Why do you support Israel


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?
I support it, going for a nice swim in the sea, but most support it because they believe, wrongly, that God gave them the land or that Israel has to be there so Jesus will return, and then damn all the Jews to Hell.
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Odd isn't it? Kinda of like they want ISIS to win...why is it ISIS hasn't attacked any Israeli targets? An army that large and brutal would be an awesome tool against Israel for sure.
Because you're an idiot.
"Christian Zionism is a belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. The term began to be used in the mid-20th century, superseding Christian Restorationism.[1][2]

Hippolytus[3] and Irenaeus[4] foresaw a Jewish return from exile, despite their unbelief. Traditional Catholic thought did not consider Zionism in any form[5] and Christian advocacy of the restoration of the Jews arose following the Protestant Reformation. A contemporary Israeli historian suggests that evangelical Christian Zionists of the 1840s "passed this notion on to Jewish circles".[6]

Some Christian Zionists believe that the gathering of the Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus. This belief is primarily, although not exclusively, associated with Dispensationalism. The idea that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, along with the parallel idea that the Jews ought to be encouraged to become Christians, as a means of fulfilling a Biblical prophecy has been common in Protestant circles since the Reformation.[7][8][9] Many Christian Zionists believe that the people of Israel remain part of the chosen people of God, along with the "ingrafted" Gentile Christians. (See [Romans 11:17-24] and dual-covenant theology.)"
Christian Zionism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And since the Jews rejected Jesus, off to Hell they go...
Shouldn't Israel be bombing ISIS? Is their vaunted air force on vacation?
Based upon what?

lol, so you agree with me that we shouldn't be bombing ISIS?

I agree that you are incapable of sustaining a dam' thing ya say. And that your deflection, cited above is a concession that, ONCE AGAIN, you've no means to sustain your assertion.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
Explain if you will.. Why do you support Israel? Only reason I have heard right or wrong.

Because they are gods chosen
Because they are our "ally"
Because they are the only "democracy" in the ME
Because I am Jewish
SO tell me why do YOU support Israel?

Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
Do you believe that? Firs time I ever heard that and its completely wrong.
Because they have as much right to live as anyone else despite what you and the other Jew haters think.
There are Jews the world around...
Lt. Col. West said it as well as anyone could, Israel is the eastern front of western civilization. As she goes, so goes the rest of the west.
What utter BS. It's six decades old and the rest the Western World, centuries.

Israel is a cancer that humanity would be healthier without.
I support them because I don't believe they should be wiped off the face of the earth something I believe some in the middle east would try if they could.

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