Why does Joni Ernst hate America?


Any politician who refuses to honor our country by displaying the flag is not worth a bucket of spit

Did Obama "refuse" to serve in the United States Military?

Come on now

He is the Commander in Chief and proudly wears the flag of his country
So does Joe Biden?

Why are Republicans embarassed by their flag?

Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President
Did Obama "refuse" to serve in the United States Military?

Come on now

He is the Commander in Chief and proudly wears the flag of his country
So does Joe Biden?

Why are Republicans embarassed by their flag?

Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President

His deployment was when exactly.

How the left hates our men and women serving this great nation.
Notice how both President Obama and Vice President Biden proudly honor our country by wearing flag pins while John Boehner disgraces himself by insulting our country


Where is FoxNews on this?

Why are they refusing to call out Republicans who do not wear the flag pin? This used to be a big issue with them
Why does Joe Biden look like he just farted?
Joni Ernst Responds to SOTU By Not Discussing It At All

Notice anything in last nights GOP response to Obamas state of the Union address? GOP darling Joni Ernst managed to wear cammo shoes but refused to wear the American Flag. Does she know what country she is in? Is she ashamed to proudly wear the American Flag?

Our President proudly wears a United States Flag Pin like a real American. Why are Republicans ashamed to show the colors?

You libtards are so blatantly bigoted it's beyond belief!!!!

Senator Ernst's Shoes


The political twits got nothing better to get excited about?
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Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war.

He said he wasn't wearing it because of jingoistic assholes.

"Then I was asked about this in Iowa," Obama said. "And somebody said ‘Why don’t you wear a flag pin?’ I said, well, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I said, although I will say that sometimes I notice that they’re people who wear flag pins but they don’t always act patriotic. And I was specifically referring to politicians, not individuals who wear flag pins, but politicians who you see wearing flag pins and then vote against funding for veterans, saying we can’t afford it."

You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest.

Obama on Those Who Say He Doesn 8217 t Respect the Flag 8216 It 8217 s a Lie 8217 - ABC News
Official picture of Joni Ernst again refusing to wear a flag pin


Why is she ashamed to honor our country?

John Boehner official portrait in which he refuses to wear a flag pin


Commie sympathizer if I ever saw one. Why do Republicans hate America?

Mitch McConnell's official photo in which he refuses to wear a flag pin:


I am definitely seeing an anti-American pattern here.

They all also seem to like the red and black color scheme a bit too much. Sieg Heil!

What members of Congress are supposed to wear is: For Members of Congress Traditional Lapel Pin Serves as More Than Just a Form of Identification Roll Call Special Features Welcome Congress

I served for 20 years on active duty. I don't wear a flag pin. I belong to the VFW but never go there as it is pretty much just another bar and drunk fest. The chow is almost as bad as it was in the service.

I got pretty disgusted with the jingoistic chickenhawk fucks back here who thought flag pins made them true Americans, let me tell you.

Someone wearing cammo shoes might impress the rube civilians, but it is pandering of the worst sort. And getting hot under the collar because someone isn't wearing a flag pin is shallow chickenhawk bullshit.

All that matters to me is a person's actions. Any fuckhead can don a pin and think he is a patriot, but only a retarded fuckhead would believe it. "Oh, look. I have a pin, he doesn't. That makes me more American."

"Oh, look. She's wearing cammo shoes. That means she will do what is best for America."

There are some seriously retarded people who buy into that bullshit. You know how I know that's true? Because she otherwise wouldn't have worn those shoes and made sure you heard about it. There are people who are paid a lot of money to make sure you heard about it.

Jesus H. Christ.
Did Obama "refuse" to serve in the United States Military?

Come on now

He is the Commander in Chief and proudly wears the flag of his country
So does Joe Biden?

Why are Republicans embarassed by their flag?

Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President

You love our country like a piglet loves it's mother's tits
Flag pins are a bullshit token, but Obama had to be shamed into wearing them.

I wouldn't wear one for all the farms in Cuba.


Any politician who refuses to honor our country by displaying the flag is not worth a bucket of spit

Did Obama "refuse" to serve in the United States Military?

Come on now

He is the Commander in Chief and proudly wears the flag of his country
So does Joe Biden?

Why are Republicans embarassed by their flag?

Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

The Junior Senator said he wasn't wearing on purpose. Where did the Junior Senator from Iowa say that? Got a link?
He is the Commander in Chief and proudly wears the flag of his country
So does Joe Biden?

Why are Republicans embarassed by their flag?

Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President

You love our country like a piglet loves it's mother's tits

You lying commie bastard

You obviously do not love this country and will not rest until you have participated in its destruction. You make me sick
Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war.

He said he wasn't wearing it because of jingoistic assholes.

"Then I was asked about this in Iowa," Obama said. "And somebody said ‘Why don’t you wear a flag pin?’ I said, well, sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I said, although I will say that sometimes I notice that they’re people who wear flag pins but they don’t always act patriotic. And I was specifically referring to politicians, not individuals who wear flag pins, but politicians who you see wearing flag pins and then vote against funding for veterans, saying we can’t afford it."

You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest.

Obama on Those Who Say He Doesn 8217 t Respect the Flag 8216 It 8217 s a Lie 8217 - ABC News

The pin represents the country. He isn't wearing it as a point against the Iraq war. That someone by not wearing a US pin is a statement against only people he disagrees with is again you swallowing Democrat cum.

I don't give a shit whether he wears it or not, and he hates this country whether he wears it or not. But the obvious fallacy in the OP's post was that Republican's issue was with him not wearing a pin and it was over what he said. Obviously you didn't catch that.
Actually he didn't wear it until attention was brought to that he didn't wear it. That's what this thread is really about, isn't it big guy?

Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President

You love our country like a piglet loves it's mother's tits

You lying commie bastard

You obviously do not love this country and will not rest until you have participated in its destruction. You make me sick

I'm a libertarian communist, got it. You never do move up the intelligence scale, do you big guy?
Is it?

I always thought wearing a flag pin was important to Republicans. It received quite a bit of coverage on Fox News when a Junior Senator from Illinois was not wearing one

You can ask Republicans if they think it's important. I never heard them say that. Obama said he wasn't wearing it because of the Iraq war. I heard his policy of not wearing them was the criticize, I never heard anyone just criticize him for not wearing one.

They eight year old attacks are your preferred fare, aren't they big guy?

Unlike you, I love my country and am proud of it

I understand the message republicans are sending when they refuse to wear a flag pin. Can it be any more obvious of the contempt they hold for this great nation?

They could learn alot about respect for our country from our President

You love our country like a piglet loves it's mother's tits

You lying commie bastard

You obviously do not love this country and will not rest until you have participated in its destruction. You make me sick

I'm a libertarian communist, got it. You never do move up the intelligence scale, do you big guy?

It is not something we have not known all along about you.....America hating commie bastard ya
Well who didn't see this coming. Be they a woman vet or a black Republican. smear smear it and all she did was give a RESPONSE to the Dear leaders lies and hate

can't crawl much lower
It's all the dem lovers have. They are the party of stupid!!!
Joni Ernst Responds to SOTU By Not Discussing It At All

Notice anything in last nights GOP response to Obamas state of the Union address? GOP darling Joni Ernst managed to wear cammo shoes but refused to wear the American Flag. Does she know what country she is in? Is she ashamed to proudly wear the American Flag?

Our President proudly wears a United States Flag Pin like a real American. Why are Republicans ashamed to show the colors?

You only love America when it sends you checks of other people's money. That isn't loving America, it's loving welfare.

As for Obama, the lapel pin signifies who his bitch is, not who he loves.


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