why do you CARE if we post about bengazi, hmm?

Commenting on another user's post is a sign of being afraid of the topic now?

So I guess that means that when you guys comment on Hillary Clinton...it's a sign that you're afraid of her?


Commenting on another user's post is a sign of being afraid of the topic now?

So I guess that means that when you guys comment on Hillary Clinton...it's a sign that you're afraid of her?



I scared of meeting her in a dark ally!
Because that is breaking the 11th Commandment Thou shall not criticize Obama.
Obama? This is so far below him he probably had to have someone bring him a map just to show him where in god's hell this Benghazi place actually was? He has people for that low-level crap.
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!
Because that is breaking the 11th Commandment Thou shall not criticize Obama.
Obama? This is so far below him he probably had to have someone bring him a map just to show him where in god's hell this Benghazi place actually was? He has people for that low-level crap.[/QUOTE
He would need someone to show where Benghazi is even though only a months earlier he was touting the overthrow of good old Momar with no U.S. Involvement.
Because that is breaking the 11th Commandment Thou shall not criticize Obama.
Obama? This is so far below him he probably had to have someone bring him a map just to show him where in god's hell this Benghazi place actually was? He has people for that low-level crap.[/QUOTE
He would need someone to show where Benghazi is even though only a months earlier he was touting the overthrow of good old Momar with no U.S. Involvement.

Another kitten found a home! Thanks BHawk :wink_2:
Yea, post about Benghazi. Post about all the people who live in Libya who said the attack was about the video. Post about the many riots going on all over the Arab world and why more than 50 people died violently over protests against America because they believe that video came from this country.

Posting things that are true are welcome. Posting lies even God frowns upon. In fact, bearing false witness was one of God's "Top Ten".

No, we are fine with it. PLEASE keep preaching Benghazi. Because most Americans don't give a crap about it, and the more you preach it, the more your party alienates the younger voters- who are the future of America like it or not.

Younger voters in America care far more about what happened down the street from their home last week than what happened thousands of miles away in a Muslim country.

And the GOP is running on "Screw domestic concerns, you're on your own; But lets bomb some countries and be outraged about why those countries then attack our embassy".

Republican Party will be obsolete in 20 years.
Because that is breaking the 11th Commandment Thou shall not criticize Obama.
Obama? This is so far below him he probably had to have someone bring him a map just to show him where in god's hell this Benghazi place actually was? He has people for that low-level crap.

You've got to be freaking kidding. Truly.

Libya and his Ambassador and other Americans serving their country in a foreign land are beneath Obama. "Low level crap"

Wow, just wow.
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Because that is breaking the 11th Commandment Thou shall not criticize Obama.
Obama? This is so far below him he probably had to have someone bring him a map just to show him where in god's hell this Benghazi place actually was? He has people for that low-level crap.

You've got to be freaking kidding. Truly.

Libya and his Ambassador and other Americans serving their country in a foreign land are beneath Obama.

Wow, just wow.
Yes, they are. Like the soldiers he sends to die in battle. Cannon fodder all. He just has to be nicer about it than I do.

You can't get anything done at his level if you spend all your time worried someone might die, or fall apart when they do. That cost Carter an election. Obama knows that.
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It's incredible. It's like someone yelling about his belly button lint, and every time someone tells him no one cares he shoots back, "Then why are you talking to me about it?"

Benghazi Truthers really are the annoying kid brothers of political discourse.
It's incredible. It's like someone yelling about his belly button lint, and every time someone tells him no one cares he shoots back, "Then why are you talking to me about it?"

Benghazi Truthers really are the annoying kid brothers of political discourse.

Truthers? Too funny. Gowdy is loaded for bear.

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