why do you CARE if we post about bengazi, hmm?

what are you afraid of?


Why? What do you think they are trying to prove?

Do you think it's really about who changed what word in the talking points disseminated to the press?

i could show you a Democrat Party fundraiser in the wake of the killlings of 26 children in Newtown, Ct; but i doubt it would allow you to see what a massive idiot and hypocrite you're making yourself look like using that fundraiser talking point

Wouldn't the real hypocrites be those who trashed the Democrats for fundraising around Sandy Hook, if that happened,

but then turned around and supported the same sort of fundraising when Republicans did it?

That would be you wouldn't it?
What the author of this thread is really begging for is that he and his nutty pals be allowed to start Benghazi threads unmolested,

IOW no one who has any disagreements with their nonsense should post in those threads.

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