Why Do You Believe the Koch Brothers?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
It's a fair question. They've got their grubby little hands in every aspect of American business, politics, and life. Riding on the coattails of Citizens United, their PAC, Americans For Prosperity, spent $45 million dollars on the 2012 elections - supporting Tea Party candidates and producing a slew of commercials.

Their influence, therefore, is wide. But is it honest?

PolitiFact recently took a look at the claims made by the Kochs in their most recent ads. The best they could get was two "Half True's". The rest? Scary.

At PolitiFact, we’ve tracked various ads from Americans for Prosperity since the 2010 midterms. With the renewed focus on the organization and its financial backers, we decided to review the group’s history on our Truth-O-Meter and explore more recent trends of their ad messaging leading up to the 2014 elections.

While Americans for Prosperity has weighed in on a variety of issues throughout the years, its most frequent targets are President Barack Obama’s health care law and environmental and energy regulations. Considering the Koch brothers’ holdings and stated positions, that’s no surprise. The organization often cuts an ad and tweaks it slightly so it can run in multiple districts or states.

In 13 fact checks, Americans for Prosperity has never received higher than a Half True from the PolitiFact national team. The majority of their claims have registered as False or Mostly False. (A state chapter of the group did receive a Mostly True for a claim about Georgia’s civil forfeiture laws.)

And...it's getting worse, not better.

Millions of Americans are "paying more and getting less" under Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity, Monday, March 17th, 2014.


Says Alaska Sen. Mark Begich "is on record supporting a carbon tax, even pushing Harry Reid to make it a priority."
Americans for Prosperity, Friday, February 21st, 2014.


Says Kay Hagan "supports waivers for friends of Obama and special treatment for Congress and their staffs."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, October 29th, 2013.


Says "new mandates are already reducing full-time employment."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, October 29th, 2013.


Patrick Murphy voted for Obamacare in 2010, "yet he reversed himself and voted to delay" the employer mandate and the individual mandate.
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013.


Says health insurance premiums will rise under Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity, Sunday, July 7th, 2013.


Says President Obama said of the national debt, "If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, August 14th, 2012.


Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is "the largest recipient of lobbyist money."
Americans for Prosperity, Monday, June 18th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "tens of millions of dollars to build traffic lights in China."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "half a billion to an electric car company that created hundreds of jobs in Finland."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "$1.2 billion to a solar company that's building a plant in Mexico."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


"(President Barack Obama gave) half a billion in taxpayer money to help his friends at Solyndra, a business the White House knew was on the path to bankruptcy."
Americans for Prosperity, Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011.


"A government panel that didn't include cancer specialists says women shouldn't receive mammograms until age 50...If government takes over health care, recommendations like these could become the law for all kinds of diseases."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, March 16th, 2010.

Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?
Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

The Tea Party runs on a platform of limited government, they are the only party that doesn't ASK for money from the government. The Republicans and Democrats want bigger government whether it be in the form of defense contracts or doubling the size the E.P.A.

People in government are out for power, pure and simple.

I don't have anyone I really admire in government, the person closest to my ideal may be Ron Paul, he doesn't admit lobbyists to his office.
Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

The Tea Party runs on a platform of limited government, they are the only party that doesn't ASK for money from the government. The Republicans and Democrats want bigger government whether it be in the form of defense contracts or doubling the size the E.P.A.

People in government are out for power, pure and simple.

I don't have anyone I really admire in government, the person closest to my ideal may be Ron Paul, he doesn't admit lobbyists to his office.

That Tea Party altruism hasn't been around since 2008. Today, they're just as bad, or worse than other parties.

Wall Street Money or Tea Party Energy? | Public Campaign Action Fund

Winning non-incumbent candidates supported by the Tea Party received at least $8.5 million in the 2010 election cycle from Wall Street interests. Incumbents supported by the Tea Party raised $2.5 million from the industry.
The Chamber of Commerce made $8.3 million in independent expenditures for the 52 winning candidates supported by the Tea Party, including $4.7 million on the Senate side and $3.5 million on the House side.
At least three Tea Party-supported candidates, including two of the most prolific fundraising freshman, have been named to the House Financial Services Committee.
At least two Tea Party candidates have hired former banking lobbyists as their chiefs of staff, while one of them is a former banking lobbyist himself.

And don't kid yourself about Paul. He'll take money from lobbyists just like the next guy.

Sen. Rand Paul: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2012 | OpenSecrets
Why does the the left believe all the stuff put out by liberal pacs and millionaires? As for as citing politfact they gave Obama's if you like your plan you can keep it period the lie of the year yet many on the left and this board still defend him on that and accept anything he says without question.
Best reason to trust the Koch brothers?

They promote America and American values.

Best reason to distrust George Soros?

He profits from wreaking economic ruin. In fairness, though, he just gluts himself on other people's misery without regard to in what country they might live.
And yet, you give Soros a free pass because he's a progressive like you. I suggest you look up what happened to your fellow homosexuals after the NAZI's took over....you DO realize that the gay community embraced the NAZI's right? Ernst Rohm was a high ranking member of the SA till the "night of the long knives".

That's when the rulers got rid of those they felt were a weakness in their movement. Care to guess who it was that died? And what was Soro's claim when he was asked about turning his fellow Jews over to the NAZI's? "It was the happiest time of my life"

So you support a group that will use you and then murder you and you're so fucking stupid that you have never read a book to see what the future holds for you:cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ2U6Rl98PM]George Soros "The Happiest Time in My Life" - YouTube[/ame]

Of all the dimwits on this forum who would fall for the Koch's bullshit, I'm not surprised you are one of them.


The myth that the Nazis condoned homosexuality sprang up in the 1930s, started by socialist opponents of the Nazis as a slander against Nazi leaders. Credible historians believe that only one of the half-dozen leaders in Hitler's inner circle, Ernst Röhm, was gay. (Röhm was murdered on Hitler's orders in 1934.) The Nazis considered homosexuality one aspect of the "degeneracy" they were trying to eradicate.

When the National Socialist Party came to power in 1933, it quickly strengthened Germany's existing penalties against homosexuality. Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's security chief, announced that homosexuality was to be "eliminated" in Germany, along with miscegenation among the races. Historians estimate that between 50,000 and 100,000 men were arrested for homosexuality (or suspicion of it) under the Nazi regime. These men were routinely sent to concentration camps and many thousands died there.

In 1942, the Nazis instituted the death penalty for gay men. Offenders in the German military were routinely shot. Himmler put it like this: "We must exterminate these people root and branch. ... We can't permit such danger to the country; the homosexual must be completely eliminated."

As far as Soros, I've already debunked that. And do you really think that a 13 year old would be "IN CHARGE OF CONFISCATING THE LAND OF THE JEWS IN HUNGARY"?

Look. Soros' father arranged to give him a new identity as a Christian. He had to in order to save his life. There were millions of Jews in Poland and Germany at the time, rich and poor, who weren't so lucky.

Beck falsely accuses Soros of Nazi collaboration on Kristallnacht anniversary | Blog | Media Matters for America



btw...your guy that did the Soros video also put this out. I guess you believe it too?

I swear...I really do think the other mods put "KICK ME" signs on your back while in the mod break room and laugh at your stupidity.

Thank God I don't let morons like you on my forum.
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WHY do YOU BELIEVE George Soros? Dingy Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Barack Obama?

Bugger off.:eusa_hand:
Why Do You Believe the Koch Brothers? Because the American people have been programed to believe the government protects them from false advertising. Of course no one told them that the politicians exempted themselves and political lies and fraud is just fine. Political ads should be held to the same standards as commercial ads. If it's proven a politician knowingly lies while raising funds they should be prosecuted just like any other con man.
Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

The Tea Party runs on a platform of limited government, they are the only party that doesn't ASK for money from the government. The Republicans and Democrats want bigger government whether it be in the form of defense contracts or doubling the size the E.P.A.

People in government are out for power, pure and simple.

I don't have anyone I really admire in government, the person closest to my ideal may be Ron Paul, he doesn't admit lobbyists to his office.

That Tea Party altruism hasn't been around since 2008. Today, they're just as bad, or worse than other parties.

Wall Street Money or Tea Party Energy? | Public Campaign Action Fund

Winning non-incumbent candidates supported by the Tea Party received at least $8.5 million in the 2010 election cycle from Wall Street interests. Incumbents supported by the Tea Party raised $2.5 million from the industry.
The Chamber of Commerce made $8.3 million in independent expenditures for the 52 winning candidates supported by the Tea Party, including $4.7 million on the Senate side and $3.5 million on the House side.
At least three Tea Party-supported candidates, including two of the most prolific fundraising freshman, have been named to the House Financial Services Committee.
At least two Tea Party candidates have hired former banking lobbyists as their chiefs of staff, while one of them is a former banking lobbyist himself.

And don't kid yourself about Paul. He'll take money from lobbyists just like the next guy.

Sen. Rand Paul: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2012 | OpenSecrets

As I said before the Tea Party isn't perfect but it is the least corrupt political group.
I would rather be poor and homeless than cede all my freedoms to a collective.

When someone else is in charge of your money, your retirement, your health care, your eating habits, etc., how does this make you any different than a slave?
Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

The Tea Party runs on a platform of limited government, they are the only party that doesn't ASK for money from the government. The Republicans and Democrats want bigger government whether it be in the form of defense contracts or doubling the size the E.P.A.

People in government are out for power, pure and simple.

I don't have anyone I really admire in government, the person closest to my ideal may be Ron Paul, he doesn't admit lobbyists to his office.

That Tea Party altruism hasn't been around since 2008. Today, they're just as bad, or worse than other parties.

Wall Street Money or Tea Party Energy? | Public Campaign Action Fund

Winning non-incumbent candidates supported by the Tea Party received at least $8.5 million in the 2010 election cycle from Wall Street interests. Incumbents supported by the Tea Party raised $2.5 million from the industry.
The Chamber of Commerce made $8.3 million in independent expenditures for the 52 winning candidates supported by the Tea Party, including $4.7 million on the Senate side and $3.5 million on the House side.
At least three Tea Party-supported candidates, including two of the most prolific fundraising freshman, have been named to the House Financial Services Committee.
At least two Tea Party candidates have hired former banking lobbyists as their chiefs of staff, while one of them is a former banking lobbyist himself.

And don't kid yourself about Paul. He'll take money from lobbyists just like the next guy.

Sen. Rand Paul: Campaign Finance/Money - Top Donors - Senator 2012 | OpenSecrets

Poster said Ron Paul.
I truly in my heart of hearts don't believe that anyone or any corporation with that much money gives one iota about anything other than protecting the money they worship. And I don't care which party one is affiliated with. In looking up some environmental things they have done, they don't promote the American values I grew up with. Its all about control now. Again, both sides are GUILTY as charged from me.
I would rather be poor and homeless than cede all my freedoms to a collective.

When someone else is in charge of your money, your retirement, your health care, your eating habits, etc., how does this make you any different than a slave?

What floors me continually are the sheer number of individuals who not only are willing to endure the "nanny state" but who actually embrace it.

They vote Democrat year after year don't they now?
Best reason to trust the Koch brothers?

They promote America and American values.

Best reason to distrust George Soros?

He profits from wreaking economic ruin. In fairness, though, he just gluts himself on other people's misery without regard to in what country they might live.

They promote America and American values.
If that's true, you obviously don't see how depressing that is.

Of all the dimwits on this forum who would fall for the Koch's bullshit, I'm not surprised you are one of them.


The myth that the Nazis condoned homosexuality sprang up in the 1930s, started by socialist opponents of the Nazis as a slander against Nazi leaders. Credible historians believe that only one of the half-dozen leaders in Hitler's inner circle, Ernst Röhm, was gay. (Röhm was murdered on Hitler's orders in 1934.) The Nazis considered homosexuality one aspect of the "degeneracy" they were trying to eradicate.

When the National Socialist Party came to power in 1933, it quickly strengthened Germany's existing penalties against homosexuality. Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's security chief, announced that homosexuality was to be "eliminated" in Germany, along with miscegenation among the races. Historians estimate that between 50,000 and 100,000 men were arrested for homosexuality (or suspicion of it) under the Nazi regime. These men were routinely sent to concentration camps and many thousands died there.

In 1942, the Nazis instituted the death penalty for gay men. Offenders in the German military were routinely shot. Himmler put it like this: "We must exterminate these people root and branch. ... We can't permit such danger to the country; the homosexual must be completely eliminated."

As far as Soros, I've already debunked that. And do you really think that a 13 year old would be "IN CHARGE OF CONFISCATING THE LAND OF THE JEWS IN HUNGARY"?

Look. Soros' father arranged to give him a new identity as a Christian. He had to in order to save his life. There were millions of Jews in Poland and Germany at the time, rich and poor, who weren't so lucky.

Beck falsely accuses Soros of Nazi collaboration on Kristallnacht anniversary | Blog | Media Matters for America



btw...your guy that did the Soros video also put this out. I guess you believe it too?

I swear...I really do think the other mods put "KICK ME" signs on your back while in the mod break room and laugh at your stupidity.

Thank God I don't let morons like you on my forum.

your two member forum?

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I would rather be poor and homeless than cede all my freedoms to a collective.

When someone else is in charge of your money, your retirement, your health care, your eating habits, etc., how does this make you any different than a slave?

What floors me continually are the sheer number of individuals who not only are willing to endure the "nanny state" but who actually embrace it.

They vote Democrat year after year don't they now?
And they don't care that their freedoms are being taken from them.
Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

Weird question coming from an Obabble sucker.

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