Why do you think it's taken over 2,000 years for Jesus to return?

I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

This from a dude that supports the destruction of Social Security for the elderly, and welfare to the poor, and destroying food stamps to hungry children, and spending it all on the war machine and welfare for the rich.
You can not be a republican and a Christian, they are opposites. You only fool yourself.
First, not a dude. Second, Republican and Christian. Third, never supported not taking care of the elderly, welfare for the poor or food for children, and lastly, never supported a welfare country that begs China for money and Washington for jobs and food. So, there ya go. :)
What is the scenario you foresee for the rebuilding of the temple where the mosque exists now?

Can't speak for Irish. But as far as I am concerned that's up to God to accomplish unless He gives me specific commandments otherwise. In the meantime, Ill focus on preparing my mind and heart.
First, not a dude. Second, Republican and Christian. Third, never supported not taking care of the elderly, welfare for the poor or food for children, and lastly, never supported a welfare country that begs China for money and Washington for jobs and food. So, there ya go. :)

Hangover seems to be of the mindset that unless you empower the government to fix problems, nothing gets fixed. There are way too many like that who don't seem to understand that God called us to minister to the needs of others, not outsource our responsibility to the government. He called us to feed the hungry and take care of the sick, not force our neighbor to.
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

The issues raised against God by satan in Eden has got to be settled once and for all time--Do we need God to direct our steps by knowing only good?--or satan says its better if we know good and bad and make our own choices. This was a direct challenge to Gods universal sovereignty--- so it will never happen again things must go to the extremes--it is almost done.
When the cries coming from this planet become so great that He can bear it no longer He will come and intervene in the one true gift He gave man, Free Will. He is not here yet. This post is in no way related to the OP.

that doesn't seem very nice.

though I suppose the question would be more valid if yeshua ben yosef were the messiah.
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

Your first sentence opines: "you don't have to know his mind." You then proceed to instruct the readers as to the gods plans, aspirations and goals are.

It's really remarkable how religionists presume to speak on behalf of the gods.

Its called mentally ill delusions
You don't have to know His mind. He tells His children what we need to know.
Christ came here to Abraham's children, as per God's promise. Had they accepted Him, He would have never left. But they did reject Him. Yet, Gentiles started to accept Him.

God has set up ages in the history of man.
The first was the age of innocence, starting with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Another age was the age of the law, starting with Moses and the exodus.
Christ left so that the age of the Gentile could be established. All ages are similar in length of time. Because of that, the age of the Gentile, that started with the resurrection of Christ and ends with His return for good, is coming to an end.
God told us that the generation that sees Israel become a nation, will see the return of Christ. Everything is unfolding exactly like He said it would prior to the return of the Messiah, Christ the Lord. Halleluiah. True peace on earth in our lifetime is at hand. :eusa_angel:

Your first sentence opines: "you don't have to know his mind." You then proceed to instruct the readers as to the gods plans, aspirations and goals are.

It's really remarkable how religionists presume to speak on behalf of the gods.

Its called mentally ill delusions

Or it could simply mean you're wrong and people actually communicate with God.
When the cries coming from this planet become so great that He can bear it no longer He will come and intervene in the one true gift He gave man, Free Will. He is not here yet. This post is in no way related to the OP.

that doesn't seem very nice.

though I suppose the question would be more valid if yeshua ben yosef were the messiah.

Sorry, did not get the reference to yeshua ben yosef. Had to look that one up. I have looked up quite a bit lately. Seems everyone has a doomsday or conspiracy theory on just about everything. I see or use terms and think nothing of it and come to find out there is this whole long line of thinking behind it, or lack thereof.
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live. The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps, taking food from hungry children. The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year. They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

So Irish and Avatar are either trying to fool me into believing they are Christians, or they're fooling themselves. But it only matters if God buys their schick. Matthew 7:21-22
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live.

While I'm not a Republican, I do not believe that their platform calls to "destroy Social Security". Care to back that one up? Where exactly is that stated in the GOP platform?

The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps,

EBT cards are up...way up. My but you're full of shit.

taking food from hungry children.

And we should take your word for this? Yea, pass.

The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year.

Many would argue Obamacare is doing that all on its own.

They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

That in their platform too?

My goodness you're a petty little man. So full of hate and spewing bullshit at every turn. You realize this means no one takes you seriously, right?
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live. The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps, taking food from hungry children. The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year. They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

So Irish and Avatar are either trying to fool me into believing they are Christians, or they're fooling themselves. But it only matters if God buys their schick. Matthew 7:21-22

Wait a second, SockGirl.

Obama twice now threatened to withhold the Social Security checks. Did you stop fluffing long enough to notice?
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

It is part of Jesus's plan to create the most desirable wine and cheese in creation!!

With it, he plans to appease even the most discriminating critic on Earth through a social gathering.
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live.

While I'm not a Republican, I do not believe that their platform calls to "destroy Social Security". Care to back that one up? Where exactly is that stated in the GOP platform?

The GOP also has been destroying aid to the poor and food stamps,

EBT cards are up...way up. My but you're full of shit.

And we should take your word for this? Yea, pass.

The cons have voted over forty times to destroy health care in the past year.

Many would argue Obamacare is doing that all on its own.

They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

That in their platform too?

My goodness you're a petty little man. So full of hate and spewing bullshit at every turn. You realize this means no one takes you seriously, right?

But you should take it seriously.
Paul Ryan has been the economic poster boy for the GOP and his plan supported the privatization of SS which would effectively end it. It would make Medicare so expensive it would force seniors into a private voucher program.
The GOP has successfully cut funding this year for children's food programs providing breakfast for schoolchildren.
These aren't theoretical. These are the concentration of the party.
If you vote republican, you are voting for the GOP platform. It's intentions are to destroy Social Security and Medicare, which will cause millions of the elderly to suffer, taking what they depend on to live.

While I'm not a Republican, I do not believe that their platform calls to "destroy Social Security". Care to back that one up? Where exactly is that stated in the GOP platform?

EBT cards are up...way up. My but you're full of shit.

And we should take your word for this? Yea, pass.

Many would argue Obamacare is doing that all on its own.

They are determined to destroy Medicaid for the poor.

That in their platform too?

My goodness you're a petty little man. So full of hate and spewing bullshit at every turn. You realize this means no one takes you seriously, right?

But you should take it seriously.
Paul Ryan has been the economic poster boy for the GOP and his plan supported the privatization of SS which would effectively end it.

Effectively end it how? Sorry, "Because I say so" doesn't cut.

Further, the returns produced by SS are ridiculously low. People would have been FAR better off putting their money into a diversified investment portfolio compared to SS. So tell us, exactly why is discussing the privatization of SS such a bad thing.

And that SS trust fund...how's it doing? Flush with cash or just more unfunded liabilities.

So far, you've not made ANY case much less a good one...:lol:

It would make Medicare so expensive it would force seniors into a private voucher program.

One, you'll have to prove that Paul Ryan's budget would make Medicare "so expensive" and two, you'll have to explain, using your own grown up words, why a private voucher program would be such a bad thing.

So far...fail.

The GOP has successfully cut funding this year for children's food programs providing breakfast for schoolchildren.

Care to point out where in the enumerated powers of the Constitution the federal government has the power to take resources from taxpayers in order to provide breakfast?

We spend more per student than just about any country in the world while producing consistently crappy results...but only if we spend just a bit more, right? :doubt:

These aren't theoretical. These are the concentration of the party

Paul Ryan is not the GOP anymore than Alan Grayson is the Democrat party. He's one guy putting forth proposals that you have yet to address with even a modicum of logic or reason. Sorry, you don't get to make shit up.
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eflatminor, first you deny what hangover says and then justify Ryan's budget. Why did you not just justify Ryan's budget to begin with?
I'm curious to see the explanations of those that think they know the mind of God.

Would you return to a place where the people nailed you to a cross?

Your question made me think of this:

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