Why do you think it's taken over 2,000 years for Jesus to return?

A bias for clear thinking and evidence based conclusions, sure.

Yes, it's falling, but it's still at record levels. That's the point. Obama has piled on more debt than all previous administrations combined!!! That this year's deficit is less than last years doesn't mean it isn't still ASTRONOMICAL. There is every reason to believe we will hit $20 trillion of debt by the end of his term...and you want to claim victory?

Your ignorance is astounding...or you're just full of shit. Maybe both? :dunno:

Uh, you see that label right below my avatar that says "Classical Liberal"?

It's not as though I or anyone else gives a shit what you believe, but I am a registered libertarian.

Fail, once again. :lol:

Not a fail in the least.
Under his administration the deficit is falling at the fastest rate in almost 70 years.

And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

As a percentage of revenue, his is nowhere near the highest spending. Not even close.
Yes, I think if I had reduced my debt from 10 cards down to 9 that would be great news.
Sorry you don't understand that each race begins with a step. You can't get to the end without beginning.
His administration has done an amazing job reducing the deficit.
Why no one seems to celebrate this, I can never understand.
Well, I do really.
A bias for clear thinking and evidence based conclusions, sure.

Yes, it's falling, but it's still at record levels. That's the point. Obama has piled on more debt than all previous administrations combined!!! That this year's deficit is less than last years doesn't mean it isn't still ASTRONOMICAL. There is every reason to believe we will hit $20 trillion of debt by the end of his term...and you want to claim victory?

Your ignorance is astounding...or you're just full of shit. Maybe both? :dunno:

Uh, you see that label right below my avatar that says "Classical Liberal"?

It's not as though I or anyone else gives a shit what you believe, but I am a registered libertarian.

Fail, once again. :lol:

Not a fail in the least.
Under his administration the deficit is falling at the fastest rate in almost 70 years.

And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

Those who look and listen and learn--then think---know its not Obamas fault---- capitalism is at fault--- 200 years==prices double--100 years prices double( for growth in capitalism) 50 years--prices double--25 years prices double--12 years prices double--6 years prices double(( we are here) the next step = disaster.

They figured a way to cut the debt in half---- dilute the dollar 50%---debt reduced 50%
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Not a fail in the least.
Under his administration the deficit is falling at the fastest rate in almost 70 years.

And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

Those who look and listen and learn--then think---know its not Obamas fault---- capitalism is at fault---

Wrong. The Federal Reserve and Congress spending beyond our means is at fault for the debt. Sorry to mess with your collectivist view there comrade.

200 years==prices double--100 years prices double( for growth in capitalism) 50 years--prices double--25 years prices double--12 years prices double--6 years prices double(( we are here) the next step = disaster.

Wrong. Before the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, inflation was FLAT...for over 130 years! Since 1913, inflation is up about 2300%.

They figured a way to cut the debt in half---- dilute the dollar 50%---debt reduced 50%

Rome tried the same shit. So did the Wiemar Republic. It never works. Hyperinflation results followed by war...every time.
Not a fail in the least.
Under his administration the deficit is falling at the fastest rate in almost 70 years.

And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

As a percentage of revenue, his is nowhere near the highest spending. Not even close.

Irrelevant. The debt is in actual dollars...dollars that must be paid back at some point. You keep skirting the real issue and that is $17.5 trillion with over $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities. It's unsustainable and we've done more to add to that number in the last 6-7 years than all the previous years of our country's existence.

That's the fact...sorry if that doesn't support your overwhelming bias.

Yes, I think if I had reduced my debt from 10 cards down to 9 that would be great news.

Tell that to the lender that cuts you off, which is always what eventually happens.

Great news would be living within your fucking means.

Sorry you don't understand that each race begins with a step. You can't get to the end without beginning.

We don't needs a "step", we need a monumental leap. Your baby steps are not enough to prevent hyperinflation and an unsustainable fiscal reality for those yet to be born. How cruel to burden the future with our largess.

His administration has done an amazing job reducing the deficit.
Why no one seems to celebrate this, I can never understand.
Well, I do really.

Since it's the Congress that holds the purse strings, can I assume you think they have done and "amazing job" too?

I say neither have done anything but add more to the debt than was ever thought possible. That it's a bit less than last year doesn't mean it isn't devastating to our fiscal future.
And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

Those who look and listen and learn--then think---know its not Obamas fault---- capitalism is at fault---

Wrong. The Federal Reserve and Congress spending beyond our means is at fault for the debt. Sorry to mess with your collectivist view there comrade.

200 years==prices double--100 years prices double( for growth in capitalism) 50 years--prices double--25 years prices double--12 years prices double--6 years prices double(( we are here) the next step = disaster.

Wrong. Before the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, inflation was FLAT...for over 130 years! Since 1913, inflation is up about 2300%.

They figured a way to cut the debt in half---- dilute the dollar 50%---debt reduced 50%

Rome tried the same shit. So did the Wiemar Republic. It never works. Hyperinflation results followed by war...every time.

Before the Fed J.P. Morgan had to bail the government out from bankruptcy personally. Twice. Unchecked capitalism through laissez-faire policies led to what unchecked capitalism will always lead to. A fiscal disaster.
GOD is outside time!!!===scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” 5 For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, 6 by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. 7 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3:9
And yet, it's still at record levels!

It's as though you're saying "Hey honey, I may have maxed out 10 credit cards last year, but I only maxed out 9 this year...isn't that wonderful?"

Well, it isn't. However you want to spin it, the fact remains that more debt has accumulated under Obama than during any other administration...more than all previous administrations combined...and he isn't even done yet!

Am I glad it's falling? Sure, but I still disgusted with the OBSCENE level of spending, which, by the way, isn't all on Obama, but everyone one of the members of Congress as well.

Those who look and listen and learn--then think---know its not Obamas fault---- capitalism is at fault---

Wrong. The Federal Reserve and Congress spending beyond our means is at fault for the debt. Sorry to mess with your collectivist view there comrade.

200 years==prices double--100 years prices double( for growth in capitalism) 50 years--prices double--25 years prices double--12 years prices double--6 years prices double(( we are here) the next step = disaster.

Wrong. Before the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, inflation was FLAT...for over 130 years! Since 1913, inflation is up about 2300%.

They figured a way to cut the debt in half---- dilute the dollar 50%---debt reduced 50%

Rome tried the same shit. So did the Wiemar Republic. It never works. Hyperinflation results followed by war...every time.

This war is coming---rev 16---- with 3 inspired expressions satan misleads every kingdom on earth( govts,armies,supporters) to stand in opposition to God at Har-mageddon. 99%--same as throughout most of the bible.
STOP being such arrogant little jerks, Humans!!

It is obvious that God has other living sentient intelligent beings living on other planets!! They are much more further along the path of spirituality than we Humans are and it is imperative for god to "settle things" with these alien life forms as well as give time to pathetic arrogant spiritually backwards little humans.

Until Humans, as a species, can spiritually grow up, Humans are beneath gods notice. So go ahead and build your temples or tear them down, God is too busy for bratty inept humans!

STOP being such arrogant little jerks, Humans!!

It is obvious that God has other living sentient intelligent beings living on other planets!! They are much more further along the path of spirituality than we Humans are and it is imperative for god to "settle things" with these alien life forms as well as give time to pathetic arrogant spiritually backwards little humans.

Until Humans, as a species, can spiritually grow up, Humans are beneath gods notice. So go ahead and build your temples or tear them down, God is too busy for bratty inept humans!


WRONG!!! GOD says not even a little bird fall to earth without Him knowing,GOD says HE HAS THE NUMBER OF HAIRS ON A BELIEVER'S HEAD NUMBERED!! God is outside of time. AWESOME!!!HUH??
STOP being such arrogant little jerks, Humans!!

It is obvious that God has other living sentient intelligent beings living on other planets!! They are much more further along the path of spirituality than we Humans are and it is imperative for god to "settle things" with these alien life forms as well as give time to pathetic arrogant spiritually backwards little humans.

Until Humans, as a species, can spiritually grow up, Humans are beneath gods notice. So go ahead and build your temples or tear them down, God is too busy for bratty inept humans!


This analogy is not meant to demean humans at all but it illustrates my point well. If one goes to a zoo one does not want to go see one animal. They want to see all the animals. As they go to each animal they want to see that animal 'do their thing', lions roar, parrots parrot, seal go down their little slide, etc. If one goes to an exhibit and the animal is mindlessly ripping their environment apart it might be interesting for a minute or two but then one would move on. This is not to say humans are amusements in a cage but that every species, every sentient planet, has its own unique qualities which are to be admired.
The vast majority of religions have failed over time, and we have every reason to believe all “modern” new fangled religions will eventually fail as well. There is no reason to believe Jesus or Al Mahdi or Zeus will ever come back and as the years roll onward and they don't return, religions will fall further and further out of favor, just like the promises of Mithras are now dust.
they will all fail except the flying spaghetti
monster religion
The vast majority of religions have failed over time, and we have every reason to believe all “modern” new fangled religions will eventually fail as well. There is no reason to believe Jesus or Al Mahdi or Zeus will ever come back and as the years roll onward and they don't return, religions will fall further and further out of favor, just like the promises of Mithras are now dust.
they will all fail except the flying spaghetti
monster religion

May you be touched by his noodly appendage.
Why would he be in America at all? Why not somewhere else in the world?
The U.S. is the world "super power". Logically, he'd set up his kingdom at the seat of power. Israel believes Jesus was a fraud, that's why they got the Romans to crucify him. They still await "their" messiah, so I doubt they'd want him to return there. Like the cons, the Jews would probably crucify him again because of his liberal views of equality, compassion, love and caring for the poor and the elderly. The Muslims have more respect for Jesus. They believe he was a prophet, but don't believe God has a son. China is mostly one form of Buddhist or another, which doesn't believe in a God at all. Who they pray to is puzzling. India is Hindu, and they pray to a little blue dude, but claim to have the tomb of Jesus.

Just how far is it to heaven? Maybe that's why it's taken so long for Jesus to get back. Or maybe God gave up on humans and created a more perfect form of life. Let's face it, if humanity is the best God can do, that's pretty pitiful. Kind of a waste, to make billions of other galaxies without putting any life on any of them. Jesus DID say, "In my fathers house there are many mansions." Like Goldie Locks, maybe he found one that's just right.

He is not coming back until the Cubs win the world series....

....watching paint dry, watching baseball, waiting for Jesus.......thrilling!

yes but paint drys and baseball game ends EVENTUALLY
It seems that the only people who claim to know the mind of god...claim they don't believe in God.

For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

Ah oh!!

To anyone not already indoctrinated into Christianity reading the above passage it is crystal clear that according to the Bible Jesus was supposed to return in the first century of the Christian Era. That has not happened. Yet the Christian religion persists with the majority of its adherents still awaiting the return of their savior. :eusa_whistle:
For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and will then repay every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.“ (Matthew 16: 27, 28)

Ah oh!!

To anyone not already indoctrinated into Christianity reading the above passage it is crystal clear that according to the Bible Jesus was supposed to return in the first century of the Christian Era. That has not happened. Yet the Christian religion persists with the majority of its adherents still awaiting the return of their savior. :eusa_whistle:

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.” (1 John 2:18)

“Do not seek a wife. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.” (1 Corinthians 7:27,29-31) :eek:
Keep waiting another million years. If Jesus existed he was just a man and aint coming back and well, there is no and. That's it. He aint coming back. It's a myth. Cult. Only 11 men believed this story and somehow they sold it around the world. IF it was even them. The bible was written 80 years after it supposedly happened. It could be all made up. Anyways, why did God put flawed Adam and Eve on earth, then get mad and not fix the problem? Because later he flooded the earth to get rid of all the assholes but then new assholes replaced the old assholes so does god make mistakes? And now he's going to come back again because we are still assholes. What a stupid fucking story.

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