why do you CARE if we post about bengazi, hmm?

what are you afraid of?

As of a couple days ago, there had been 442 threads started on USMB about Benghazi, and that is only counting the ones that had 'Benghazi' in the thread title so it could be searched. They go back over a year and a half.

Add to that the Benghazi threads that didn't have the word 'Benghazi' in the thread title and that would be how many? Five hundred? Seven hundred? A thousand?

Let's round it off to 500. Now you tell us. Why?
There was a GOP congressman on Morning Joe who said "If there were riots over that video, how come no one was hurt?" He said it in front of an 8 person panel and not a single one knew that over 50 people died in deadly riots all across the Middle East. You can go to the Internet and read it right off newspaper sites. Clearly, this is not about four Americans dying. If Republicans cut food stamps for disabled veterans and block health care for 10 years for first responders, who could possibly believe they care about four Americans dying overseas???? This is about bringing down the first black president and trying to keep Hilary from being elected.
No, we are fine with it. PLEASE keep preaching Benghazi. Because most Americans don't give a crap about it, and the more you preach it, the more your party alienates the younger voters- who are the future of America like it or not.

Younger voters in America care far more about what happened down the street from their home last week than what happened thousands of miles away in a Muslim country.

And the GOP is running on "Screw domestic concerns, you're on your own; But lets bomb some countries and be outraged about why those countries then attack our embassy".

Republican Party will be obsolete in 20 years.


and 20? You're being optimistic. :D 6-8 is my guess.
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!
NOT ONE Bush Basher has EVER refuted they wanted 1,267,700 children die from starvation so I assume these terrible disgusting examples of humanity would be VERY Happy to have Saddam still in power!
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.
I also assume these same Bush Bashers would have been totally happy with Iraqis living at a $500/year per person GDP versus the nearly $7,000 GDP
today! I am sure these Saddam lovers would have loved having Saddam making billions while 28 million Iraqis starve!
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.

The military is a volunteer only institution. All those that enlist are well aware that we, the united States, have a responsibility to ensure dictators do not threaten the well being of our country and our allies.

So your question is irrelevant.
Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.

The military is a volunteer only institution. All those that enlist are well aware that we, the united States, have a responsibility to ensure dictators do not threaten the well being of our country and our allies.

So your question is irrelevant.

Learn to read.
what are you afraid of?

We don't. You just have no proof of a conspiracy. Post some facts and people will care.

It's not about a conspiracy.
It's about holding people accountable for not pulling them out of there, like the Red Cross and British did.
Both parties have not been held accountable for their actions for quite a long time now.
This needs to change.
There are some very serious flaws and issues in several Departments that needs to be changed and fixed.

We have been putting up facts, but many of the left think that facts from the right is only opinions.
That way of thinking makes it so that you can't accept actual facts.

Until the left find out for themselves that the left are also lying to them, we won't be able to get anywhere with how to change things that really do need to change.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.

Speaking of Africa: Let's talk about the 100's of thousands Bill Clinton let die in Africa under his watch.
Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.

Speaking of Africa: Let's talk about the 100's of thousands Bill Clinton let die in Africa under his watch.

Fine, so how many American lives would you have considered a fair trade to have stopped that from happening with a military intervention?
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.
The fact is Iraq war was over in 6 weeks and during that time
Since war began (3/19/03): Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) 140 American service members died.
So ratio of American lives lost from time military action began and then ended on 5/1/03 an average of 9,500 children saved per each death.

Now idiots like you probably don't understand THAT after the toppling of Saddam on 5/1/03 traitors evil people LIKE YOU encouraged the
barbarians to murder 100,000s of Iraqis over the next 10 years!
By your encouraging the enemy as Obama did when he said our military is methodically and daily air raiding villages killing civilians"!
And YOU and Obama idiots like you and the MSM continued this conflict.
YOU guys were the reasons our troops were murdered by accomplices like you that ENCOURAGED the enemy as THIS Harvard study proved:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

The principle these people crushed was you don't give the enemy ammunition.
Each one of the above statements was used by the enemy. Yes it might have been made out of context but the enemy didn't care!
Proof that this contributed to 4,000 more deaths in Iraq?

This Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT"

asked: "Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. (wouldn't you conclude the next president accusing the US military of methodically and systematically air raiding villages killing civilians.. dissent???) We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.

So you terrorist lovers and traitors don't seem to comprehend YOU caused those additional 6,516 deaths ARE AT YOUR FEET and traitors
like you that WANTED TO SEE Americans killed.. when you agree with the above statements!
Repub Admin racks up 7,000+ deaths on his watch & TRILLIONS in unpaid war & tax bills- meh- no biggie

Dem Admin racks up 4? WHAT?!!! The audacity!!!

Obviously YOU wanted the dictator that allowed 576,000 children to starve to continue which means there would be another 1,267,200 children starved
if YOU had your way!!!
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!

How many American lives would you trade to end starvation in Africa?

Give us an estimate.

Speaking of Africa: Let's talk about the 100's of thousands Bill Clinton let die in Africa under his watch.
Bill Clinton and Africa:

Clinton's Black Hawk History - WSJ.com

Like the Democrat he is, Bill Clinton had the gall to blame his debacle on G.H.W. Bush.

Why go back to Clinton? Because just like Obama, he cut and ran when things got rough. They're both cowards, they put their political popularity ahead of people's lives.
Last edited:
It's incredible. It's like someone yelling about his belly button lint, and every time someone tells him no one cares he shoots back, "Then why are you talking to me about it?"

Benghazi Truthers really are the annoying kid brothers of political discourse.

Truthers? Too funny. Gowdy is loaded for bear.

LOL - Gowdy doesn't even need makeup to be in character.


Daryl Vidal Draco Malfoy


Trey Gowdy

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