Why do whites join the black protesters screeching about ferguson?

This isn't about whites protesting with blacks. It's about a generation of insulated young whities being indoctrinated by the generation that just can't let go of the glory days of the 1960's. These younger fools are brainwashed into supporting what amounts to black racism and they have no clue. A great big black klan rally. Instead of burning crosses they burn cars and buildings.
Sorry buddy. I saw all of the races accounted for all over the country. Asian, Black Hispanic, White etc marching and protesting this BS. Pretty much confirms my belief that all the racists are old ass white guys confined to screaming their hatred of all non-whites online. Probably abandoned by their children.

HAHAH. How many times must the board explain this?. The only racists in america are people like YOU that support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white ppl and the biggest hate crime in america. THINK

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