Why Do White People Vote Democrat?

The democrat voters are far more diverse than republican voters. 60% of democrat voters identify themselves as being non-Hispanic white, 22% as non-Hispanic black, 13% as Hispanic, 2% Asian, 2%, and other. Republican voters identify themselves as 89% non-Hispanic white, 2% as non-Hispanic blacks, 6% Hispanic, 1% Asian, and 2% other.

I believe the major reasons that the 60% of non-Hispanic white democrats choose the democrat party over the republican party is that they believe in diversity in race, ethnicity and ideas. You simply can't get that in a party that is nearly 90% white.
They do it because the spent 16 years getting brainwashed in government schools.
I believe the major reasons that the 60% of non-Hispanic white democrats choose the democrat party over the republican party is that they believe in diversity in race, ethnicity and ideas. You simply can't get that in a party that is nearly 90% white.
“they believe in diversity in race, ethnicity and ideas.”
What community, city, state or nation is that working in?
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?
I known this will come as a surprise to your little republican brain, but everyone does not vote based on their own self interest. Many of us are concerned about good affordable healthcare for all, racial equality, global warming, better education, less crime, and a more represented democracy.
But lefties tell me that the Constitution was written by a bunch of rich, white slaveowners.


....who are still running the Democrat Party but knew from the start it, like US law, was never meant to apply to Democrats.
“they believe in diversity in race, ethnicity and ideas.”
What community, city, state or nation is that working in?

The American Human Development Index (AHDI) allows for a state-by-state assessment of critical factors like income, education, and health. When we calculated the average AHDI for the red states — those won by Donald Trump — it was much lower than the average AHDI for blue states. In fact, by way of international comparisons, the blue states won by Hillary Clinton have a human development index similar to the Netherlands, while the red states have an AHDI that resembles Russia’s.
Why? Because it's a freedom to do so, and by your dissing and condemnation you are advocating the loss of this freedom by the mere fact that by you're opinion, you think people that do it are stupid.
I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the iron and steel mills of Pennsylvania and were democrats. They stood on union lines in the rain and snow, fighting to get good pay, rights and benefits for factory workers. The Democratic Party basically represented the average worker and the Republican Party was the party of the rich factory owners.

For half a century I was a registered democrat.

Then one day I realized the party of my ancestors had went totally batshit crazy. It no longer gave a crap about the average working man and if anything the people we elected to represent us in Congress were off selling their influence to the Chinese and other nations for large sums of money. The democrats no longer supported the capitalistic form of government which had made us the greatest nation in the world but instead were pushing Marxist socialism which has failed in many nations and led to the death of millions of people.

Democrats wanted to defund the police, let just arrested violent criminals back on the street without bail and even cheer on rioters who were busy looting and burning our cities to the ground in violent riots. They favored a wide open Mexican border and are probably getting a kickback from the Mexican drug cartels which are making a fortune smuggling drugs like fentanyl and charging illegal aliens a small fortune to be allowed to illegally enter our nation.

Now cities can’t find people to train as police to replace the officers who left in disgust as their cities refused to back them up. Crime is skyrocketing and the cops that remain in the blue cities are reactive not proactive. They arrive just in time to interview witnesses and put up crime scene tape but not in time to stop in process crime.

We now have a demented old fool as our Democrat President who has managed to reignite runaway inflation which has been missing for four decades. The stock market is falling like a rock and our President is begging foreign nations to produce more oil while stopping our own nation from filling the gap.

Now I am a registered republican and it will be a cold day in Hell before I vote for another democrat for any state or national office.

I known this will come as a surprise to your little republican brain, but everyone does not vote based on their own self interest. Many of us are concerned about good affordable healthcare for all, racial equality, global warming, better education, less crime, and a more represented democracy.
You mean many of you are suckers who fall for hoaxes and cons.
I known this will come as a surprise to your little republican brain, but everyone does not vote based on their own self interest. Many of us are concerned about good affordable healthcare for all, racial equality, global warming, better education, less crime, and a more represented democracy.

And some are concerned with Biden’s increasing gas prices, a 40-year-high inflation, skyrocketing crime with Dems putting repeat offenders back in the street to assault again, illegals swarming in and lowering the caliber of the country (while Biden puts out a call for government employees to clean up after them), and a president who refers to people who disagree with the story that the election was fair as MAGA Republicans and calls them threats to democracy.
And some are concerned with Biden’s increasing gas prices, a 40-year-high inflation, skyrocketing crime with Dems putting repeat offenders back in the street to assault again, illegals swarming in and lowering the caliber of the country (while Biden puts out a call for government employees to clean up after them), and a president who refers to people who disagree with the story that the election was fair as MAGA Republicans and calls them threats to democracy.
As always, the party out of power is blaming the president for things he has little or no control over as democrats did Trump over Covid. And since guilt by association is accepted as logical, candidates for the congress, even those that have never served are declared guilty. I believe this type of political behavior confirms what the leadership in Russia and China believe about American style democracy.

The more I see of American politics the better the parliamentary system looks.
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Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

I am white and I vote democrat.... I guess since I been a very poor white guy most of my life of very low salary jobs ... or no job.... struggled with unemployment between jobs. Democrats seem to help my interests more
I am white and I vote democrat.... I guess since I been a very poor white guy most of my life of very low salary jobs ... or no job.... struggled with unemployment between jobs. Democrats seem to help my interests more
Democrats are mostly white like Republican's but are far more racially and ethnically diverse making them much more representative of the population. Today 57.8% of the population is non-Hispanic while and democrats are 60% non-Hispanic white.


This explains why democrats have won the popular in all presidential elections for the last 25 years with the exception of George Bush in 2004. Since 2000, Non-Hispanic Whites in the republican party have increased from 73% to the current 89%.
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I come from a long line of democrats who worked in the iron and steel mills of Pennsylvania and were democrats. They stood on union lines in the rain and snow, fighting to get good pay, rights and benefits for factory workers. The Democratic Party basically represented the average worker and the Republican Party was the party of the rich factory owners.

For half a century I was a registered democrat.

Then one day I realized the party of my ancestors had went totally batshit crazy. It no longer gave a crap about the average working man and if anything the people we elected to represent us in Congress were off selling their influence to the Chinese and other nations for large sums of money. The democrats no longer supported the capitalistic form of government which had made us the greatest nation in the world but instead were pushing Marxist socialism which has failed in many nations and led to the death of millions of people.

Democrats wanted to defund the police, let just arrested violent criminals back on the street without bail and even cheer on rioters who were busy looting and burning our cities to the ground in violent riots. They favored a wide open Mexican border and are probably getting a kickback from the Mexican drug cartels which are making a fortune smuggling drugs like fentanyl and charging illegal aliens a small fortune to be allowed to illegally enter our nation.

Now cities can’t find people to train as police to replace the officers who left in disgust as their cities refused to back them up. Crime is skyrocketing and the cops that remain in the blue cities are reactive not proactive. They arrive just in time to interview witnesses and put up crime scene tape but not in time to stop in process crime.

We now have a demented old fool as our Democrat President who has managed to reignite runaway inflation which has been missing for four decades. The stock market is falling like a rock and our President is begging foreign nations to produce more oil while stopping our own nation from filling the gap.

Now I am a registered republican and it will be a cold day in Hell before I vote for another democrat for any state or national office.

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Well said......

Why Do White People Vote Democrat?​

White people have lost their way…the ignorant fools have dismissed the importance of self-preservation while all the dark people all around them have never taken it more serious.
I am white and I vote democrat.... I guess since I been a very poor white guy most of my life of very low salary jobs ... or no job.... struggled with unemployment between jobs. Democrats seem to help my interests more
Your interests....meaning taking care of you so you don't have to work?
Blacks and the Democratic Party

Almost 90% of Blacks vote Democrat or most likely straight Democrat. Based on the focus of the party platform...why would a White person vote Democrat, or against their own self-interest? only 33% of Democrats are White. That's down from 50% in 2008.Liberal media wants to talk about Republican Party having a "race problem." But don't the Democrats have a race problem? And why is it when 70% of white people vote GOP that's "racist", but when 90% of blacks vote straight Dem, that's "voting in their self-interest?" Someone explain the hypocrisy of this?

Why Do White People Vote Democrat?​

Because not all white people are smart
Your interests....meaning taking care of you so you don't have to work?
That’s what they do…Democrats have been masterful in manifesting and fostering single issue voters who don’t actually vote on real politics that matter…they vote solely on social issues.
The Democrat Party can’t win at politics and they know it.
I compare it to paddling a canoe. Most Americans aren't politically far left nor far right. In order to set a course ahead we alternate between the two parties.
That’s what they do…Democrats have been masterful in manifesting and fostering single issue voters who don’t actually vote on real politics that matter…they vote solely on social issues.
The Democrat Party can’t win at politics and they know it.
Democrats win on being better custodians of the economy.
Democrats win on being better custodians of the economy.
Like when Bill Clinton forced banks to lend money to dark people who couldn’t qualify for home loans which resulted in the great recession of 2007?
Like when that Kenyan dude doubled the national debt, put 8 million more on welfare and added 2.5 million more desperate illegals to our population?
Like when the almost dead crypt keeper held inflation at 8%, mortgage rates at 7.75%, added 8 million more illegals and had fuel at 5-6$ per gallon?
Those kinds of “custodians”?

Aldo Raine
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