Why does Jerry Brown say water shortage is from global warming??

. Just a few degree rise which is what has happened over the last 100 years.

dear, few is not a scientific term. What you mean to say is 1.52F degrees over the last 130 years with the last 20 showing no rise despite record high C02 on the upward leg or blade of the hockey stick.

Also, before the 130 years we came out of the Little Ice Age thus if there is a slight rise in temperature it is very very hard to prove it is man made. Couple that with Obama's lies about increased hurricanes and the case does not look strong enough to rearrange the world's economy and starve millions to death by switching to very expensive wind and sun power..
sooner or later Jerry will be blaming the migration of the pengiuns from the north pole to california on global warming, and maybe even those polar bears living on sheets of ice too.
Edwina is now stalking me. I ain't your type Edwina.

translation: as a typical liberal I lack the IQ to respond substantively.

I was voting Republican while you were on the tit.
I own 3 corporations, write big checks to GOP state and national campaigns and lobby for pro business legislation in Gold Dome.
Your milk is weak. Please tell me you have something better than "you are a liberal" in your clip.
That dog has never hunted. I live and breathe conservatism in my businesses every second.
All you offer is mother hen busy body social religious nonsense claiming that is "conservatism".
You would not know how to hire the first employee much less run a for profit corporation.
Get out of the way Edwina, wham it zero on set has pancaked you for 6.
EP team on ready for 1, KO team on the squares, 4th string D on the ready.
So we now all agree the planet is warming. Glaciers after tens of thousands of years melt because climate warms up.
there is no proof whatsoever yet he proclaims it with great confidence much like other liberals say "hands up don't shoot" and "Romney paid no taxes" with great confidence. The water shortage comes from a 60% increase in population in the last 30 years, no new reservoirs , and
letting 70% of rain water run off into the ocean.

Jerry Brown's lie seems especially egregious since, 1) it is a lie to absolve himself and liberals for responsibility for the shortage, and 2) it is a very dishonest way to promote global warming.
You didn't really expect him to say anything else did you?
there is no proof whatsoever yet he proclaims it with great confidence much like other liberals say "hands up don't shoot" and "Romney paid no taxes" with great confidence. The water shortage comes from a 60% increase in population in the last 30 years, no new reservoirs , and
letting 70% of rain water run off into the ocean.

Jerry Brown's lie seems especially egregious since, 1) it is a lie to absolve himself and liberals for responsibility for the shortage, and 2) it is a very dishonest way to promote global warming.
Why do Republicans believe in the occult?

Why do Republicans believe the earth is only thousands of years old?

Why didn't they "hate us for our freedom"?

Why does trickle down fail?

Why do women still get pregnant from legitimate rape if their bodies shut down?

Why do Republicans think emergency room health care is cheap?

There are lots of questions that need to be answered. Course some, everyone but Republicans already know the answer to.
sooner or later Jerry will be blaming the migration of the pengiuns from the north pole to california on global warming, and maybe even those polar bears living on sheets of ice too.
penguins not pengiuns live in the Antarctic.........
i was being sarcastic! of course i know penguins are in the south pole, but it was something a Democrat would say, like when one said that the constitution was written 400 years ago.
sooner or later Jerry will be blaming the migration of the pengiuns from the north pole to california on global warming, and maybe even those polar bears living on sheets of ice too.
penguins not pengiuns live in the Antarctic.........
i was being sarcastic! of course i know penguins are in the south pole, but it was something a Democrat would say, like when one said that the constitution was written 400 years ago.
sure you did....if so you would have said so,that statement reflected on you not democrats....you are the one who said it....
thats odd, i mentioned this in my jerry brown post, if we had global warming, wouldn't it be raining in California like it rains in Florida in the summer?


You are completely ignorant about the concept of CLIMATE vs. weather.

Get yourself to a library and get educated.

Then stop making ridiculously stupid posts.

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