Why do you need guns?

It's clear they would not fight to protect anyone else's rights, just their own, maybe.
Why is that clear? Can you show us a single instance where a gun owner carrying let another person die in a crime? Records are full of people coming to the aid of others all the time. There is a thread here RIGHT NOW about a selfless gun owner who shot and killed a nut in a parking lot to avoid another mass slaughter.

When's the last time the right came down on the side of more expansive rights for anyone?
You're kidding, right? Do any of you leftwingnut crackpots ever say ANYTHING not absurdly stupid and false?
The gun nuts always run away from the practical aspect of their hobby. They don't need guns for anything other than to feel like they something more than just another everyday nobody.
I guess it makes them feel manly.
The gun nuts always run away from the practical aspect of their hobby. They don't need guns for anything other than to feel like they something more than just another everyday nobody.

We aren't the ones running away and we always answer your questions....you just don't like the direct answers.
There's one of the problems with the right's gun arguments. People are just supposed to accept that they are proof against tyranny with the right sounding more authoritarian every day. It's clear they would not fight to protect anyone else's rights, just their own, maybe. When's the last time the right came down on the side of more expansive rights for anyone?

All the time.....1st Amendment, Right to life, letting people keep the money they earn, freedom of religion, freedom of parents to raise their children....the 2nd Amendment....

The only tyrants in this country are on the left.
We aren't the ones running away and we always answer your questions....you just don't like the direct answers.
There's never any direct answers. Just fantasies of civil wars and other such hogwash that somehow makes all this gun violence acceptable to your type. You have no practical arguments for what is essentially a hobby.
There's never any direct answers. Just fantasies of civil wars and other such hogwash that somehow makes all this gun violence acceptable to your type. You have no practical arguments for what is essentially a hobby.

You guys really must hurt yourselves with your mental gymnastics....

We state quite clearly...we own guns to protect from criminals and from out of control government.....we give you examples of both...

Then, you pretend you didn't see them, and post dumb ass crap like that...
Why do you need guns?
I don’t need guns.
Nor do I need the right to free speech.
Nor do I need the right to vote.
Nor due process.
See where I’m going here?
A gun is a tool.
I killed a skunk with one the other day. I guess a butter knife or bat would do, but the stench was undesirable. Same applies to socialist/marxist/communist useful idiots and corrupt government lackeys who overstep their constitutional authority.
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You guys really must hurt yourselves with your mental gymnastics....

We state quite clearly...we own guns to protect from criminals and from out of control government.....we give you examples of both...

Then, you pretend you didn't see them, and post dumb ass crap like that...
When worst case scenarios are your entire argument it's hard to take them seriously. Be real, I don't care about your paranoia.
You’re projecting again.
Nope, seen it often enough among the worst big talking conservatives. They would sooner leave the house without pants than their gun just for a trip to Walmart in the suburbs. They have all sorts of imagined scenarios of fighting off invaders that will never come. How the hell did you let yourself get that frightened of the world? People with real courage can correctly gauge the actual level of danger in their daily lives and so actually enjoy being alive.
The gun nuts always run away from the practical aspect of their hobby. They don't need guns for anything other than to feel like they something more than just another everyday nobody.
You are confused.

The primary use of my firearms is to simply provide recreation. I like to shoot. It is fun, relaxing and I have developed a good social group in the firearms community.

The secondary use is defense although I doubt I will ever have to use any of my firearms for that.

The tertiary use is what our Founding Fathers established the right for; necessary for the security of a free state. Hopefully I will never have to use them for that.

Not that any of that is any of your fucking business, Moon Bat.
There's never any direct answers. Just fantasies of civil wars and other such hogwash that somehow makes all this gun violence acceptable to your type. You have no practical arguments for what is essentially a hobby.
So, you ask pro-2A folks questions -- then ignore their answers and replace them with leftist garbage rattling around in your head.

Yes, some people own guns and shoot as a hobby. Does calling it a hobby instead of an innate human right somehow make it easier for you to call on other people with guns to take the hobbyists' guns -- and the hobbyists too, perhaps -- away?
When worst case scenarios are your entire argument it's hard to take them seriously. Be real, I don't care about your paranoia.

As it turns out, you don't get a say in what other people own, unless you get enough like-minded people together and change the Constitution in the constitutionally-mandated manner.
Nope, seen it often enough among the worst big talking conservatives. They would sooner leave the house without pants than their gun just for a trip to Walmart in the suburbs. They have all sorts of imagined scenarios of fighting off invaders that will never come.
Until the day they come.
How the hell did you let yourself get that frightened of the world? People with real courage can correctly gauge the actual level of danger in their daily lives and so actually enjoy being alive.
Real courage is calling the police and hoping they show up in time?

It'd be awesome if leftists could talk without changing the meanings of words.
Nope, seen it often enough among the worst big talking conservatives. They would sooner leave the house without pants than their gun just for a trip to Walmart in the suburbs. They have all sorts of imagined scenarios of fighting off invaders that will never come. How the hell did you let yourself get that frightened of the world? People with real courage can correctly gauge the actual level of danger in their daily lives and so actually enjoy being alive.

Fantasies of being a hero like Kyle Rittenhouse.

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