Why Do White People Vote Democrat?

That great Liberal Document, the United States Constitution, insures that all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background, will be treated equally before the law and are guaranteed rights.

Presently the Democratic Party is working to insure that the Constitution is followed.

By taking away the people's guns, censoring their speech ,forcing them to get shots and telling the states how to run elections????????????????????????????????????????????
An irrational lie that only a democrat would buy.

Well I read what this guy had to say and I see your comeback here and I'm not buying what you are selling

This is more than just a tax cut story. It's about a fundamental shift in power and wealth from average people and the governments they had formed to represent them, to the capture of those governments and economic enslavement of their people by corporate aristocracies.

In almost every case, both with European feudalism and feudalism in China, South America, and Japan, “feudalism coincided with a profound weakening of the State, particularly in its protective capacity.”

Whether the power and wealth agent that takes the place of government is a local baron, lord, king, or corporation, if it has greater power in the lives of individuals than does a representative government, the culture has dissolved into feudalism.

This has and is all happening. Just like global warming. Another real thing you deny is happening. Wake up dummy. Public School teachers already have a bad name. You give them a black eye.
White Independent voter, vote for those who seem to know what there doing regardless of party. But do lean left in regards to who attempts to do more for the middle & working class.
Prior to Trump, that’s what Rs wanted.
I don’t work with teachers in an insulated environment.
Trump was smart one way and that was by saying he was for higher blue collar wages. But ultimately his policies are not. You see today companies can't find workers. Seems like all the illegals are gone. So why aren't wages going up? So his one attempt to help blue collar was to kick out all the illegals and that didn't work. So what now?

Perhaps you should work for a place that has a union that protects your job. Like Unkotare. I believe he doesn't pay dues but the teachers union still protects his sorry ass.

Unkotare doesn't know what he's talking about. He's probably an overpaid public school dinosaur who makes a lot more than young teachers will ever make, plus he's probably going to get a pension. He won't say.
White Independent voter, vote for those who seem to know what there doing regardless of party. But do lean left in regards to who attempts to do more for the middle & working class.
You're about as "independent" as Pol Pot.
The New York times nominated him, and a lot of dumbass Republicans took their advice.
You all full throatedly supported McCain and Romney.

And if what you are saying is true, you just admitted you swallow whatever the GOP gives you. We could go back on USMB and see how much you guys loved Romney when he was running and how much you loved McCain and Palin until McCain went against Trump. Suddenly he was just another person for you to throw under the bus.
Trump was smart one way and that was by saying he was for higher blue collar wages. But ultimately his policies are not. You see today companies can't find workers. Seems like all the illegals are gone. So why aren't wages going up? So his one attempt to help blue collar was to kick out all the illegals and that didn't work. So what now?

Perhaps you should work for a place that has a union that protects your job. Like Unkotare. I believe he doesn't pay dues but the teachers union still protects his sorry ass.

Unkotare doesn't know what he's talking about. He's probably an overpaid public school dinosaur who makes a lot more than young teachers will ever make, plus he's probably going to get a pension. He won't say.
Blue Collar workers in Nassau County an many other areas gained employment.
Almost every Blue Collar worker in my town is working on a project in NYC.
I think the Democrat Socialist Party has made a determination that their best opportunity to retain power permanently is to divide the electorate by race, with POC on the Democrat side, and regular working class whites on the other. In order for this to work, they need to accomplish two things:

1) convince POCs that the GOP is racist, and that any thinking POC would never vote for a Republican. This is why they come out in a fury against any POC who votes (or runs as a) Republican, with racist terms such as “a black mouth” or “Uncle Tom.”

2) get in more POCs via illegal immigration who will vote for the Dems, either when they get fast-tracked to citizenship or give birth to future Dem voters.
I think the Democrat Socialist Party has made a determination that their best opportunity to retain power permanently is to divide the electorate by race, with POC on the Democrat side, and regular working class whites on the other. In order for this to work, they need to accomplish two things:

1) convince POCs that the GOP is racist, and that any thinking POC would never vote for a Republican. This is why they come out in a fury against any POC who votes (or runs as a) Republican, with racist terms such as “a black mouth” or “Uncle Tom.”

2) get in more POCs via illegal immigration who will vote for the Dems, either when they get fast-tracked to citizenship or give birth to future Dem voters.

No One Is Sure Who Won The Latino Vote In Virginia, But It’s Not Looking Good For Democrats

An Associated Press VoteCast exit poll showed that Republican Glenn Youngkin, who won the race on Tuesday, secured 55% of the Latino vote.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
The democrat voters are far more diverse than republican voters. 60% of democrat voters identify themselves as being non-Hispanic white, 22% as non-Hispanic black, 13% as Hispanic, 2% Asian, 2%, and other. Republican voters identify themselves as 89% non-Hispanic white, 2% as non-Hispanic blacks, 6% Hispanic, 1% Asian, and 2% other.

I believe the major reasons that the 60% of non-Hispanic white democrats choose the democrat party over the republican party is that they believe in diversity in race, ethnicity and ideas. You simply can't get that in a party that is nearly 90% white.
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