Why Do You Love The Communists?

So is there anyone in America or the world that is not a communist besides Chic? At one time there was a guy in Connecticut that claimed he was not a communist, but later when his garbage was sifted there it was, a copy of the Declaration of Independence with all that man is equal stuff.
So is there anyone in America or the world that is not a communist besides Chic? At one time there was a guy in Connecticut that claimed he was not a communist, but later when his garbage was sifted there it was, a copy of the Declaration of Independence with all that man is equal stuff.


Now this is fascinating.

Pray tell, what is the tenet of Communism that respects that all men were created equal, before God, thus all men are endowed from God, with the same rights.

This is all brand new information here... .

(Reader... the would-be 'contributor' will now become obsessed with something else... ANYTHING ELSE, to avoid having to sustain it's most recently professed drivel.)
Why is the Declaration of Independence in the garbage?

That man must be the reddest of the pinko's to hate freedom that much!!:eek:
So is there anyone in America or the world that is not a communist besides Chic? At one time there was a guy in Connecticut that claimed he was not a communist, but later when his garbage was sifted there it was, a copy of the Declaration of Independence with all that man is equal stuff.

dear, it says men are created equal not that lib commie govt is supposed to keep them equal at the point of a gun all their lives so as to negate the forces of evolution. Liberals are anti-science or stupid. Sorry

Do you understand?
1. Hyperbolic outlandish flame opening statement.

2. Re-hashed talking point.

3. Something she heard on Glenn Beck.

4. Something she read on Prison Planet.

5. Ayn Rand reference.

6. Conclusion pulled from her tush.
She won't compare our Constitution with that of Russia.

What a wuss.

A better use of time would be comparing the nazi party platform to the democrat party platform........
If the republicans weren't "English only", they could read their party platform from the original Mein Kampf.

yeah...you didn't do as I said and compare the democrat party platform with the nazi party platform did you....
1. Hyperbolic outlandish flame opening statement.

2. Re-hashed talking point.

3. Something she heard on Glenn Beck.

4. Something she read on Prison Planet.

5. Ayn Rand reference.

6. Conclusion pulled from her tush.

And all of that followed by a feckless, non-responsive retort; OKA: obscurant deflection.

Huh... now what CAN we make of THAT?
Keys, we know that you deflect. It is what you do. Oh, and you call yourself the authority on all of it. OK.
Last edited:
von Mises? Oh my.

British Dictionary definitions for fascism
noun (sometimes capital)
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism,such as German National Socialism; any right-wingnationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian andhierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed todemocracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, thatmay be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist,authoritarian, etc
prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

Wow....fascism is right wing because it is right wing......wow......that definition is not a definition..it is the same mess that my history Professor tried to explain but failed at because they had to say fascism wasn't socialism...but couldn't explain how it wasn't socialism other than to say "Well...it is right wing....so it is right wing fascism..."

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.......

hat this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine, and not a mere piece of propaganda, becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that many of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists.

Hitler and the Nazis were not liberals. They hated liberals.

Easy enough to evidence why you are the NYLiar.

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

And, of course, they all are do.






You left out Heaven...and religion...
von Mises? Oh my.

British Dictionary definitions for fascism
noun (sometimes capital)
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism,such as German National Socialism; any right-wingnationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian andhierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed todemocracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, thatmay be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist,authoritarian, etc
prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

Wow....fascism is right wing because it is right wing......wow......that definition is not a definition..it is the same mess that my history Professor tried to explain but failed at because they had to say fascism wasn't socialism...but couldn't explain how it wasn't socialism other than to say "Well...it is right wing....so it is right wing fascism..."

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.......

hat this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine, and not a mere piece of propaganda, becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that many of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists.

Hitler and the Nazis were not liberals. They hated liberals.

Easy enough to evidence why you are the NYLiar.

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

And, of course, they all are do.






You left out Heaven...and religion...

Nah.....I only included the ones that use force, coercion, murdrer, and gulags.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Ava
von Mises? Oh my.

British Dictionary definitions for fascism
noun (sometimes capital)
any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism,such as German National Socialism; any right-wingnationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian andhierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed todemocracy and liberalism
any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, thatmay be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist,authoritarian, etc
prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism

Wow....fascism is right wing because it is right wing......wow......that definition is not a definition..it is the same mess that my history Professor tried to explain but failed at because they had to say fascism wasn't socialism...but couldn't explain how it wasn't socialism other than to say "Well...it is right wing....so it is right wing fascism..."

Fascism and communism are two types of socialism.......

hat this violent anti-capitalistic attack is genuine, and not a mere piece of propaganda, becomes as clear from the personal history of the intellectual leaders of the movement as from the general milieu from which it springs. It is not even denied that many of the young men who today play a prominent part in it have previously been communists or socialists.

Hitler and the Nazis were not liberals. They hated liberals.

Easy enough to evidence why you are the NYLiar.

Let's begin with definitions.
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....

1. Which stem from the works of Karl Marx?
2. Which is a form of command and control big government?
3. Which has no problem with genocide, actual or figurative, as an accepted procedure on its political enemies?
4. Which is based on the collective over the individual?
5. Which oppresses and/or slaughters its own citizens as pro forma (including depriving them of a living)....?
6. Which represents totalitarian governance?
7. Which believes that mandating/dictating every aspect of their citizen's lives is their prerogative?
8. Which aims for an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life

And, of course, they all are do.






You left out Heaven...and religion...

Nah.....I only included the ones that use force, coercion, murdrer, and gulags.
Boosh and Cheney come to mind....
Alexander Hamilton among others in the founders' era supported protectionist tariffs to promote industrialization.

They would have been appalled at the idea of 'free markets'.
it is not the 1700s when we were a young country, trade wars, isolationism don't work in 2015.

PC claimed the founders supported free trade. They didn't.

And you don't know if isolationism would work in 2015 since we haven't tried it.
Obama has been trying it, don't you see how the world is getting out of control?

Let the rest of the world fight amongst themselves. How much damage was done to the United States in the 19th century when we made it a point of staying out of the endless war on the European continent, not to mention other places?

"the 19th Century: endless war on the European continent"

Tell me Gilligan, what do you suppose the Euro-peons were endlessly fighting over?

Is it possible that it was the endless parade of Socialist 'ideas' which was forcing 'Hope for socialist change' on people, separating the people from their heritages and traditions? The demand for endless higher wages, in the face of endless leftist government bureaucracies demanding greater and more intrusive powers, to 'solve' the endless problems that Left-think was endlessly causing?

(Reader, how adorable is it that Gilligan comes to lament that which it is simultaneously endorsing?)

Well, genius, here's a list of the wars in Europe in the 19th century,

let's hear you prove that they were all the fault of some sort of socialist evil.

List of conflicts in Europe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No, like accusing all liberals of being communists.

Oh......you mean like accusing all whites of being racists, and Republicans of trying to stop folks from voting, huh?

Republicans do try to stop people from voting.

So THAT'S why you're know as the NYLiar!


2004 elections[edit]
BBC journalist Greg Palast obtained an RNC document entitled "State Implementation Template III.doc" that described Republican election operations for caging plans in numerous states. The paragraph in the document pertaining to caging was:

V. Pre Election Day Operations New Registration Mailing
At whatever point registration in the state closes, a first class mailing should be sent to all new registrants as well as purged/inactive voters. This mailing should welcome the recipient to the voter rolls. It is important that a return address is clearly identifiable. Any mail returned as undeliverable for any reason, should be used to generate a list of problematic registrations. Poll watchers should have this list and be prepared to challenge anyone from this list attempting to vote.[6][7]

Shortly before the 2004 election, Palast also obtained a caging list for Jacksonville, Florida, which contained a high number of African Americans and registered Democrats. The list was attached to an email which a Florida Republican Party official was sending to RNC headquarters official Tim Griffin.[7][8][9]

The Republican National Committee also sent letters to predominantly minority areas in Cleveland, Ohio. When 35,000 letters were returned as undeliverable, the party employed poll watchers to challenge the voters right to vote. Civil liberties groups challenged the RNC in a case that went to the Supreme Court, but the RNC was not stopped from challenging those voters.[10]

Similarly, the RNC sent out 130,000 letters to minority areas in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania hoping to cage voters there; Philadelphia has a majority of African Americans and votes heavily Democratic. [5]

Journalists found evidence that the RNC also attempted to use voter caging to suppress or intimidate voters in New Mexico, Ohio, Florida, Nevada and Pennsylvania and other states. For example, in New Jersey RNC officials used caging lists to challenge absentee ballots and absentee ballot requests.[10]

2008 elections[edit]
  • As noted earlier, the Republican Secretary of State in Michigan was found purging voters from voting rolls when voter ID cards were returned as undeliverable. In the court challenge, the federal judge ordered the state to reinstate the voters.[11] The judge ruled that the state's actions were in violation of the NVRA. His decision noted that there was no way to prevent qualified voters from being disfranchised as their cards may be returned as undeliverable due to postal error, clerical error, inadvertent routing within a multi-unit dwelling, and even simple misspelling or transposition of numbers in an address.[12]
  • In December 2007, Kansas GOP Chair Kris Kobach sent an email boasting, "[T]o date, the Kansas GOP has identified and caged more voters in the last 11 months than the previous two years!"[13]
  • Republicans sent out fundraising mailers to voters in five Florida counties: Duval, Hillsborough, Collier, Miami-Dade and Escambia, with 'do not forward' on the letters. The mailers included inaccurate Voter ID numbers and ostensibly confirmed with voters they were registered as Republican. The RNC declined to discuss the mailer with the St. Petersburg Times. A representative denied the mailing had anything to do with caging. "Two top Florida elections officials, both Republicans, faulted the GOP mailing, calling it "confusing" and "unfortunate" because of a potential to undermine voter confidence by making them question the accuracy of their registrations." Some officials expressed concern that the RNC would try to use a caging list derived from the mailers.[14]
  • In Northern California reports of voter caging emerged when letters marked 'do not forward' were sent to Democrats with fake voter ID numbers. The description of the letters matches the letters that were sent out in Florida.[15] See the caging letter that was sent out here. Many details on the letters were false; for example, the letters referred to a Voter Identification Division but RNC personnel said they had no such department. The RNC did not return calls from a news organization regarding the letters.
  • On October 5, 2008 the Republican (but elected on the Democratic ticket) Lt. Governor of Montana, John Bohlinger, accused the Montana Republican Party of vote caging to purge 6,000 voters from three counties which trend Democratic. These purges included decorated war veterans and active duty soldiers.[16]
  • The New York Times found in its review of state records that unlawful actions in six states led to widespread voter purges, which could have impacted the 2008 elections. Some of the actions were apparently the result of mistakes by the states' handling voter registrations and files as they tried to comply with a 2002 federal law related to running elections. While neither party was singled out, because the Democratic Party registered more new voters this year, Democratic voters were more adversely affected by such actions of state officials.[18]

As is your stock in trade.....totally bogus.

"Although liberal media support the old wives tale of GOP voter suppression by requiring identification, careful analysis shows a quite different reality:

“The findings of this analysis suggest that voter identification requirements, such as requiring non-photo and photo identification, have virtually no suppressive effect on reported voter turnout.

Controlling for factors that influence voter turnout, states with stricter voter identification laws largely do not have the claimed negative impact on voter turnout when compared to states with more lenient voter identification laws.

Based on the Eagleton Institute's findings, some members of the media have claimed that voter identification law suppress voter turnout, especially among minorities.[80] Their conclusion is unfounded. When statistically significant and negative relationships are found in our analysis, the effects are so small that the findings offer little policy significance.

More important, minority respondents in states that required photo identification are just as likely to report voting as are minority respondents from states that only required voters to say their name.”

For a thorough statistical analysis of the effect of voter identification requirements:

New Analysis Shows Voter Identification Laws Do Not Reduce Turnout

As usual, nothing you posted has anything to do with what I posted.

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