Why do the people who voted for Hillary want to pay more taxes?

So have kids, buy a home and live the American dream, don't smoke and drink and get married

Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available
But if I don't use them why should I pay for them?

Bugati super cars are available but you don't pay for it unless you purchase it
Because that is how a society functions

They do what is in the best interests of the General Welfare

Yeah forcing people to pay for things they don't use or want is good for them.

That's a good little sheep. Your masters are proud of you.

Well....you have two options

1. Advocate for politicians who will only vote for programs that help you
2. Leave
That makes no sense

I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all![/


Trump doesn't pay taxes - That makes him "smart" :rolleyes:

How do people know Trump pays no taxes? Have they seen all of his and his businesses's tax returns for that period of time?
No, but the ones they have seen he has shit on them and shown he pays quite a bit in taxes, even more than Clinton or Obama
you mean the ONE showed The ONE cherry picked
you guys said he never paid taxes.....he punked you.....how many times does he have to embarrass you before you say enough?
Bucky That ONE return was bullshit If you believe that satisfies whether he pays or not is a money launderer or not, then you're not as smart as you think you are
Trump doesn't pay taxes - That makes him "smart" :rolleyes:

How do people know Trump pays no taxes? Have they seen all of his and his businesses's tax returns for that period of time?
No, but the ones they have seen he has shit on them and shown he pays quite a bit in taxes, even more than Clinton or Obama
you mean the ONE showed The ONE cherry picked
you guys said he never paid taxes.....he punked you.....how many times does he have to embarrass you before you say enough?
Bucky That ONE return was bullshit If you believe that satisfies whether he pays or not is a money launderer or not, then you're not as smart as you think you are
AND it was bullshit just as much as his phony bought and paid for deferment was
Why should I have to?
You do realize that by not having kids that I use less government services don't you?
Your choice

The services are still available
But if I don't use them why should I pay for them?

Bugati super cars are available but you don't pay for it unless you purchase it
Because that is how a society functions

They do what is in the best interests of the General Welfare

Yeah forcing people to pay for things they don't use or want is good for them.

That's a good little sheep. Your masters are proud of you.

Well....you have two options

1. Advocate for politicians who will only vote for programs that help you
2. Leave

Where do you live? Certainly not in the US if you think politicians give a shit about you

Congress and hence the politicians that comprise congress do not give a shit about what the people want

Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?

Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military. Nearly ALL good, productive Americans DISAGREE with spending on illegal foreigners. Simple shit.

Link us to the details of these “Corp subsidies” you speak of would you please?
Thanks in advance.

Are your fingers broken? Are you not bright enough to google? I have little patience for those who are too lazy to educate themselves and too brainwashed to care.

Food stamps, MedicAid, Section 8 housing vouchers. Much of which goes to military families too.
Trump doesn't pay taxes - That makes him "smart" :rolleyes:

How do people know Trump pays no taxes? Have they seen all of his and his businesses's tax returns for that period of time?
No, but the ones they have seen he has shit on them and shown he pays quite a bit in taxes, even more than Clinton or Obama
you mean the ONE showed The ONE cherry picked
you guys said he never paid taxes.....he punked you.....how many times does he have to embarrass you before you say enough?
Bucky That ONE return was bullshit If you believe that satisfies whether he pays or not is a money launderer or not, then you're not as smart as you think you are
Dude, no matter what he does, you want be satisfied, he knows this and laughs at you.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?

Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military. Nearly ALL good, productive Americans DISAGREE with spending on illegal foreigners. Simple shit.

Link us to the details of these “Corp subsidies” you speak of would you please?
Thanks in advance.

Are your fingers broken? Are you not bright enough to google? I have little patience for those who are too lazy to educate themselves and too brainwashed to care.

Food stamps, MedicAid, Section 8 housing vouchers. Much of which goes to military families too.
That isn't corporate welfare.....those are for poor people not corporations
No, but the ones they have seen he has shit on them and shown he pays quite a bit in taxes, even more than Clinton or Obama
Of course he is worth supposedly 40 times more, right? If he had any good policies for the country and the middle class I would not give a damn.
youre a commie, you don't want a middle class......we should all be peasants of the elites
I am a Democratic Socialist like berny. And you are an idiot dupe.
Bernie is a fucking commie, and so are you.

Bernie is not a communist and never advocated everyone moving to live on a commune.
Please. How many members of the communist party ever lived in a commune?
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?

Most good, productive Americans agree with spending on our military. Nearly ALL good, productive Americans DISAGREE with spending on illegal foreigners. Simple shit.

Link us to the details of these “Corp subsidies” you speak of would you please?
Thanks in advance.

Are your fingers broken? Are you not bright enough to google? I have little patience for those who are too lazy to educate themselves and too brainwashed to care.

Food stamps, MedicAid, Section 8 housing vouchers. Much of which goes to military families too.
That isn't corporate welfare.....those are for poor people not corporations

If not for these wage supplements, the corporations employed by these corporations would have to pay higher wages.

In 2013, every American taxpayer contributed $2500 to subsidy programs for Walmart employees. $9 billion in total was paid to Walmart workers, while Walmart was the second most profitable company in America.

Had Walmart paid their minimum wage employees $100 per week more $2.50 an hour based on a 40 hour week, their employers would have not qualified for this assistance. They still would have been one of the most profitable companies in America, just not the second most profitable.

So while the benefits go to low wage employees, they cost taxpayers far more than just the cost of the benefits paid. There’s the cost of collecting the taxes, the employees to review their applications for assistance, and then the costs of processing the ongoing payments.

It also becomes a wedge issue as Republicans constantly complain about the “free stuff”, but they fail to mention that most of the people getting “free stuff” are low wage workers - retail, fast food and military families.

I would rather pay a bit more for a hamburger than have the government take a percentage and of the benefits. Cheaper and the workers control their own damn money.

The Walton Family took so much flak for this greed, they smartened up. Time to do the same for the rest of the freeloading corporations.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

Not really,

We want a good safetynet, education for the children, libraries, good infrastructure and Police.

You that don't like paying taxes want a failed state.
No one likes paying taxes. If you paid them you would know that.


But I bet everyone likes Roads, bridges, Police, Military and basic regulations on food, water and air? I guess some people like you want that but free it would seem.
No, I don't need the government to provide any of that. Private contractors can do all of it.
Of course he is worth supposedly 40 times more, right? If he had any good policies for the country and the middle class I would not give a damn.
youre a commie, you don't want a middle class......we should all be peasants of the elites
I am a Democratic Socialist like berny. And you are an idiot dupe.
Bernie is a fucking commie, and so are you.

Bernie is not a communist and never advocated everyone moving to live on a commune.
Please. How many members of the communist party ever lived in a commune?

How many Republicans are low wage earners who vote against their own best interests?

You’re definitely one of them.
Define rich, I own a home 3 SUVs 2 cars and a boat, I also have 2 kids in college and no one helps me. Poor democraps consider me rich, and shitheads like you want me to send your Mexican illegals to college...

fuck you

somehow, I doubt you are in the top 20%.

But, um, yeah, it's really in our interest to send that "illegal" to college, as he's not going anywhere and he's going to be a key part of the workforce in the future.

You see, here's the real problem we have. Take out immigration, Americans aren't meeting replacement rates. We have old people living longer and less kids born every year.

So.... if you want to maintain what we have, we have to make sure that the immigrants who are coming in have the job skills and abilities to fill those job positions that will be created.
prove it.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
Sure I'll be specific. What is ignorant about thinking of taxes as a way to fund a standard of living? You don't '' give'' the government money. The government gets taxes which it uses to fund stuff like infrastructure, the military, education, pensions, etc. The reason we allow this is that the governments is better at certain types of stuff. I'm Belgian, my wife is American. We live in Europe, the reason being that our kid has more opportunities here. I'm willing to compare my quality of life against most Americans. A big part of that quality of life is funded by taxes that would make you blanch.
Taxes are money the government takes from you by force, and they don't fund any kind of "better lifestyle." They mostly go to fund parasites.

You want to compare quality of life? What's the average size of a home in Belgium? What's the price of gas there? What do you pay for electricity? How much does it cost to get on a golf course?

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We want only the rich to pay more, super duper... At the moment, if you count all taxes, they pay the same percentage as the middle class and get all the new wealth. And the middle class and the country Fall Apart. Great job scumbag Mega rich GOP and silly doops like you.
Define rich? To the slobs on welfare forever anyone who has a job is rich...………….

Why should I be paying for Mexicans to go to college
Same as anyone with a brain over $250,000. Blaming the poor is a scumbag move..
But thanks for the racist Outlook...
Tell me, why should I send your poor slob kids to college?
Because you are a patriotic American citizen who wants the best for the country. Not a hateful brainwashed functional moron LOL
Plus we're not asking for you to pay more in taxes unless you earn over $250,000, super duper. For the billionth time...
why do you want them to? Just explain why? why can't you? I've asked you before, what is fair? you just want to shout all the time. back your shout up.
youre a commie, you don't want a middle class......we should all be peasants of the elites
I am a Democratic Socialist like berny. And you are an idiot dupe.
Bernie is a fucking commie, and so are you.

Bernie is not a communist and never advocated everyone moving to live on a commune.
Please. How many members of the communist party ever lived in a commune?

How many Republicans are low wage earners who vote against their own best interests?

You’re definitely one of them.

What you seem to be saying is that Democrats loot the rich and the middle class for the benefit of the poor. However, not even that is true. The poor would have good paying jobs if government was sucking up all the available capital in the country.

BTW, I'm hardly a low wage earner. You would probably be shocked if you knew how much I made.
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please

I don't want to pay more taxes - I want TRUMP to pay any taxes at all!
He does. It was shown on CNN. only an idiot like you would miss that. hahaahahahaha now explain why the rich should pay more taxes. can you? I challenge you to post why? 1,2,3.....go
You are so ignorant its hilarious.....you read the talking points about jesus
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars and to God which is Gods" which means follow the law and possessions aren't as important as the spirit
and look up Roman's 13
I'm not a commie you dipshit....you're the Moron that thinks Marx was right
So you are brainwashed ignorant and illiterate nobody is a commie anymore dumbass.

You're a fucking commie. Who do you think you're kidding?
Communist memes dictatorship that owns all all business and Industry, super dupe. You are so ignorant you are a bad citizen, willfully ignorant and I'm guessing a polite racist. I know a million of them here in Trump country.

It's only a matter of time until we reach that point. Just look at what happened in Venezuala. All you leftwing douchebags defended the government of Venezuala. Many of you still do.
Opposing tax cuts for billionaires has nothing to do with Venezuela
Sure it does. Those are exactly the kinds of promises that Chavez made. Taxing the rich turned out to mean starvation for everyone.
youre a commie, you don't want a middle class......we should all be peasants of the elites
I am a Democratic Socialist like berny. And you are an idiot dupe.
Bernie is a fucking commie, and so are you.

Bernie is not a communist and never advocated everyone moving to live on a commune.
Please. How many members of the communist party ever lived in a commune?

How many Republicans are low wage earners who vote against their own best interests?

You’re definitely one of them.
Are you referring to welfare queens?
Seriously, this is illogical and ignorant. So why do you want to keep less of your money and give more away to the government?

Be specific please
We have bills to pay. Do you pay your bills at home? Republicans sure like their free stuff.
Yes I pay my bills, including putting two lids thru college, and fucktards like you want me to put Mexicans thru college as well.

Fuck you

Your not paying taxes to put Mexicans through college. You’re paying taxes to equip and maintain and a military of 1.3 million people, 200,000 of which are station around the world to protect “American interests”. The best definition I know for “American Interests” is the property of American corporations around the world.

You pay taxes to subsidize the wages of corporations like Walmart and McDonalds which, although highly profitable, rely on paying their workers the least amount possible. Walmart has abandoned this policy and is now raising wages, but for most low wage sectors, large highly profitable corporations are still using taxpayer funded social programs to subsidize those wages.

Republicans have long refused to raise the federal minimum wage and have instead increased the levels of those subsidies instead. The very “free stuff” that Republicans decry, is something they insist is necessary to save jobs.

As long as Americans are just increasing deficits and borrowing more money to fund their tax cuts to the wealthy, your country will continue down this path to becoming a second tier nation.

You cannot spend more than take in. During this boom time, the rest of the first world nations of the world have balanced their budgets and cut their deficits. Americans have not.

Now while the rest of the first world practices fiscal prudence and raises taxes to cover expenditures, the US cuts taxes to to wealthy - again. Nothing good has come of the This the first two times you did it. Third time is not the charm.

Oh, and in true Republican idiocy, they dropped banking regulations too.

What could possibly go wrong eh?
Sorry, but only the profoundly gullible are buying that bullshit about welfare and foodstamps being subsidies for corporations. If the government didn't hand out welfare, then Walmart would pay exactly the same wage.

Deficits are used to fund welfare programs.
Liberals are so damn stupid they think bigger government is better government.

The assholes want higher taxes to pay for it, providing they are not the ones having to pay the taxes. They are greedy selfish little bastards like that.

Conservatives are so stupid that when a conservative politician says that liberals want 'bigger government', they believe them.

Nope, liberals don't particularly want 'bigger government'.

But one thing is for sure, 'tax and spend' is a whole lot smarter than 'not tax and spend'.
why does the government need more tax money from the rich?

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