Why do you think it's taken over 2,000 years for Jesus to return?

What on earth does sexual repression have to do with what I said? Why did you quote it in reference to that?
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return:lol::lol::lol:

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

“Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, ‘Behold, He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out, or, ‘Behold, He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.

But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.

Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.“ (Matthew 24: 25-34)
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That doesn't explain a failed prophecy, or why it's been over two thousand years.
Why would he be in America at all? Why not somewhere else in the world?
The U.S. is the world "super power". Logically, he'd set up his kingdom at the seat of power. Israel believes Jesus was a fraud, that's why they got the Romans to crucify him. They still await "their" messiah, so I doubt they'd want him to return there. Like the cons, the Jews would probably crucify him again because of his liberal views of equality, compassion, love and caring for the poor and the elderly. The Muslims have more respect for Jesus. They believe he was a prophet, but don't believe God has a son. China is mostly one form of Buddhist or another, which doesn't believe in a God at all. Who they pray to is puzzling. India is Hindu, and they pray to a little blue dude, but claim to have the tomb of Jesus.

Just how far is it to heaven? Maybe that's why it's taken so long for Jesus to get back. Or maybe God gave up on humans and created a more perfect form of life. Let's face it, if humanity is the best God can do, that's pretty pitiful. Kind of a waste, to make billions of other galaxies without putting any life on any of them. Jesus DID say, "In my fathers house there are many mansions." Like Goldie Locks, maybe he found one that's just right.

He is not coming back until the Cubs win the world series....

....watching paint dry, watching baseball, waiting for Jesus.......thrilling!
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Why would he be in America at all? Why not somewhere else in the world?
The U.S. is the world "super power". Logically, he'd set up his kingdom at the seat of power. Israel believes Jesus was a fraud, that's why they got the Romans to crucify him. They still await "their" messiah, so I doubt they'd want him to return there. Like the cons, the Jews would probably crucify him again because of his liberal views of equality, compassion, love and caring for the poor and the elderly. The Muslims have more respect for Jesus. They believe he was a prophet, but don't believe God has a son. China is mostly one form of Buddhist or another, which doesn't believe in a God at all. Who they pray to is puzzling. India is Hindu, and they pray to a little blue dude, but claim to have the tomb of Jesus.

Just how far is it to heaven? Maybe that's why it's taken so long for Jesus to get back. Or maybe God gave up on humans and created a more perfect form of life. Let's face it, if humanity is the best God can do, that's pretty pitiful. Kind of a waste, to make billions of other galaxies without putting any life on any of them. Jesus DID say, "In my fathers house there are many mansions." Like Goldie Locks, maybe he found one that's just right.

He is not coming back until the Cubs win the world series....

....watching paint dry, watching baseball, waiting for Jesus.......thrilling!

The good news is that while we wait for hey-Zeus and/or the Mahdi to return, we can just continue to rape the planet and our environment because after all, it's not as though we should take responsibility for anything.

Whoopeeee, we're all gonna' die and since I'm going to one heaven or another, why should I care?
Why would he be in America at all? Why not somewhere else in the world?
The U.S. is the world "super power". Logically, he'd set up his kingdom at the seat of power. Israel believes Jesus was a fraud, that's why they got the Romans to crucify him. They still await "their" messiah, so I doubt they'd want him to return there. Like the cons, the Jews would probably crucify him again because of his liberal views of equality, compassion, love and caring for the poor and the elderly. The Muslims have more respect for Jesus. They believe he was a prophet, but don't believe God has a son. China is mostly one form of Buddhist or another, which doesn't believe in a God at all. Who they pray to is puzzling. India is Hindu, and they pray to a little blue dude, but claim to have the tomb of Jesus.

Just how far is it to heaven? Maybe that's why it's taken so long for Jesus to get back. Or maybe God gave up on humans and created a more perfect form of life. Let's face it, if humanity is the best God can do, that's pretty pitiful. Kind of a waste, to make billions of other galaxies without putting any life on any of them. Jesus DID say, "In my fathers house there are many mansions." Like Goldie Locks, maybe he found one that's just right.

He is not coming back until the Cubs win the world series....

....watching paint dry, watching baseball, waiting for Jesus.......thrilling!

The good news is that while we wait for hey-Zeus and/or the Mahdi to return, we can just continue to rape the planet and our environment because after all, it's not as though we should take responsibility for anything.

Whoopeeee, we're all gonna' die and since I'm going to one heaven or another, why should I care?

It is easier to see a bomb explode than a flower grow. It's still our choice.
The U.S. is the world "super power". Logically, he'd set up his kingdom at the seat of power. Israel believes Jesus was a fraud, that's why they got the Romans to crucify him. They still await "their" messiah, so I doubt they'd want him to return there. Like the cons, the Jews would probably crucify him again because of his liberal views of equality, compassion, love and caring for the poor and the elderly. The Muslims have more respect for Jesus. They believe he was a prophet, but don't believe God has a son. China is mostly one form of Buddhist or another, which doesn't believe in a God at all. Who they pray to is puzzling. India is Hindu, and they pray to a little blue dude, but claim to have the tomb of Jesus.

Just how far is it to heaven? Maybe that's why it's taken so long for Jesus to get back. Or maybe God gave up on humans and created a more perfect form of life. Let's face it, if humanity is the best God can do, that's pretty pitiful. Kind of a waste, to make billions of other galaxies without putting any life on any of them. Jesus DID say, "In my fathers house there are many mansions." Like Goldie Locks, maybe he found one that's just right.

....watching paint dry, watching baseball, waiting for Jesus.......thrilling!

The good news is that while we wait for hey-Zeus and/or the Mahdi to return, we can just continue to rape the planet and our environment because after all, it's not as though we should take responsibility for anything.

Whoopeeee, we're all gonna' die and since I'm going to one heaven or another, why should I care?

It is easier to see a bomb explode than a flower grow. It's still our choice.

I agree, RV, but when I drill down on this, there are lots of dangers.

There are elements in both Christianity and Islam which embraces the notion of a glorious hereafter. There are those whose direct beliefs on their ultimate destiny is to put into effect the very elements of the endtimes, possibly without even realizing they are doing it (subconsciously), so they simply edge closer to a conflict, oblivious to the fact that there is no ultimate paradise to ascend to and they simply cause disastrous events to occur and then sit back and watch as nations promptly blow each other up because they believe that is the worlds ultimate destiny.

I think there needs to be an acknowledgement that there are religious zealots whose direct beliefs embrace the “endtimes”, and whose actions may be to engage circumstances to accelerate those irrational beliefs.

When one’s religious belief has squashed the fundamental survival instinct common to all living creatures, and, when that religious belief has engendered the concept that our mortal lives are of diminished value and our existence is paltry time wasted prior to the afterlife, the planet is at risk.
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

Age of Aquarius started in 2012, bearer of the Water of Life.

Paul is the bearer of the Water of Life!


Ain't it weird that Patrick Stewart looks the same in the '80's as he does now?
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:
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I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

What is the scenario you foresee for the rebuilding of the temple where the mosque exists now?
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

Your first sentence opines: "you don't have to know his mind." You then proceed to instruct the readers as to the gods plans, aspirations and goals are.

It's really remarkable how religionists presume to speak on behalf of the gods.
The good news is that while we wait for hey-Zeus and/or the Mahdi to return, we can just continue to rape the planet and our environment because after all, it's not as though we should take responsibility for anything.

Whoopeeee, we're all gonna' die and since I'm going to one heaven or another, why should I care?

It is easier to see a bomb explode than a flower grow. It's still our choice.

I agree, RV, but when I drill down on this, there are lots of dangers.

There are elements in both Christianity and Islam which embraces the notion of a glorious hereafter. There are those whose direct beliefs on their ultimate destiny is to put into effect the very elements of the endtimes, possibly without even realizing they are doing it (subconsciously), so they simply edge closer to a conflict, oblivious to the fact that there is no ultimate paradise to ascend to and they simply cause disastrous events to occur and then sit back and watch as nations promptly blow each other up because they believe that is the worlds ultimate destiny.

I think there needs to be an acknowledgement that there are religious zealots whose direct beliefs embrace the “endtimes”, and whose actions may be to engage circumstances to accelerate those irrational beliefs.

When one’s religious belief has squashed the fundamental survival instinct common to all living creatures, and, when that religious belief has engendered the concept that our mortal lives are of diminished value and our existence is paltry time wasted prior to the afterlife, the planet is at risk.

Hollie, Men have looked into the future and saw calendars end and the end of the world but this is what men saw. God did not create a world and put life upon it and give that life Free Will only to destroy His creation on a given day. Man saw its destruction but God did not plan it to be so. If we destroy this planet then those men likely saw correctly but we are not those men and we have Free Will to make this day what we chose it to be. Yes, there are those, and those are many, who believe that it was God's will end the world. We have to be more and we have to be greater and God's creations will live on. Men foresaw the end but it is easier to see a bomb explode than a flower grow.
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

Your first sentence opines: "you don't have to know his mind." You then proceed to instruct the readers as to the gods plans, aspirations and goals are.

It's really remarkable how religionists presume to speak on behalf of the gods.

God told His plans, aspirations and goals to James, and Matthew, and John, and Peter. They told me. :eusa_angel:

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