Why Do White People Vote Democrat?

I compare it to paddling a canoe. Most Americans aren't politically far left nor far right. In order to set a course ahead we alternate between the two parties.
That was true once upon a time when the parties were close and seperated by minor things/issues.
Do you consider the Democrat Party of today to be “far left”?
Like when Bill Clinton forced banks to lend money to dark people who couldn’t qualify for home loans which resulted in the great recession of 2007?
Like when that Kenyan dude doubled the national debt, put 8 million more on welfare and added 2.5 million more desperate illegals to our population?
Like when the almost dead crypt keeper held inflation at 8%, mortgage rates at 7.75%, added 8 million more illegals and had fuel at 5-6$ per gallon?
Those kinds of “custodians”?

Aldo Raine
All I have to say is "trickle down economics" is a fucking joke and a swindle against 90% of Americans. I realize you love it and that alone tells us why it is a failure as an economic policy!
All I have to say is "trickle down economics" is a fucking joke and a swindle against 90% of Americans. I realize you love it and that alone tells us why it is a failure as an economic policy!
Where is trickle up economics working…and how would it work exactly?
How many jobs has bottom feeder Humberto created?
How much does degenerate DaShawn contribute to the treasury?
Where is trickle up economics working…and how would it work exactly?
How many jobs has bottom feeder Humberto created?
How much does degenerate DaShawn contribute to the treasury?
The aggregate of that bottom 90% contributes dar more than that upper 10% ever will!
Why would any person vote for either candidate? I would never ever vote for an Uber wealthy candidate. So that excludes the dimos and repugs. A wealthy individual and I have zero ideals we share.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
Because we’re not racists

Because we like sane government

Because reproductive rights matter

Because Republicans have gone over to the Dark Side with Trump
If there was a good candidate I'd vote but that hasn't happened. So ehat happens isn't on me at all.
Like when Bill Clinton forced banks to lend money to dark people who couldn’t qualify for home loans which resulted in the great recession of 2007?
Like when that Kenyan dude doubled the national debt, put 8 million more on welfare and added 2.5 million more desperate illegals to our population?
Like when the almost dead crypt keeper held inflation at 8%, mortgage rates at 7.75%, added 8 million more illegals and had fuel at 5-6$ per gallon?
Those kinds of “custodians”?

Aldo Raine
You only have to look at statistics over time to realize the truth.
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

Ask the question "why".
The aggregate of that bottom 90% contributes dar more than that upper 10% ever will!

Are you sure you did some due diligence before posting this or were you trying to make an ass of yourself in public?
Do 1%ers use more public roadways, more public services, more emergency services than do those non-contributing ghetto degenerates you cherish?

Are you sure you did some due diligence before posting this or were you trying to make an ass of yourself in public?

When you include the federal tax regulations and the official tax guidance, the number of pages raises to approximately 75,000 - iris website

There is one thing that makes me somewhat suspect of the figures that are commonly cited about the rich paying more than their share. I understand that when it comes to taxable income, the rich get hit harder. However, I doubt we'd need 75,000 pages if it wasn't for the 1% folks' influence with Congress in determining how "taxable income" is defined.
When you include the federal tax regulations and the official tax guidance, the number of pages raises to approximately 75,000 - iris website

There is one thing that makes me somewhat suspect of the figures that are commonly cited about the rich paying more than their share. I understand that when it comes to taxable income, the rich get hit harder. However, I doubt we'd need 75,000 pages if it wasn't for the 1% folks' influence with Congress in determining how "taxable income" is defined.
Too complex? How about going on effective tax rate alone then?
Do you think Americas best citizens should be penalized for their productivity?
Are you sure you did some due diligence before posting this or were you trying to make an ass of yourself in public?
Do 1%ers use more public roadways, more public services, more emergency services than do those non-contributing ghetto degenerates you cherish?
View attachment 883555
The % of taxes paid by the bottom 90% is higher when compared to the wages they make. It is a fact! Most Americans cannot get the cool little perks of the write offs and deductions that the uber wealthy get. Thus their % of tax to income is lower for the upper 10%.
It's theater, not politics. Whichever party is in office, the other party plays the role of "controlled opposition" to keep the people distracted and polarized.
People in this country form opinions based on their perception, and that is created out of whole cloth by millions of pieces daily in the form of news clips and sound bytes. There is no possible way to know what is true and what is not. Everyone wants to do the right thing, but when you are totally ignorant of the actual facts it is impossible to know right from wrong. The difference is in the individuals' capacity to accept on blind faith what is before them. Been going on for quite a while, more like 'rasslin and pick your heroes than actual politics. Feel good and don't think about it. It's easier to believe the other person is screwed up than to believe the entire country wants to continuously go to war, can't stop inflation or control our borders, provide decent health care, provide quality education to our youth, end hate etc but is hindered by "those people". That's how we sell it to ourselves so we feel good about something we secretly know we can't change, maybe defer it to others to solve.
Too complex? How about going on effective tax rate alone then?
Do you think Americas best citizens should be penalized for their productivity?
So in your addled mind the rich are America’s best citizens?

Grovel some more.
Too complex? How about going on effective tax rate alone then?
Do you think Americas best citizens should be penalized for their productivity?
What makes someone a 'best' citizen? Those that make the most money? Have the biggest houses?
It's theater, not politics. Whichever party is in office, the other party plays the role of "controlled opposition" to keep the people distracted and polarized.

Then in the next election cycle they switch roles.

What? Certainly you don't think "electing" a different politician will really change anything? We'll never be able to "vote" our country out of the wreck it's become.

This experiment with "democrats" and "republicans" is a failure. The government has been infiltrated and warped by "special interests".
The people we elect forget that they are there to represent us..They forget that they work for us. they don't see themselves as"representatives", though, they see themselves as "legislators" and "lawmakers"...and they all have agendas.

Humans are flawed creatures and no matter what form of government we initiate it WILL fail (eventually) due to corruption, mismanagement and oppression.

It's the natural, inevitable course of human events.

It will be our turn again soon, it appears.
/----/ "What? Certainly you don't think "electing" a different politician will really change anything?"
You bet it does make a difference. You see no difference between Trump and Dementia Joe? Reagan and Jimma Carter? Seriously?

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