Why Do White People Vote Democrat?

Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
I'm white and voting with the GOP is against my interest. Not because I'm white, but because I'm what I'd like to think of as Middle Class. I'm sure that the motivation of Black voters is the same.

What I don't understand is, why would race have anything to do with it while people of all races who are not wealthy are getting screwed by GOP policies?

More than likely you vote Democrat because you're sucking on the government tit.
1) I'm too smart to vote Republican and
2) I'm too smart to make idiotic generalizations as you seem to love to do.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

Why Do White People Vote Democrat?​

Because the whites depicted below are today’s whites…..ignorant enough to assist in fucking themselves.
Having a child out of wedlock doesn't mean the person lacks intelligence. Many men and women have children out of wedlock and go on to be smart businessmen and women, doctors, and professors. There are plenty of stupid people who don't have children out of wedlock.

And what if a couple doesn't believe In marriage and has kids but also shows up to work on time, pays the bills and rent on time or pay them. Are they irresponsible?

And it was another poster who said they were whores so my bad it wasnt you.
Once again, you're arguing against a position I didn't take. The central fact that you can't deny is that having a child out of wedlock is a huge burden on a person starting out in life.
I never married my son's mother. Does that make her a whore or does that make my son a criminal?

Your mother and father probably should have told you that you shouldn't make generalizations about a certain group of people because you don't know their story or struggle.
Again, you're arguing against claims I haven't made.
Bripatty is the perfect example of Republicans bully worship. They believe they are tough for standing up to and calling names to the poor, single moms, immigrants, minorities and other small groups.

Then they lick the fucking shit off the boots of people with power
I believe I'm tough for pointing out facts that few people will admit to in public. I fully realize that stupid douchebags like you will attack me relentlessly for it.
America's enemies regardless of race support Democrats
That's not true. This country, even when it was great, had Democrats and Republicans. Right? It's just gotten uncivil. You Republicans started it, but regardless, eventually we are going to have to ask the Democrats to save us from what the Republicans do to us. Poverty increases when Republicans rule. So does wealth for the rich. The gap between them and us grows wider. The rich have more power in our government. And some of you Republicans have showed us you are capable of being Russians or Nazi's. What I mean by that is you would support a king who steals an election and all future elections. You showed us that by defending Trump's coup.

So you right wingers are actually the enemy of America. At least Democracy. You are destroying Democracy. We already know you gave the rich total power with Citizens United. You elected a billionaire con man. And we all know the rich rule both sides. Republicans blamed Obama because GE paid no taxes on his watch but then Trump doubled the number of companies who pay no taxes and republicans suddenly shifted their talking points. Fuck you asshole.
What middle class Republicans don't understand is if the rich had their way, even they would be poor. Some of you are actually poor if we looked at your finances. I'm doing great but I'm the exception not the rule. Back in my dads day, with unions, I was the rule.
What middle class Republicans don't understand is if the rich had their way, even they would be poor. Some of you are actually poor if we looked at your finances. I'm doing great but I'm the exception not the rule. Back in my dads day, with unions, I was the rule.
Actually, that isn't true. You can't sell stuff to poor people, dumbass.
Actually, that isn't true. You can't sell stuff to poor people, dumbass.
Who was poor? The unions created the biggest strongest richest healthiest middle class the world had ever seen. Then with Reagan, the rich fought back and they've been doing great and the middle class no as much as back when America was great.

The rich weren't that much more rich than the rest of us, and the middle class was great. So only dummies were poor. If you were willing to work 40 hours, with no degree mind you, you could raise a family on 1 person working.

Now I understand it's a lot cheaper to make em in Mexico than it is to pay high union wages. Remember your war on unions in the 2000's? The Bush era? How many jobs went overseas during his Great Recession?

Union workers make enough to buy the products they make. And they used to get profit sharing and pensions. Now the CEO makes 35X what he once made and worker wages stagnant. Dummies. Things are out of wack. The rich are WINNING. What's the problem then?
That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

Republicans? They are seeking to strip rights away from people.
Biden does things against the constitution all the time.

stop the bullshit
Who was poor? The unions created the biggest strongest richest healthiest middle class the world had ever seen. Then with Reagan, the rich fought back and they've been doing great and the middle class no as much as back when America was great.

The rich weren't that much more rich than the rest of us, and the middle class was great. So only dummies were poor. If you were willing to work 40 hours, with no degree mind you, you could raise a family on 1 person working.

Now I understand it's a lot cheaper to make em in Mexico than it is to pay high union wages. Remember your war on unions in the 2000's? The Bush era? How many jobs went overseas during his Great Recession?

Union workers make enough to buy the products they make. And they used to get profit sharing and pensions. Now the CEO makes 35X what he once made and worker wages stagnant. Dummies. Things are out of wack. The rich are WINNING. What's the problem then?
The establishment Rs are no better than the establishment Ds.
What middle class Republicans don't understand is if the rich had their way, even they would be poor. Some of you are actually poor if we looked at your finances. I'm doing great but I'm the exception not the rule. Back in my dads day, with unions, I was the rule.
Middle class Republican Americans want to have good paying jobs and high gains off of foreign slave labor at the same time; it doesn’t work that way.
Who was poor?
That's what you just claimed that Republicans want, you fucking dumbass.

The unions created the biggest strongest richest healthiest middle class the world had ever seen. Then with Reagan, the rich fought back and they've been doing great and the middle class no as much as back when America was great.
Unions didn't create jack shit. They just looted what others created.

The rich weren't that much more rich than the rest of us, and the middle class was great. So only dummies were poor. If you were willing to work 40 hours, with no degree mind you, you could raise a family on 1 person working.

Now I understand it's a lot cheaper to make em in Mexico than it is to pay high union wages. Remember your war on unions in the 2000's? The Bush era? How many jobs went overseas during his Great Recession?

Union workers make enough to buy the products they make. And they used to get profit sharing and pensions. Now the CEO makes 35X what he once made and worker wages stagnant. Dummies. Things are out of wack. The rich are WINNING. What's the problem then?
I'v heard your commie horseshit a million times. Union workers get paid more at the expense of non-union workers. They don't increase the total output of an economy, which means they don't make us any richer. You've been fed propaganda all your life, so you don't know the facts.
That's what you just claimed that Republicans want, you fucking dumbass.

Unions didn't create jack shit. They just looted what others created.

I'v heard your commie horseshit a million times. Union workers get paid more at the expense of non-union workers. They don't increase the total output of an economy, which means they don't make us any richer. You've been fed propaganda all your life, so you don't know the facts.
The reality is that the work will be done by unions or trespassers.

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