Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?

Is it simply that anyone who wants to raise the upper tax brackets hates the rich - and everyone else is alright?
Whenever govt starts to do without and live within a budget then we can talk. Otherwise, screw 'em. Why should I be inclined to give more when govt is responsible for endless wars, never ending entitlements, social engineering, growing itself, etc. Really, screw the hell out 'em.
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Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?

Is it simply that anyone who wants to raise the upper tax brackets hates the rich - and everyone else is alright?

Is anyone here stupid enough to believe it will stop with taxing the rich more?

Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?
Inherently, it does not.

But, when you take 'raise taxes on the rich' and add the idea that 'hey need to pay their fair share' and something similar to 'so we can pay for all of the entitlements for the old/poor/sick', you then move into the realm of class warfare.
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?
Inherently, it does not.

But, when you take 'raise taxes on the rich' and add the idea that 'hey need to pay their fair share' and something similar to 'so we can pay for all of the entitlements for the old/poor/sick', you then move into the realm of class warfare.

You have unmasked Obama's Re-election strategy.

All he has. His policies have failed...so he has to call for more taking of wealth becuase he doesn't think he's thrown enough money at it...the Federal Government isn't in full control yet...
And the rich complaining that the poor don't pay enough - thats NOT class warfare, right?
And the rich complaining that the poor don't pay enough - thats NOT class warfare, right?

Can YOU show where that has happened? And DON'T confuse it with those of us paying the bills getting tired of carrying people that are quite able to DO for themselves...but won't for whatever reason/excuse.
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?
Inherently, it does not.

But, when you take 'raise taxes on the rich' and add the idea that 'hey need to pay their fair share' and something similar to 'so we can pay for all of the entitlements for the old/poor/sick', you then move into the realm of class warfare.

You have unmasked Obama's Re-election strategy.
Yes... in the same way you 'unmask' a Saturn-V moonshot.
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?

Is it simply that anyone who wants to raise the upper tax brackets hates the rich - and everyone else is alright?

Strawman alert.

Talking about how "the rich" don't "pay their fair share" when in fact the top 20% of earners pay about 90% of taxes in this country is class warfare. Implying that the rich got that way by screwing the poor is class warfare. Implying that the rich really don't deserve all that money is class warfare. Talking about your civic duty to pay more taxes is class warfare. Not talking about the nearly 50% of people who pay no income taxes is class warfare. Etc.
But nice try.

In any case, why did the Democrats extend the Obama tax cuts if they were such bad policy?
Because some want to argue that taxing the rich will somehow cover the 3.6 trillion dollar deficit we run while having no consequences.

Even if you added an un-avoidable 20% tax to everyone making over 250k you wouldn't even scratch the overall annual deficit. It's a gimmick to make idiots think the rich are screwing the nation when in reality it's the poor and middle class who gave away their rights and protections via the constitution by voting for big Government morons who never paid for their programs or by just not voting at all.

It’s 2012, you don’t have to be privileged to understand the country you live in or the world around you. You have more information on your desk than you could ever consume, you just have to involve yourself honestly.

Big Government Bush. Big Government Obama.
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?

Is it simply that anyone who wants to raise the upper tax brackets hates the rich - and everyone else is alright?

Is anyone here stupid enough to believe it will stop with taxing the rich more?


We already have higher tax rates on "the rich." It's called the AMT and it was introduced precisely with this argument. Now it reaches the middle class in blue states and there is a clamor against it.
All taxes designed to snare the rich eventually rich the middle class because that's where the money is.
Why does discussing tax policy make someone a class warefarist?

Is it simply that anyone who wants to raise the upper tax brackets hates the rich - and everyone else is alright?

Is anyone here stupid enough to believe it will stop with taxing the rich more?


We already have higher tax rates on "the rich." It's called the AMT and it was introduced precisely with this argument. Now it reaches the middle class in blue states and there is a clamor against it.
All taxes designed to snare the rich eventually rich the middle class because that's where the money is.

The AMT is one of the more corrupt political inventions. It serves as a perpetual bargaining chip.

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