 85 would have a difficult time reading "Cat in the Hat" would imply another is stupid..
Because the people that they answer to, city administration, (most likely the city's lawyers) say so.
What if I have a link to a post of you saying you've never been tested? Would it shame you off the board, or don't you give a fuck about honesty?

I was officially tested as a kid (10-11) - not as an adult...

Must have done a lot of drugs since then.

Its funny how I explain how meaningless IQ's are yet you don't even comprehend blunt language....

Read my previous posts over and over again and you will understand sooner or later...
Because the people that they answer to, city administration, (most likely the city's lawyers) say so.

No. Because WalMart and Best Buy, who own or lease that PRIVATE property, are OK with those people being there. If they weren't, the cops woudl ask them to leave.

This thread is dead in the water.
I'm thinking you're closer to an 85-90 range tbh fwiw iah imo ftw iow

Ironic a person who is too fucking dumb to realize that that a person with an IQ of 85 would have a difficult time reading "Cat in the Hat" would imply another is stupid..

Would someone with an IQ of 85 have trouble in there daily life?Serious answers,plz.? - Yahoo! Answers

Of course they would have problems....

I mean you're talking the median between mild metal retardation and average intelligence...

A person with an IQ of 85 will have the mental capacity as a 10-year-old... That doesn't mean they cant adapt, however they're significantly hindered...

A person with an IQ of 75 would certainly need assistance...
Better question....

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

Better question....

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.


Do you even know who the fuck Ponzi is???

I'd bet you a bridge you don't.... I bet you don't even understand or know what a "Ponzi scheme" is...

You just use the term because you heard it on your progressive network or radio of your choosing.

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