Why do whites join the black protesters screeching about ferguson?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
If TV pictures are to be believed there are lots of whites nationwide protesting the alleged anti-black racism in ferguson. When whites protest against discrimination such as affirmative action, do any blacks join in? Hell no and if they did they would be called uncle toms and race traitors.

Whites need to get smart and stop helping blacks. Blacks never have and never will do anything for whites.
If TV pictures are to be believed there are lots of whites nationwide protesting the alleged anti-black racism in ferguson. When whites protest against discrimination such as affirmative action, do any blacks join in? Hell no and if they did they would be called uncle toms and race traitors.

Whites need to get smart and stop helping blacks. Blacks never have and never will do anything for whites.
Some of you would not be alive if it were not for Blacks.
If TV pictures are to be believed there are lots of whites nationwide protesting the alleged anti-black racism in ferguson. When whites protest against discrimination such as affirmative action, do any blacks join in? Hell no and if they did they would be called uncle toms and race traitors.

Whites need to get smart and stop helping blacks. Blacks never have and never will do anything for whites.
Whites don't JOIN them, they LEAD them.
Because we don't see color. We see a corrupt system that pardons all abuses against the people.

No one gets punished for anything, from Bengazi, the IRS, Snowden Leaks, all the way down to the local Uniformed Thug executing shoplifters.

Fuck the tyrants, the Oathbreaker, traitors and enemies of the Republic. Being peaceful ain't stop Emperor Obama and his nationalized police state.

You're so consumed by ORCHESTRATED hatred towards blacks that you can't see we're all going down the same shithole together. Do you think Ferguson is a coincidence shortly after Obama's EO that made him the King?

You're being played like a marionette by the far right ShootSpeeders , while the far right and far left both have the same end-game in mind, Total Control.

Open your eyes.
I would not be alive if it wasn't for my black as coal neighbor, the Sainted Christine. During the riots in 1965, she hid me and my baby in her closet.
Ferguson is the worst place to live in America right now, as the community hate the police, locals loot and damage businesses at will. Also the neighborhood is filled with criminals, and the community treats rioters, shoplifters, and robbers, as 'heroes'.

Doesn't bode well for the future, if Ferguson is a pit of anarchy, with high unemployment, high crime, and no belief in the importance of law and order (or in the judicial process).

They wanted to lynch a police officer, which wasn't right when the policeman was within the law and within his rights to defend himself. The decision was the right one, as popular opinion should never dictate someone's guilt or innocence.

Even in the height of revolutionary spirit, and on the eve of the Boston Tea Party, jurors gave into reason and the rule of law, and didn't sentence British officers to death for attempting to keep the peace.

Questions remain over the conduct of police, and their use of force, but the decision means that America hasn't given into a revenge mentality or disregarded what justice and the rule of law really means. A few riots are worth it, if it defends the rights of the individual over an angry mob.
Of course whites stand with Blacks.

Like it or not, this is still the United States and that's as it should be.

President Obama and Brown's family has called for peace. Just as Trayvon Martin's family did. This sad mess is being exacerbated by racist anti-Americans like the OP.

Edited to amend - I just saw that Brown's stepfather, hugging his wife (Brown's mother) as she sobbed, finally lost control and screamed 'Burn this bitch down'.

Honestly, if it had been my child or step-child gunned down, I would lose it too.
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I think its culture , many of the whites and blacks are 'hip hop' anarchist type culture and many are against what they see as the white power structure . I have no problem with Americans of all races standing and fighting together against the wrongs in society but in this case I just see the cop as being justified in his self defense so I see that the cop did no wrong . --- just my opinion !!
Of course whites stand with Blacks.

Like it or not, this is still the United States and that's as it should be.


So why don't blacks ever support whites as in when whites protest their brazen persecution by affirmative action? THINK
They wanted to lynch a police officer, which wasn't right when the policeman was within the law and within his rights to defend himself. The decision was the right one, as popular opinion should never dictate someone's guilt or innocence.


HUH?? You think popular opinion supported the "gentle giant" and opposed officer wilson?? What makes you think that.?

I don't think even blacks supported brown. His death was just an excuse to loot.
They wanted to lynch a police officer, which wasn't right when the policeman was within the law and within his rights to defend himself. The decision was the right one, as popular opinion should never dictate someone's guilt or innocence.


HUH?? You think popular opinion supported the "gentle giant" and opposed officer wilson?? What makes you think that.?

I don't think even blacks supported brown. His death was just an excuse to loot.
The majority of people in Ferguson wanted the officer charged.
Do you enjoy the police state?

I don't have any problem with people protesting. I've been in many protests as well. Even though there's no way in hell I would be apart of this because I think it's a pile of bullshit, I don't begrudge any protesters with noble intentions.
If TV pictures are to be believed there are lots of whites nationwide protesting the alleged anti-black racism in ferguson. When whites protest against discrimination such as affirmative action, do any blacks join in? Hell no and if they did they would be called uncle toms and race traitors.

Whites need to get smart and stop helping blacks. Blacks never have and never will do anything for whites.
Same reason they voted for Obama.
They are self hating progressive Caucasians that have bought into identity politics.
They also have this deep seated guilt about the perception of white privilege( which does not exist) so they feel compelled to join the fray. After all, they studied about the black experience in their one semester college sociology class. So you know....They get it.
The stupidity of blacks has been rubbing off on some whites
This isn't about whites protesting with blacks. It's about a generation of insulated young whities being indoctrinated by the generation that just can't let go of the glory days of the 1960's. These younger fools are brainwashed into supporting what amounts to black racism and they have no clue. A great big black klan rally. Instead of burning crosses they burn cars and buildings.
This isn't about whites protesting with blacks. It's about a generation of insulated young whities being indoctrinated by the generation that just can't let go of the glory days of the 1960's. These younger fools are brainwashed into supporting what amounts to black racism and they have no clue. A great big black klan rally. Instead of burning crosses they burn cars and buildings.
Sorry buddy. I saw all of the races accounted for all over the country. Asian, Black Hispanic, White etc marching and protesting this BS. Pretty much confirms my belief that all the racists are old ass white guys confined to screaming their hatred of all non-whites online. Probably abandoned by their children.

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