Why do you think it's taken over 2,000 years for Jesus to return?


◄ 2 Peter 3:9 ►
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Could you speak up? Can't hear you.
Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Could you speak up? Can't hear you.

AFRAID to think??? Afraid to answer?? blinded and used as satan's tool,fool,puppet????
TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!
Fuck me Gis all I asked was for your thought on Father Christmas.
I wonder what would happen if I asked him if he had done the two backed rumba with a warm blooded creature.

WOW!! AS A DEBATER you are a total waste of time!!! BEGONE!!!
the proper turn of phrase is "get behind me satan", is that what Mrs Gismys says to you when you are playing bunga bunga games?

◄ 2 Peter 3:9 ►
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

the downtrodden, forlorn and crazy have been saying the end is nigh for two thousand years.

let me know how that goes for you. but in the meantime, i'd suggest you be a better person.
TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Could you speak up? Can't hear you.

AFRAID to think???

It's just so hard to hear you when you're whispering like that. Don't you have any passion at all for what you're saying?
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live. The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps, taking food from hungry children. The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year. They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

So Irish and Avatar are either trying to fool me into believing they are Christians, or they're fooling themselves. But it only matters if God buys their schick. Matthew 7:21-22

You've given yourself over to political pandering. Republicans do none of the things you mentioned above. There is no war on women, there has been care for the poor, as long as I can remember. Social Security belongs to those who have worked all of their lives and paid the gov. to safeguard their retirement. The money the government stole belongs to the workers that paid into it.
What Republicans don't agree with is slitting the necks of newborns, putting middle class America out of work. The runaway welfare program, the redistributing what little money America has left to any Muslim country with their hands out, so they can buy weapons to kill us with. Out of control spending and taxing. Lying and non-transparency regardless of party affiliation.

It never entered my mind to post here with the intention of fooling you. Enlightenment, maybe. I am here to tell you about a brother that loves you enough to pay for your sins so you won't have to. Party lines have nothing to do with it. :eusa_angel:
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Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

the downtrodden, forlorn and crazy have been saying the end is nigh for two thousand years.

let me know how that goes for you. but in the meantime, i'd suggest you be a better person.

The only people that have been saying the end is nigh for thousands of years are those unaware of Bible prophecy. Christ was very clear about what to look for concerning His return.

So the next time a downtrodden says the return of Christ is nigh, ask him if Israel has become a nation again, if knowledge has increased, is a one world government being formed, is Jerusalem out of the hands of the Gentiles, are Jews speaking Hebrew again......
If the downtrodden answers yes to the questions above, then listen to him, He's correct.
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If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live. The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps, taking food from hungry children. The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year. They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

So Irish and Avatar are either trying to fool me into believing they are Christians, or they're fooling themselves. But it only matters if God buys their schick. Matthew 7:21-22

Where does God command us to only help people through government programs?

Why should we be trusting in government instead of trusting in God?
If it walks and talks like a con, it's a con. All of your posts have been a con.

See, here is one of your problems. You equate understanding what position someone has and adopting those positions. You can't get out of this "us vs them" mentality.

◄ 2 Peter 3:9 ►
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Are you ready Gismys? Did you learn and apply Jesus' truths and live your daily life by them? Like this ultra important one--

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his ( YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

How many days have you sought YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness first?
[/COLOR][/COLOR]The door is still open--get in while you can.
Gis what are your thoughts on Father Christmas?

TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Are you ready Gismys? Did you learn and apply Jesus' truths and live your daily life by them? Like this ultra important one--

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his ( YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

How many days have you sought YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness first?
[/COLOR][/COLOR]The door is still open--get in while you can.

Seek to know GOD more each day, talk to GOD,TRY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY IN A more pleasing way to GOD THAN yesterday.
TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!
Fuck me Gis all I asked was for your thought on Father Christmas.
I wonder what would happen if I asked him if he had done the two backed rumba with a warm blooded creature.

WOW!! AS A DEBATER you are a total waste of time!!! BEGONE!!!

You really aren't in a good position to be saying that. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing rocks.
TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Are you ready Gismys? Did you learn and apply Jesus' truths and live your daily life by them? Like this ultra important one--

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his ( YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

How many days have you sought YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness first?
[/COLOR][/COLOR]The door is still open--get in while you can.

Seek to know GOD more each day, talk to GOD,TRY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY IN A more pleasing way to GOD THAN yesterday.
Gismys when you masturbate what do you fantasize about?
TIME IS UP!!! MANKIND HAS HAD THEIR CHANCE,NOW TIME IS UP!!! Judgment day is almost here!!!are you ready to meet JESUS??? Will you meet JESUS as your Lord and Savior or as your final judge??? you ""MUST"" CHOSE NOW!!!

Are you ready Gismys? Did you learn and apply Jesus' truths and live your daily life by them? Like this ultra important one--

Therefore, keep on seeking first the kingdom and his ( YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness, and all these other things will be added.( sustenance, covering, spirituality)

How many days have you sought YHWH( Jehovah) righteousness first?
[/COLOR][/COLOR]The door is still open--get in while you can.

Seek to know GOD more each day, talk to GOD,TRY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY IN A more pleasing way to GOD THAN yesterday.

Which is all for naught if one isn't serving Jesus' God and Father---for its the Father who is searching for suchlike ones to worship him in spirit and truth.

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