Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
The rich that is, bloated Beyond ridiculous the last 35 years of GOP giveaway, dupes.
Rich people pay more in taxes than you ever will
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
They do not get it, tax laws do not discriminate...…….
Except by income, which has been I GOP giveaway to the rich for 35 years.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
The rich that is, bloated Beyond ridiculous the last 35 years of GOP giveaway, dupes.
Rich people pay more in taxes than you ever will
Not by percentage silly man. The non rich get screwed to keep it that way.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
They do not get it, tax laws do not discriminate...…….

Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
They do not get it, tax laws do not discriminate...…….
Except by income, which has been I GOP giveaway to the rich for 35 years.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196009
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...
You lose, the poor are working under Trump, his tax plan was a success before it was even passed.

Now go cash in your welfare for crack
Actually, the left has seemed to do everything in its power to remove God from any and every public venue, from government buildings to schools, so, id say his statement is pretty spot on.

Just curious, but why do you think references to god are on our public buildings to start with?
I'm no historian, so my guess is, they are there because this nation was supposedly founded as a Christian nation. The declaration of independence says that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights, by "their" Creator.

I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

So it's a public acknowledgement of a specific religious belief to the exclusion of all others, right?
No, it is a public acknowledgement of the religion that the founders practiced, the principles of which they used to guide them while forming the foundations of this country. However, in no way does it exclude the practice of other religions.

The first amendment doesn't say that religion doesn't belong in government, it simply says that government will not make any laws establishing a religion, and that people may worship any religion that they choose.

Yet we are not supposed to be linked to any religion. Lack of belief in a god is supposed to be just as valid as christianity when it comes to public property. How many quotes from The Flying Spahgetti Monster have you seen engraved over a court house door? Do you want to look at statues depicting Satan handing the constitution down from the clowds every time you go pay your taxes? What about a sign on cop cars that says "We have no evidence of any god" ? Practice your religion all you want on your own property, but nobody wants another's religion forced on them on publiuc property.
Sounds fair, keep religion out of the government and the lives of those who do not believe and in return, government and those who do not believe should not be able to meddle or have anything to say about the practices of those who do believe.

Does that sound agreeable?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you
This is for instance a good example. You specify as an achievement that you are capable of putting your kids through college, and in the US it is. Here being able to pay for college is a non issue since it's really cheap. It's not of course but most of it is payed by our high "taxes". This means no student loans or taking a second mortgage to get your kid trough college.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you
Did you think the 2 wars started by Gomer (one was based on lies) were free? Always looking for free shit as I said.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I don't want to pay more taxes - I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all!
That makes no sense

I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all![/


Trump doesn't pay taxes - That makes him "smart" :rolleyes:

How do people know Trump pays no taxes? Have they seen all of his and his businesses's tax returns for that period of time?
No, but the ones they have seen he has shit on them and shown he pays quite a bit in taxes, even more than Clinton or Obama
you mean the ONE showed The ONE cherry picked
So, now you're saying that Jesus didn't have a brain!
Typical Liberal Jesus-hater!
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
So I want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry? True idiot.
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
Opposing tax cuts for billionaires has nothing to do with Venezuela
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
The rich that is, bloated Beyond ridiculous the last 35 years of GOP giveaway, dupes.
Rich people pay more in taxes than you ever will
Not by percentage silly man. The non rich get screwed to keep it that way.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196010
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...

So then I take it you're a proponent of the flat income tax where everyone pays the same percentage of their income
or maybe a consumption tax where everyone pays the same percentage on their purchases
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
They do not get it, tax laws do not discriminate...…….

Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
They do not get it, tax laws do not discriminate...…….

Of course they do.
People with kids pay less taxes
People who smoke pay more taxes
People with mortgages pay less taxes

If that's not discrimination what is?

A large part of our tax laws serve no purpose other than social engineering

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?
Let`s not forget the 234 military golf courses we maintain around the world.
Defense Department Operates 234 Golf Courses in the World, Draining Millions From the U.S. Budget
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
You don't get it

The people who voted for Hillary don't want to pay more taxes. They want everyone else to pay more taxes
The rich that is, bloated Beyond ridiculous the last 35 years of GOP giveaway, dupes.
Rich people pay more in taxes than you ever will
Not by percentage silly man. The non rich get screwed to keep it that way.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post
Washington Post › wonk › 2012/09/19

View attachment 196010
Sep 19, 2012 · At the heart of the debate over "the 47 percent" is an awful abuse of tax data. This entire conversation is the result of a ...

So then I take it you're a proponent of the flat income tax where everyone pays the same percentage of their income
or maybe a consumption tax where everyone pays the same percentage on their purchases

Hmm... prolly not.
Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead.

The phony tax cuts Republicans rally around always remind me of the minimum wage nonsense. Just fluff to placate the base.

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